
Oct 21, 2005
It started today and Its been on my mind both as an aviation employee and as an American. I'm going to see it tomorrow at 11am. From what I've heard its factual, supported by the families, and the actors are normal none hollywood people. The flight attendant is an actual flight attendant. If you haven't heard the "MOVIE", "UNITED FLT 93" is a reinactment of the down 911 airline that was destined for the White House and through the luck of mother nature the flight was delayed 45mins. It gave the pax on board the time needed to hear the news of the twin towers, to devise a plan of attack and take down that airplane.
I want to see it to remember why we are a fearful country at war, why I can no longer bring my kids to see a plane take off, why my family can't meet me at the airplane on arrival and why the fun in flying is solumn.
I'm certain for all the right reasons (pc) that no airline will show it but, I want them to. To remind everyone else why we are there. Why we take every little hostile Pax as a BIG problem.

Did you see it and what did you think?

To everyone personally and patrotically affected I will be thinking of you. For all you brave men and women fighting for my country and my family.....THANK YOU.
I don't plan to see it. Why in the hell would I want to relive that horrible day? No. I plan on living in the present, enjoying the kids and maybe take them to a fun movie.

The lose of friends and the complete change of an industry is all the rememberence I need....also the lose of a W-2
I dont believe that USAIRWAYS will show it and not any other airlines because I dont believe it is good to show something like that on a plane. My mother wants to see it because she feels it is owed tot he families of the 9/11/01 victims and their families. I dont know if I will take her to see it but anyways. May God Bless Each and Everyone of those families and victims of 9/11 and to each and everyone of us as well
I think Tom has a better idea with the bike ride. I truly hope that the movie flops and quickly leaves the screens. I for one will not be seeing it.

No airline will show it and why bother wondering, it just came into the theaters today, no where near being released for airlines to show yet.
Our country is big and prosperous enough to forget about what happened on 9/11, blame the cost of gas and just about every other problem on the current administration, and still is obsessed with the lifestyle of celebrities.

Anything that comes along and reminds how ordinary citizens can take control of the situation they find themselves in, without relying on a faceless government bureaucracy supposedly set up to protect them from all things dangerous, is a good thing.

There will be another attack again someday. The hero of that day will not be a federal Three Letter Agency.

Would I watch it? No. It seems the producers were striving to be factual, and I already know the facts.
Will US Airways show it? For crying out loud Einstein!! What the hell do you think?
All I did was read the topic of this thread and shake my head. :angry:
I would NEVER watch this movie. I hate movies like this especially thrillers and horror movies. That was probably the worst time in the airline industry and would hate to relive that again.
When they showed it in the news years ago and seeing those planes hit the towers and seeing all those bodies falling from the buildings. It gave me nightmares and some of my crew workers have either quit the industry or suffered depression, anxiety and anger. No thanks. This movie is not for me and no, this movie will never be shown as an inflight entertainment movie. It's not entertaining, it's more depressing. I agree! I hope it flops!
:angry: It's pretty sickening for Hollywood to re-create this. Why would I want to relive the terror of what happened that day? I think people who want to see this film is pretty sick themselves. Some of the reviews says "UNNERVING" and "EMOTIANALLY GUT WRENCHING". Why would I want to be unnerve and stressed out? I don't need acid reflux! Hollywood and anyone who wants to see this film is pretty sick! :angry: :down: :down:
:angry: It's pretty sickening for Hollywood to re-create this. Why would I want to relive the terror of what happened that day? I think people who want to see this film is pretty sick themselves. Some of the reviews says "UNNERVING" and "EMOTIANALLY GUT WRENCHING". Why would I want to be unnerve and stressed out? I don't need acid reflux! Hollywood and anyone who wants to see this film is pretty sick! :angry: :down: :down:
We all saw the real thing on 9/11 over and over again on live TV!! I was flying that horrible day, and landed just before all hell broke loose in New York City, and in Washington DC. I still have nitemares about that day. I think that this is going to open up old wounds...that haven't healed yet...and probably never will. They also said that the movie would be graphic..depicting the horrible violence those poor crewmembers, and passengers experienced. Do you really want to have those images in your head again??? Good luck!
US Airways needs to show this movie on their flights. We need more fear in this country. We need more color codes to express the danger we live with. We need sirens that will be tested at noon every day. Loud sirens that make all of the dogs in the neighborhood howl. We need to establish more government agencies that answer directly to the President. We need more federal employees to monitor our communications. We need neighborhood watches to look for people who are "strange". Fear is good.
It's exploiting an American tragedy.
I was flying that day too and was supposed to have a newyork overnight. (Thank god, my angels were watching over me and got out of my NY trip and got canada instead).
This type of movie makes our society fearful, paranoid, anxious, stressed out and depressed. That's exactly what the terrorists wants. There's already too much negativity in this world!

I wouldn't want to recreate that experience and I certainly hope it flops!!!

I'd rather watch movies that are uplifting, inspiring, fun, enjoyable and entertaining. Thank you very much!

If anyone really wants to fight evil in this world, have faith, be devoted and pray.
Nobody is mentioning the families of the heroes and victims of this flight who support the release of this film. I agree we were all impacted by the events of September 11, 2001. However, I believe that the surviving family members of those aboard UA93 probably suffered more than any of us on that tragic day.

The reality, in my opinion, is too many Americans suffer from complacency. I see this too often on the job when I have to remind a passenger why they cannot stand right at the FD door while waiting for the fwd lav, only then to have them roll their eyes at me or curse under their breath. Or the people who complain about security screening. They want to forget and move on. I have no problem with moving on...but those who forget the past are doomed to have it repeat itself.

I believe that it is never "too soon" to be reminded of what happened that day and to honor the heroes who sacrificed their lives to save our Nation's Capitol. The surviving family members from those aboard Flight 93, who certainly suffered far more than any of us, seem to agree.
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Nobody is mentioning the families of the heroes and victims of this flight who support the release of this film. I agree we were all impacted by the events of September 11, 2001. However, I believe that the surviving family members of those aboard UA93 probably suffered more than any of us on that tragic day.

The reality, in my opinion, is too many Americans suffer from complacency. I see this too often on the job when I have to remind a passenger why they cannot stand right at the FD door while waiting for the fwd lav, only then to have them roll their eyes at me or curse under their breath. Or the people who complain about security screening. They want to forget and move on. I have no problem with moving on...but those who forget the past are doomed to have it repeat itself.

I believe that it is never "too soon" to be reminded of what happened that day and to honor the heroes who sacrificed their lives to save our Nation's Capitol. The surviving family members from those aboard Flight 93, who certainly suffered far more than any of us, seem to agree.
Thank you. I was feeling pretty alone in my thinking.