Wisconsin and Minnesota: A One-Sided Political Competition

"Walker...SCHMALKER",....when you think of that ASSS HOLE, just think of the KOCHcaine brothers.
Lets do a little hypothetical exercise.
A. Bill and Melinda Gates....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ contributes  to a upstart political candidate in Washington state.
B. ' WARREN   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ contributes to a upstart political candidate in Nebraska
C. The KOCKcaine Brothers (who i believe are from Nebraska, just like WARREN)  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
contribute to a upstart political candidate from...WISCONCIN  !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now one of these scenarios has an......' Idealogical STINK '  engulfing it.
Is it ..............A...............B.....................(or)....................C  ?
Just askin'
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
"Walker...SCHMALKER",....when you think of that ASSS HOLE, just think of the KOCHcaine brothers.
Lets do a little hypothetical exercise.
A. Bill and Melinda Gates....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ contributes  to a upstart political candidate in Washington state.
B. ' WARREN   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ contributes to a upstart political candidate in Nebraska
C. The KOCKcaine Brothers (who i believe are from Nebraska, just like WARREN)  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
contribute to a upstart political candidate from...WISCONCIN  !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now one of these scenarios has an......' Idealogical STINK '  engulfing it.
Is it ..............A...............B.....................(or)....................C  ?
Just askin'
but I'm guessing you're ok with Hilliary's campaign coffers getting filled by foreign countries while sec of state?.......just asking since you brought of something stinking 
E is absolutely right regarding the impossibility of making an apples to apples comparison of WI and MN's economies.
That said, I do not think Walker is the type of person we need in national political life, regardless of his success. 
We need bridge builders to see us thru the highly divisive reality that is 21st century American life.
cltrat said:
but I'm guessing you're ok with Hilliary's campaign coffers getting filled by foreign countries while sec of state?.......just asking since you brought of something stinking
There are plenty of Hillary threads to address that question. Why not try there.
cltrat said:
but Hilliary is right? gmafb
LOL.....no hypocrisy here........all those emails and a private server in the living room, she's more than qualified.
Biden dissed her butt big time the other day....LOL
UMWA for Obama
Ms Tree said:
TX is in the hole $275 billion.  We must be doing something right.  Something like 98% of TX health care is unfunded.  But hey, the rich are getting their tax breaks so all is good in the hood.
Yeah, its surely not due to the border issue.
700UW said:
Forced union states?
Gimme a break no one is forced to be in a union unless they are in a closed shop and then they can become dues objectors.
No one should ride for free if they get the wages and benefits of a CBA, they should pay to whats germane to the contract.
Beck vs CWA and Machinists vs Whirlpool.
Not Legally. You are correct on that. Coercion exists as big labor is as thirsty for dues revenue as any government and just as corrupt. Try not joining a union in a unionized work[lace and see how it goes. Fantasy vs reality
SparrowHawk said:
Morally and ethically the tax income tax rate for all citizens should be ZERO percent. So that would be a non-issue. 
I know that Libertarians prefer to overlook inconvenient history, but the income tax is allowed via the 16th amendment to the U.S.  proposed by a duly elected U.S. Congress and ratified by a majority of the states.  It is legal.  I'll leave it to you to discuss the moral and ethical issues with your spiritual advisor.  My position is that if the U.S. Congress and a majority of the states have passed something and the U.S. Supreme Court has not struck it down, then that's good enough for me.
Kev3188 said:
America should be afraid of a Walker presidency. Anyone that compares standing up to protesters (and apparently, being shuttled in/out of the capitol via an underground tunnel counts) to ISIS is clearly not up to the task.

E-- Your son is a Marine, correct? All due respect, but to compare teachers to those he's defending us from is an insult to all of those serving.

For those of you that like to wrap yourselves in the flag, ask yourself this: do you really want someone that tried to have people arrested for exercising their 1st amendment rights in the Oval office? 

As for RTW, Walker has repeatedly stated he wasn't interested...until now. How convenient. This is a guy that will clearly put moneyed interests ahead of his constituency.
Kev, read the quote in context. If you want to accuse other people of scaremongering when it comes to organizing rhetoric, at least be informed enough to recognize it when it's coming from the unions.

There's a good reason Walker wasn't interested in pushing for RTW bill: he didn't need to. There were plenty of legislators who campaigned on the issue and got elected. They're the ones who brought the bill forward, and now it's law (until some court in Milwaukee or Dane decides to delay things by filing a challenge).

With his signature, half of the states will have RTW as settled law, including several blue states.

I don't expect it to ever hit the northeast, but then again I never expected to see it in MI or IN.

Can OH, KY or MO be far behind? IL is already considering it at a local level, as is KY.
eolesen said:
Kev, read the quote in context. If you want to accuse other people of scaremongering when it comes to organizing rhetoric, at least be informed enough to recognize it when it's coming from the unions.

There's a good reason Walker wasn't interested in pushing for RTW bill: he didn't need to. There were plenty of legislators who campaigned on the issue and got elected. They're the ones who brought the bill forward, and now it's law (until some court in Milwaukee or Dane decides to delay things by filing a challenge).

With his signature, half of the states will have RTW as settled law, including several blue states.

I don't expect it to ever hit the northeast, but then again I never expected to see it in MI or IN.

Can OH, KY or MO be far behind? IL is already considering it at a local level, as is KY.
Take it at face value or any context; at best it shows him as clearly out of touch. Let's also be clear that he didn't "stand up" to anyone; he never confronted the crowds, and never spoke. He-and his heavily armed caravan- came & went via underground tunnels.

I get that he was likely trying to dazzle the CPAC audience, but it backfired. The only silver lining I can see is that now the whole country can see how incompetent he really is...

Oh, and before someone asks, I'm no fan of Hilary; she's far too centrist for me...
jimntx said:
I know that Libertarians prefer to overlook inconvenient history, but the income tax is allowed via the 16th amendment to the U.S.  proposed by a duly elected U.S. Congress and ratified by a majority of the states.  It is legal.  I'll leave it to you to discuss the moral and ethical issues with your spiritual advisor.  My position is that if the U.S. Congress and a majority of the states have passed something and the U.S. Supreme Court has not struck it down, then that's good enough for me.
Majority of the states supported prohibition so did that make it right? Same with segregation. I'm not overlooking a blessed thing. Wrong is wrong regardless of a law. Madison writes of this in the Federalist Papers. you could look it up.
Kev3188 said:
For those of you that like to wrap yourselves in the flag, ask yourself this: do you really want someone that tried to have people arrested for exercising their 1st amendment rights in the Oval office? 
Kind of like Joe the Plumbers IRS issues after he "exercised" his first amendment rights against the liar and chief.