American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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delta had a great q3 '18..

$1.31 billion income off of nearly $12 billion in revenue for the quarter.

delta credited rising ticket prices and surging premium traffic for offsetting higher fuel costs and hurricane florence.

in a few weeks we'll hear what aa mgnt has to say.
I would encourage everyone to fill out the American Voice survey today! Let the company see how you really feel. I know I did and it was not pretty.........
Haven't you figured it out yet that the company is only concerned about maximizing profits by squeezing it's employees and passengers. Surveys?
delta had a great q3 '18..

$1.31 billion income off of nearly $12 billion in revenue for the quarter.

delta credited rising ticket prices and surging premium traffic for offsetting higher fuel costs and hurricane florence.

in a few weeks we'll hear what aa mgnt has to say.
They'll post a profit but will blame fuel prices and hurricane Florence for not hitting it's target. They'll probably ask for more cuts and belt tightening as well as increased fees to compensate for what lies ahead of us.
I would encourage everyone to fill out the American Voice survey today! Let the company see how you really feel. I know I did and it was not pretty.........

No thanks. Since it's on Jetnet, not a paper submission. I don't think you can't really voice your true feelings and be truly anonymous. Some of the language that I would want to use and opinions would probably get me in some sort of hot water.
They'll post a profit but will blame fuel prices and hurricane Florence for not hitting it's target. They'll probably ask for more cuts and belt tightening as well as increased fees to compensate for what lies ahead of us.

yeah, i wouldn't doubt that. personally? i feel they will beat estimates.

what will the company say about profit sharing? delta just added $395 million into the kitty. 2018's running total for delta employees is approx. $975 million...and there's still the 4th quarter to add to that.
You folks have an opportunity to send a loud and clear message to the company executives and are foolish if you do not do it. The lowest participation rate comes form the union work force. Participation last time was 53% if that rose to 80%+ and the results where worse than last year that will be a huge message they will have a hard time ignoring. It is anonymous but even if it where not I would it it and tell it like I see it.
it's code for america west/us air now run the world's largest airline.

when aa is down 4% a day over 2-3 days and dl is down 1.5% a day over the same time span, it's clear that institutions (buffett) are selling off..rotation out of dividend losers like aa.

aa had to raise it's dividend. this has been talked about for at least a year. aa failed to do so, hence now the stock is getting hammered. to match delta's current yield (2.81%), aal would have to go to $14.50 a share. if delta goes lower, aa would have to go under $10 a share to match dl's yield.

it's not as if aa doesn't have $$ to throw at the shareholders. last earnings, aa said they still have $1.7 billion committed to stock buy-backs; july '18 - dec '20.

if they halted the buybacks and matched delta's dividend of $1.40 a year, that $1.7 billion will pay for dividends equal to dl for about 3 years...and the stock would be in the $50s, maybe higher. aa wouldn't have to give 1 red cent more to shareholder over 3 years.
I'm not trying to prove a point or giving an analogy just a question.If you had a 100k loan at 4% and you could take that 100k and invest in say Ford that gives a decent dividend coming out to say 7 or 8%. Would you pay off the loan first or invest in the stock
I'm not trying to prove a point or giving an analogy just a question.If you had a 100k loan at 4% and you could take that 100k and invest in say Ford that gives a decent dividend coming out to say 7 or 8%. Would you pay off the loan first or invest in the stock
The problem with what American has done Al is they used in the area of 12 billion dollars to buy back their own stock. Might even be more. And looking at the stock it has investors bailing which shows a lack of confidence in mgmt.They did not make anything off this, they did it for the shareholders. And now it looks foolish with the stock tanking. They better have good earnings. Even with low interest on what they owe, the amount is so large and now fuel is up so their strategy is looking weak to say the least.
The problem with what American has done Al is they used in the area of 12 billion dollars to buy back their own stock. Might even be more. And looking at the stock it has investors bailing which shows a lack of confidence in mgmt.They did not make anything off this, they did it for the shareholders. And now it looks foolish with the stock tanking. They better have good earnings. Even with low interest on what they owe, the amount is so large and now fuel is up so their strategy is looking weak to say the least.
I believe the stock will rebound and the company will do well for years and yearsThats the key years the short term might not look great but in the long run will see.I will admit Wolf spent 350 million in a buyback we could have used that money after 9/11
You folks have an opportunity to send a loud and clear message to the company executives and are foolish if you do not do it. The lowest participation rate comes form the union work force. Participation last time was 53% if that rose to 80%+ and the results where worse than last year that will be a huge message they will have a hard time ignoring. It is anonymous but even if it where not I would it it and tell it like I see it.
When it comes to company surveys they always have the mute button engaged.
I'm not trying to prove a point or giving an analogy just a question.If you had a 100k loan at 4% and you could take that 100k and invest in say Ford that gives a decent dividend coming out to say 7 or 8%. Would you pay off the loan first or invest in the stock

if you asked this question to the money-center banks in the usa, they'd say buy ford.

they do this with the carry trade.

these banks get money from the fed at the discount rate and turn around and buy treasuries at higher rates.

unfortunately, airlines aren't on the same planet as a bank of america or jp morgan.

i know i've been harsh on lus/america west. no offense to anyone. i'm afraid these guys are in over their heads.

- the good thing is that dysfunctions won't catch up to the company until we are long gone.

- the bad news is that we have limited time windows to make money after losing huge amounts of compensation and ancillary income (profit sharing) potential looks piss-poor, compared to our competitors. really disappointing, but this industry has been a big disappointment for almost 20 years now.
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