American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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P. REZ and 1986Mekanic I am going to excuse myself from this conversation for two reasons.

1. I don't want this back and forth to derail the thread so I am terminating it now.

2. There is no challenge pointing out two obvious examples of stupidity and mental conditioning and the entertainment value of it is wearing thin.

I will close by saying it is sad you two choose to live in a propaganda fueled fantasy world playing the part of the pawn for someone else's agenda instead of recognizing that you are being taken advantage of by those that would sacrifice your future and the standard of living for future generations for their own enrichment and political power.

When your UNION, who's primary purpose is to better your compensation and working conditions, starts prioritizing headcount over the memberships standard of living that is a problem.

Let me introduce you to an old saying.

Taxation without representation: a phrase, generally attributed to James Otis about 1761, that reflected the resentment of American colonists at being taxed by a British Parliament to which they elected no representatives.

This game the Association (the international) is playing is nothing new. It is a game the rich and powerful have always played, to put themselves out of reach of reprisal or reproach.

Accepting unelected representation is about an anti American as it gets. The fact the UNION utilizes this type of government while claiming to represent the working man is nothing less than appalling.
This is the same thing the Democratic party does. Say they are for the working man, but tax people that work to death. Then turn around and give it to people who won't work.
It kills me how many of you on this forum are Republicans. The sad part is that you don’t see how stupid that makes you.
Enter the third stooge.


I was happy to walk away until a new player entered the game.

Do you see what is happening here?

This man has been so conditioned by propaganda that in his mind to vote against the Democratic party (against being defined as any deviation from that which is endorsed) is to vote against the UNION. Further he judges his own and his peers intelligence using compliance as a qualifier. You disagree with that which is sanctioned therefore you are are vacuous. Those who are are not compliant must be debased.

The UNION really did a mind job on you. At least your name is spot on. You are a paragon of your namesake sir.

I won’t even waste my time explaining it to you.
He won't waste his time explaining it to you because there is nothing to explain. His belief is built from a house of cards and deep down he knows it.

Union members that vote against union
UNIONs that take action without the consent of the membership, or did you vote for the Association?
With corrupt unions like the TWU, IAM and IBT what do you expect? When the union ideology changed from membership priorities to protecting the coffers of each respective International you get a bad reputation in the eyes of the public.
A good example is an association protecting the unborn to save dues and neglect the members that are looking to up there financial retirement potential. 401k match and contributions plus pay increase that is ready to follow a JCBA if we ever get one.
These Industrial Unions are not corrupt unless the mechanics allow them to be so. I believe the Fleet at least knows their direction while the mechanics are completely lost.
It kills me how many of you on this forum are Republicans. The sad part is that you don’t see how stupid that makes you. I won’t even waste my time explaining it to you. Union members that vote against union

And it kills me how Democrats can own firearms and support the 2nd Amendment and then vote to cut their own throat.

The sad part is that you don’t see how stupid that makes you. I won’t even waste my time explaining it to you.
It kills me how many of you on this forum are Republicans. The sad part is that you don’t see how stupid that makes you. I won’t even waste my time explaining it to you. Union members that vote against union
Old Democrats were fine, and normal. What you have coming now is socialism where the more of them are elected they will tax your employer American Airlines into oblivion, and you won't have to worry about what union you have, because you won't have a job. But they will have their money.
If your labor organization is not adapting to life in the 21st Century, you’re in the wrong one.

If your labor leaders refuse to adapt to life in the 21st Century, they need to be voted out.

One side note to LaLi:

You’ve brought up some valid points about disaffected workers, but I would just point out that a HUGE part of Right To Work being voted in has to do with the very same conditioning of opinion you also decry.

It’s always couched in gauzy feel good terms that don’t necessarily reflect its reality.
One side note to LaLi:

You’ve brought up some valid points about disaffected workers, but I would just point out that a HUGE part of Right To Work being voted in has to do with the very same conditioning of opinion you also decry.

It’s always couched in gauzy feel good terms that don’t necessarily reflect its reality.
I have no doubt that politicians and corporations employ marketing tactics to push Right to Work. However I happen to agree with the philosophy that UNION membership should not be a condition of employment and that those that find value in representation will voluntarily pay the cost. I don't want to get rid of the UNION however, I don't want to be forced to fund one as a condition of employment either. I believe over time having a "captive" audience makes the UNION ineffective.

If their representation is worth having it should not be forced upon the membership as a condition of employment. To me that is no better than extortion (pay up or else).

That being said if you would like to add more clarification to your statement you have my attention. I will read and reflect on what you have to say.
Why can't all of you just admit that you were madd at having a Black President. So you voted this Retarded AZZ Monkey into office to get even. Thank God this BB don't represent the majority of AA Mechanics. And Before you ASSume anything. I am a White American Born Man that Hate Racist people of ANY kind.
I Assume nothing I voted for Obama in 2008, didn't like what he did to my healthcare voted for Romney in 2012. Voted for Clinton in 2016, because I figured she would Govern like her husband. But if they put up a crazy socialist , or someone who will continue to pull the party left, with unlimited illegal immigration, or taxing the crap out of us, I will vote republican. I have never voted straight ticket, nor care what race someone is.
You just proved my point, Thank you. LMFAO
Whatever you have to tell yourself to keep the fantasy alive. My bet is over half of this forum is laughing at your stupidity. I know I am.

Why can't all of you just admit that you were madd at having a Black President. So you voted this Retarded AZZ Monkey into office to get even. Thank God this BB don't represent the majority of AA Mechanics. And Before you ASSume anything. I am a White American Born Man that Hate Racist people of ANY kind.
What a FINE example of virtue signaling. I mean really, bravo. That was textbook.

vir·tue sig·nal·ing
  1. the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.
People are getting disenfranchised with leftist Democrats so of course logically (in your propaganda fueled mind) that can only be attributed to racism.

Today’s politicians on both sides care nothing about the American worker they are only interested in their own power.
Either through high taxation or other non work friendly legislation.
The democratic left to me is the most harmful but the republicans have failed in many areas as well.
The one thing Trump has done is tried to bring jobs back to America and to try and stop the influx of those who cross our borders illegally.
The rate of unemployment has never been lower, you can say whatever you want about him but he has helped our country in many ways despite some of his other misgivings.

Now forget politics and let’s work on getting a good contract before we have to wait too long and our economy begins to slow or fall.
Why can't all of you just admit that you were madd at having a Black President. So you voted this Retarded AZZ Monkey into office to get even. Thank God this BB don't represent the majority of AA Mechanics. And Before you ASSume anything. I am a White American Born Man that Hate Racist people of ANY kind.

You voted for Obama because of political correctness - not unlike a lot of other suckers for white guilt or whatever. Truth is, Obama set the country back at least a decade as far as race relations. You might not like Trump, but at least he is a true American albeit not perfect, but I have no doubts as to where his allegiance lies.
These Industrial Unions are not corrupt unless the mechanics allow them to be so. I believe the Fleet at least knows their direction while the mechanics are completely lost.

You know why the International is so dead set on losing facilities maintenance, and automotive maint. headcount through attrition besides dues? They know these vote diluters were a pretty big road block for preventing AMTs from collecting enough cards to get out of the TWU.
You have to be joking. Do you remember what happen when Gary P wrote a letter to Trump about ALL of our JOBS going to South America. Let me remind you. Trump responded. THEY CAN DO THAT. Wake up dumb Azz.

Show me proof that if they allow SA workings to work on aircraft that are on the ground for 10 to 12 hours will cost one single person their current job right now?
You can’t because it’s not true. Again this is another BS excuse the union is trying to get you to believe we are loosing a bunch of jobs

I know one thing just ask all those coal workers felt about Obama when he was destroying their jobs
What was the difference when th

His Allegiance is to his MONEY. How can so many of you be so stupid. And you wonder why the company will never respect you.
All these politicians have allegiance to money. They have the best deal in town all the time. Even the ones that act like they are concerned, they are getting paid also. Things will only change when the politicians get cut off from all their deals and free benefits and have to live like us.
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