American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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May 21st , May 21st! Nice subterfuge. I reiterate that AA had already filed the suit before Samuelson ever told Isom how the cow ate the cabbage (pointing out within the confines of the RLA). If you have proof and not conjecture please supply us with it. If not then please explain your reasoning in trying to aide AA in painting my workgroup as engaging in an illegal job action. Hurt feelings that lil Jimmy left you and Phat Don to unsuccessfully fend for yourselves?

OK. Attached. Video posted on TWU YouTube with May 21st date & copy of the Complaint with date of filing on May 21st.


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Your posts still do not substantiate your implications. I see no time stamp and the WSJ reported a day earlier that AA was filing the complaint. So please explain your reasoning for such misleading assertions.
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TRO or PRO. What does it really matter ? There was and isn't any concerted effort by the unions to disrupt operations! Every AMT could work all the OT the company offers, drink 15 redbulls to work at 150% of his capabilities , and have a union rep. out on the plane whipping him like a racehorse. It still wouldn't fix the operational problems that AA finds themselves in. The facts are that SMALL MINDED IDEAS FROM A DESERT LLC ALWAYS ON THE BRINK OF BANKRUPTCY DON'T NECESSARILY WORK AT THE WORLD'S LARGEST AIRLINE!!! They are clueless on how to steer the ship. They are lagging their competitors in most all metrics. They have pissed off the vast majority of their employees from all departments with their incompetence and not to mention greed. The kingpins of this company are simply scapegoating the AMT unions for their own inability to properly run the airline in good economic times. Why do you think they filed a bogus lawsuit in a federal courthouse with a track record of siding with AA virtually every time.? Can you say Rubber stamp? Samuelson told Isom how the cow ate the cabbage AFTER AA had already filed suit. People can despise or worship the Association. doesn't matter. Because until the SMALL MINDED people running this outfit either get replaced or pull their heads out of their posteriors , the whole place will remain dysfunctional. Point the finger at the root of the problem first!
it doesnt matter until the Judge rules. Based on his preliminary, he said it was likely that the union would lose.
The company took advantage of moronic statements by the union and included blatant remarks from charlie brown that are illegal imo, and he is a district officer. And weezle was noted as an associate of samuelson "my gut feeling" due to the picture he showed on here on sameulson along with his words of ill repute that were used againsthim.
Unfortunately, weez may be the primary part of the company case and it could screw up our proposal. I tried telling weez and charlie on here to stay professional but they dumb.
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it is also likely that the union is now in further trouble due to it taking ownership of the slowdown by saying that the judge told the union to take it a little easier on american.

This last statement, imo, is devastating and crushes the union argument, even if the entire disaster is management driven.
it doesnt matter until the Judge rules. Based on his preliminary, he said it was likely that the union would lose.
The company took advantage of moronic statements by the union and included blatant remarks from charlie brown that are illegal, and he is a district officer. And weezle was noted as an associate of samuelson "my gut feeling" due to the picture he showed on here on sameulson along with his words of ill repute that were used againsthim.
Unfortunately, weez may be the primary part of the company case and it could screw up our proposal. I tried telling weez and charlie on here to stay professional but they dumb.
Exactly what position does the WEEZ hold in the TWU? None! He is just another internet blowhard fleet service clerk, such as yourself. The injunction is based on alleged actions by AMTs at the behest of the unions. What wannabees who can't stay in their own lane type shouldn't have any merit whatsoever. Unfortunately with your continuing crazy theories on here and kissing up to the company on Jetnet you are equally to blame for giving AA fodder for their false claims.
it is also likely that the union is now in further trouble due to it taking ownership of the slowdown by saying that the judge told the union to take it a little easier on american.

This last statement, imo, is devastating and crushes the union argument, even if the entire disaster is management driven.
Did you ever contemplate that the judge was asking the unions to ease up publicly pointing out the company's incompetence? Like I said before, AA filed in a federal court of their choosing. Didn't file in NY did they? Wonder why?
Your posts still do not substantiate your implications. I see no time stamp and the WSJ reported a day earlier that AA was filing the complaint. So please explain your reasoning for such misleading assertions.

What's misleading?
it doesnt matter until the Judge rules. Based on his preliminary, he said it was likely that the union would lose.
The company took advantage of moronic statements by the union and included blatant remarks from charlie brown that are illegal, and he is a district officer. And weezle was noted as an associate of samuelson "my gut feeling" due to the picture he showed on here on sameulson along with his words of ill repute that were used againsthim.
Unfortunately, weez may be the primary part of the company case and it could screw up our proposal. I tried telling weez and charlie on here to stay professional but they dumb.
Have to admit you are the picture of professional...
Technically 10 months, but not unlike all the other unions on the property - not to mention the "at will" employees - they all got new contracts and raises shortly after the merge in 2013 - so should have we. In fact, here they are starting negotiations on a second contract since the merge. For the few TWU apologists, I think everybody pretty much expected a new joint contract in 2014 - 2015 at the latest. So really, 5 years isn't that much of a reach. I know, I'm not the only one that feels that way.

The APA and APFA has timelines of 150 days then an agreement to enter binding arbitration on the outstanding issues. That contributed to their quick resolution.

We also received raises coming out of BK and in 2016 despite not having a JCBA.
Exactly what position does the WEEZ hold in the TWU? None! He is just another internet blowhard fleet service clerk, such as yourself. The injunction is based on alleged actions by AMTs at the behest of the unions. What wannabees who can't stay in their own lane type shouldn't have any merit whatsoever. Unfortunately with your continuing crazy theories on here and kissing up to the company on Jetnet you are equally to blame for giving AA fodder for their false claims.
its not for me to say. But it has NOTHING to do about a position. Obviously, the company legal professionals linked him as an associate since my "gut feeling" is that it also intercepted the pic that weez posted with him, peterson, samuelsons, and garcia.
We'll soon have all the top leaders out on the field telling everyone to go back to normal operations.

They'll hold meetings with the overnight mechanics on the Line as well as Local Boards & Stewards.

They'll be papers to sign to acknowledge they understand the TRO and they could be held responsible for any fines or be disciplined if they don't comply.

And they'll have to do that with management present.


Did you ever contemplate that the judge was asking the unions to ease up publicly pointing out the company's incompetence? Like I said before, AA filed in a federal court of their choosing. Didn't file in NY did they? Wonder why?
possible but its up to the judge to determine. Not good!
Btw i heard weez was banned or booted off this site.
No doubt.
10 minutes....contract done!
Some of us are just alot more knowledgeable.
Most of us when we hired on thought of going onto management. Then you see how they treat themselves, and say no way.
Then there are others that are just happy to be a little pull toy their whole career..
What's misleading?
So AA filed on the 21st and Samuelson had the mic on the 21st. Doesn't change the FACT that AA had already filed the suit earlier in the day BEFORE Samuelson said a 100 % legal statement. You chose to make your response as to allude that his remarks had something to do with the suit. You are trying to play fast and loose with the facts for some reason. What is your agenda? You are not an AMT. How the f**k do you know what we go through on a daily basis trying to do our job with a flawed gameplan? You act as if your all knowing when in reality you are an ex- Intl suck up banished back to actually doing the job you were hired to do. This is my last response to you on this forum because you aren't ignorant of the facts but just a punk with an agenda.
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