HEY..." DONNIE " ?

Here ya go Grampa Bears, you should do some current research before you show your ignorance with dumb ass posts, but your too stupid and infected with TDS. More wall coming this fall....

That's great...4 miles down, 1,896 more to go. Let's see....$22 million for 4 miles, Only ten and a half billion more and we TOTALLY eliminate the illegals problems. But remember....if it prevents even one illegal from voting against Trump, it's money well spent.
That's great...4 miles down, 1,896 more to go. Let's see....$22 million for 4 miles, Only ten and a half billion more and we TOTALLY eliminate the illegals problems. But remember....if it prevents even one illegal from voting against Trump, it's money well spent.
Money well spent KCFrier, you want to spend trillions on your "single payer" health care for all, including illegals. So what's a few billion right? Obammy wasted billions on his "shovel ready jobs" and nothing happened. Shut up libtards, you had your chance.

The wall will get built, as soon as the libtards get out of the way in November. Patience, TDS meds are good for KCFrier, then go on a bike ride....just watch the cars with illegals....no insurance.

Going up in SD Commiefornia too....
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Oh and KCFrier, the border wall works, ask Israel. Libtards don't want the border wall because they know that is the next Donkey Party voting block, they are already letting illegals vote in Commiefornia on city councils. It's easy to see what Donkeys want, more illegals for votes.


"So Johnson appears largely correct about the cost of the wall. How about its success in keeping people trying to cross the border illegally out?

That number checks out, too.

This month, Johnson, who chairs the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, released a report titled "Securing Israel: Lessons learned from a nation under constant threat of attack." The report came after a trip Johnson made to Israel where he met the Israeli prime minister and other security officials.

The report notes that the number of people illegally crossing the Israel-Egypt border was more than 16,000 in 2011 and less than 20 in 2016, a 99 percent decrease."
Oh and KCFrier, the border wall works, ask Israel. Libtards don't want the border wall because they know that is the next Donkey Party voting block, they are already letting illegals vote in Commiefornia on city councils. It's easy to see what Donkeys want, more illegals for votes.


"So Johnson appears largely correct about the cost of the wall. How about its success in keeping people trying to cross the border illegally out?

That number checks out, too.

This month, Johnson, who chairs the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, released a report titled "Securing Israel: Lessons learned from a nation under constant threat of attack." The report came after a trip Johnson made to Israel where he met the Israeli prime minister and other security officials.

The report notes that the number of people illegally crossing the Israel-Egypt border was more than 16,000 in 2011 and less than 20 in 2016, a 99 percent decrease."

That wall is less than 300 miles long. Ours will be almost 2,000. And a funny thing about walls....if you don't have someone watching it - people will get past it. So you need to add in the cost of security to the price tag. And how far apart should we put those guards?
That wall is less than 300 miles long. Ours will be almost 2,000. And a funny thing about walls....if you don't have someone watching it - people will get past it. So you need to add in the cost of security to the price tag. And how far apart should we put those guards?
KCFrier the security expert, weapons master, and general expert on clandestine operations. Probably never fired a .22 in his lifetime, but an expert on border security. I tell ya folks, I'm KCF impressed.

Just like his open-border libtard leaders Obammy, Hilldabeast, Bernout Sanders, KCFrier knows best....more illegals....more libtards in office.

That's great...4 miles down, 1,896 more to go. Let's see....$22 million for 4 miles, Only ten and a half billion more and we TOTALLY eliminate the illegals problems. But remember....if it prevents even one illegal from voting against Trump, it's money well spent.
When you consider the cost of education, welfare, law enforcement, and money being wired out of the money 10.5 billion is a bargain.
That wall is less than 300 miles long. Ours will be almost 2,000. And a funny thing about walls....if you don't have someone watching it - people will get past it. So you need to add in the cost of security to the price tag. And how far apart should we put those guards?
In the day of infrared cameras, motion sensors, seismic sensors, and drones security could be done at a very reasonable cost. Walls do work, your little liberal mind just can't accept that proven FACT.
In the day of infrared cameras, motion sensors, seismic sensors, and drones security could be done at a very reasonable cost. Walls do work, your little liberal mind just can't accept that proven FACT.

And Mexican's can't build rafts? How many Cubans in makeshift rafts made it 90 miles along a narrow stretch of ocean to evade Coast Guard cutters with the latest technology and set foot on American soil? Build a wall and there is a LOT of coastline for them to use.

To borrow a line from the right wing book of Armaments when debating gun control- I would rather use that money to enforce the laws that are already on the books that to build a wall that will NOT stop the problem.

Right now, the number of illegals from Mexico is dropping, and the number of Asians and Eastern Europeans is rising. Are they getting here by flying to Mexico City and then coming in from the south? Assuming your wall stops all the Mexicans, they are about 50% of the illegals. So you've spend billions and have only solved half of your problem. What's next?
And Mexican's can't build rafts? How many Cubans in makeshift rafts made it 90 miles along a narrow stretch of ocean to evade Coast Guard cutters with the latest technology and set foot on American soil? Build a wall and there is a LOT of coastline for them to use.

To borrow a line from the right wing book of Armaments when debating gun control- I would rather use that money to enforce the laws that are already on the books that to build a wall that will NOT stop the problem.

Right now, the number of illegals from Mexico is dropping, and the number of Asians and Eastern Europeans is rising. Are they getting here by flying to Mexico City and then coming in from the south? Assuming your wall stops all the Mexicans, they are about 50% of the illegals. So you've spend billions and have only solved half of your problem. What's next?
So what do you sugest K.C. Do nothing? The total number of illegals entering the U.S. from the south is increasing every day. No matter where they came from. But let's face it. No wall will stop all of them, as you have pointed out, but it's a start. You've seen what has happened to Europe with uncontroled imigration.
So what do you sugest K.C. Do nothing? The total number of illegals entering the U.S. from the south is increasing every day. No matter where they came from. But let's face it. No wall will stop all of them, as you have pointed out, but it's a start. You've seen what has happened to Europe with uncontroled imigration.
I'm sorry... I thought I wrote "I'd rather use that money to enforce the laws that are already on the books rather than to build a wall that will not stop the proble", but I see now that I wrote "that" instead of "than" and I can see how that might be confusing. And thanks for confirming my suspicions that those illegals from Asia and Eastern Europe are coming in thru Mexico.
But KC, are you saying that Trump's wall idea won't work? How could any idea of the Donald's not be perfect and fully-planned the minute it comes out of his mouth? And, to prove how well it works, he has already told a Spanish government official to build a wall across the Sahara (only 3,000 miles wide) on land that is part of other sovereign nations not controlled by Spain to solve their illegal immigrant problem. Like our wall plan, the Donald said nothing about the source of personnel to guard the wall, and the cost of those personnel.

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And Mexican's can't build rafts? How many Cubans in makeshift rafts made it 90 miles along a narrow stretch of ocean to evade Coast Guard cutters with the latest technology and set foot on American soil? Build a wall and there is a LOT of coastline for them to use.

To borrow a line from the right wing book of Armaments when debating gun control- I would rather use that money to enforce the laws that are already on the books that to build a wall that will NOT stop the problem.

Right now, the number of illegals from Mexico is dropping, and the number of Asians and Eastern Europeans is rising. Are they getting here by flying to Mexico City and then coming in from the south? Assuming your wall stops all the Mexicans, they are about 50% of the illegals. So you've spend billions and have only solved half of your problem. What's next?
Except the laws are NOT being enforced are they?

The left is undermining our laws. Sanctuary cities and plans to include them in socialized healthcare programs (Medi-Cal is a fine example) are proof of that.

Don't talk to me about enforcing immigration laws when the leftist have all but refused to cooperate to enforce them.

Instead of preaching to me about enforcing immigration laws go preach to your fellow leftist.

The fact is you can "if, could, and but" this to death. All the sidestepping in the world will not change the fact that walls are effective. They work around homes, they work in prisons, and guess what, they will work on the border to.
Gotta love this.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report in February 2016, stating that 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States are paying annually an estimated amount of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes, "on average an estimated 8 percent of their incomes.

So, they pay a whole 1058.18 a year in state and local taxes.

How much do you think it cost to educate their anchor babies?

You think it cost more than 1058.18 a year?
Except the laws are NOT being enforced are they?

YOu might not have noticed, but "the left" is the minority in both houses of Congress, and they aren't in the white house. So...instead of enforcing the laws, let's spend billions on a wall.