2015 Pilot Discussion.

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Even if the Nic (or even Nic +) is awarded to the West, Leonidas is still a dismal double failure. They are a failure because they should have secured the Nic ten years ago (if they should have had it all along). And they are a failure because it was their unending and unfruitful lawsuits that gave management the excuse they needed to withhold any contract improvements for ten years

The stagnant fishbowl water stinks to high heaven, courtesy of Leonidas, the double failure (even if Leonidas finally gets the Nic now, it has been a double failure for ten years). And USAPA has been a success for ten years, regardless, for the same reasons. Double winning.
Phoenix said:
Even if the Nic (or even Nic +) is awarded to the West, Leonidas is still a dismal double failure. The are a failure because they should have secured the Nic ten years ago (if they should have had it all along). And they are a failure because it was their unending and unfruitful lawsuits that gave management the excuse they needed to withhold any contract improvements for ten years

The stagnant fishbowl water stinks to high heaven, courtesy of Leonidas, the double failure (even if Leonidas finally gets the Nic now, it has been a double failure for ten years). And USAPA has been a success for ten years, regardless, for the same reasons.
So what, now if it's the Nic we've lost?  I've been hearing from east guys, no Nic, and I'm below third listers.  What happened?  Did the real list come out?  :huh: The fact is, we've all lost from this ongoing seniority battle.  Even the company.  This company may have profited financialy from it, but it's done tremendous damage to the culture here.
Beancounter said:
So what, now if it's the Nic we've lost?  I've been hearing from east guys, no Nic, and I'm below third listers.  What happened?  Did the real list come out?  :huh: The fact is, we've all lost from this ongoing seniority battle.  Even the company.  This company may have profited financialy from it, but it's done tremendous damage to the culture here.
I don't think anyone in management has lost one minute of sleep over the $1 billion they saved in crew costs due to the conflict over the NIC.
Beancounter said:
So what, now if it's the Nic we've lost?  I've been hearing from east guys, no Nic, and I'm below third listers.  What happened?  Did the real list come out?  :huh: The fact is, we've all lost from this ongoing seniority battle.  Even the company.  This company may have profited financialy from it, but it's done tremendous damage to the culture here.
The self appointed 2004 hires prevented Leonidas from being successful. It was always an overreach. The courts repeatedly refused to fulfill the dreams of the 2004 hires. But they have their integrity Tshirts and Liberty ties!! That counts for something.
Phoenix said:
The self appointed 2004 hires prevented Leonidas from being successful. It was always an overreach. The courts repeatedly refused to fulfill the dreams of the 2004 hires. But they have their integrity Tshirts and Liberty ties!! That counts for something.
If you say so, then it must be true (not really).
A320 Driver said:
I don't think anyone in management has lost one minute of sleep over the $1 billion they saved in crew costs due to the conflict over the NIC.
Yup. The USAPA-faithful can standem proud that they cheated all LUS pilots out of that $$ AND better work rule/ vacation / time off. Idiots.
cactusboy53 said:
Yup. The USAPA-faithful can standem proud that they cheated all LUS pilots out of that $$ AND better work rule/ vacation / time off. Idiots.
And all you have to show for it is your new psycho Susie Edwards.
cactusboy53 said:
Yup. The USAPA-faithful can standem proud that they cheated all LUS pilots out of that $$ AND better work rule/ vacation / time off. Idiots.
So it sounds like you underestimated the resolve of the east pilots. They told you at the beginning that their seniority was not for sale. No nic. Idiot.
cactusboy53 said:
Yup. The USAPA-faithful can standem proud that they cheated all LUS pilots out of that $$ AND better work rule/ vacation / time off. Idiots.
You are so delusional, nobody out east is complaining Dorothy,.......seems all the whining is from the west AFO club, do I need to put the fishbowl letter up?

Those one year captains and new hires in wide body's I'm sure feel very "cheated"

You're making yourself look as bad as Susie.

You hang in there son...... It will be over very soon
Pi brat said:
Hey cb, how about getting USAPA's money? How's it going?
You know even if they get the 5 mil that's only about 1/3 of the total dues money they paid in over the last 9 years and that's not including their Leonidas or tie money donations. I wonder if the ARBs looked at it as their consolation prize for not getting the nic???

Nic or nothing has been expensive huh CB? To me it was worth it. What gets me is that you are still going to be old and junior after this is all over. So why do you get so worked up over it?
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