2015 Pilot Discussion.

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I'll never get a chance to fly with either one of ya, but pretty sure it would be a checklist only sort of thing.

One of you old dust farting East guys stayed in my crash pad. Dude used to smear boogers on the wall. I got to scrape them off with a paint scraper and spackle over it before I sold the place.

Quitting the industry was better than continuing to work at Pushing Stool Airlines, waiting for the flow to never materialize.

You guys are assholes and I don't envy you anymore. For this I am glad.

Sounds like Metroyet. Speaking of Metro- Seems he and his portly wife are scared about the Virgins taking over the top spot in the AS SLI.
Poor Metroyet is seeing the table getting turned on him, as the Virgins have a deserved chance in slotting in HARD above him. Reverse Nic for the poor lad. Karma......

Must be a real tough life flying that Airbus with autothrottles.

Oh "Lordy, Lordy!...May the saints preserve us!" Sigh...It seems we've yet another "internet tough guy"/would-be-"Ace" now posting who's mommy bought him his "PYLT"s license. "Gentlemen: This is serious!"...."We must do something about this immediately!" Harrumph, Harrumph...;)

Umm...I didn't get any immediate "Harrumphs" there..."You better watch your azz!" ;)

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Its hard to own your own place on $10 bucks per hour at PSA.

Sigh...Sounds like a purely "personal problem" of your own. Would a "group hug" help?...Or perhaps a full set of Crayolas, a Teddy bear and a "Safe Space"? Even given your obviously pitiful financial circumstances you needn't abandon all hope though: https://www.walmart.com/browse/sports-outdoors/tents/4125_546956_4128_887708_5147

You guys are assholes and I don't envy you anymore. For this I am glad.

As am I glad for you. You've clearly made enormous strides in your personal development to be so fully free of personally pointless envy.

Forgive me for being almost hopelessly bored with your sorry sort nowadays. I confess I did for a moment foolishly hope that A330"PYLT" might actually step up to the plate after all that creature's insanely typical "interent tough guy" bragadoccio, but it sadly seems you kids are just completely full of nothing more than oral flatulence and infantile fantasy....Oh!...and "boogers" of course. I'd hardly wish to disrespect your Shakespearean "wit" without properly crediting that eloquent prose. Such as you and A330PYLT are now supposed "Pilots" these days? Wow!...What's next; surplus chimpanzees from the nearest zoo?...Which might actually mark a significant improvement, come to think on it a moment. ;)
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Say the word lil man and we can make it happen. ....

OK, "the word" was said "lil man" and personal page interaction produced only the following, while in public chat you've done nothing more than run away completely. How exactly did your "we can make it happen" bs so quickly run away?

A330PYLT "educate me man seriously"


1) Let's begin with your desired wager amount...? Realize that "education" very rarely comes without cost. Convince me you're serious for starters.
2) Ask specifics with something at least approaching sensible intent. "educate me man seriously." fails to impress ...

What's it to be punk?

A330PYLT "Well now heres the thing on that, see ive never done this type of flying where clearly you have so this gives you a bit of an edge." Well, neither have I ever spent any time in some infantile Fantasyland circle-jerk of self-styled "spartans", so you've the clear advantage there kid/"PYLT"...

Seriously though: What so quickly happened to all that utter nonsense of yours A330"PYLT"?..."None of you have the balls to say any of this garbage to me personally as you hide like little rodents behind the safety of a keyboard and screen."...?

As always, I must again thank the self-styled "soldiers" of AWA's mighty "spartan"..umm... "army" for apparently perpetual laughs, although I have long hoped at least one such idiot would actually/finally step out from "Sparta"/Fantasyland into the real world for at least a moment's fun.

"see ive never done this type of flying"? Either a man can actually FLY or he can't....Period. There is no just "this type of flying" for anyone even farcically imagining themselves a "PYLT" as you strangely do.....Period.

Sigh...I guess "Say the word lil man and we can make it happen" was every bit as much a total BS joke as are you? 2nd Chance: Please prove me wrong. You can't even begin to imagine how bored I am and have been this last whole decade with you pathetic "spartan" punks, or should I quote "Battle tested Knights"/"Soldiers"/Dire Wolves"...or perhaps (and far more accurately) just sad little Tinkerbelles? I withdraw that last, since obviously unlike you; Tinkerbelle actually knew how to fly. ;)
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I'll never get a chance to fly with either one of ya, ...

That's truly crushing, but as noted above: Such as you and A330PYLT are now supposed "Pilots" these days? Wow!...What's next; surplus chimpanzees from the nearest zoo?...Which might actually mark a significant improvement, come to think on it a moment.https://www.google.com/search?q=copilot+checklist+pic&tbm=isch&source=iu&pf=m&ictx=1&fir=9xqqNemEnGEpyM%3A%2CrcOxviKJ58_YOM%2C_&usg=__t1e2jtznDH3Tjc3gBOunv3mdl5s=&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi9r6r-rMTXAhUJ74MKHcKvBbsQ9QEIKDAA#imgrc=9xqqNemEnGEpyM:
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Ray is universally loathed on the 330. The door episode was hilarious. " Knock knock, who is there?"
"Bang bang, who is there?"
Oops! I broke the door..........

Everyone on the 330 is hoping that Ray's next berserk outburst will not happen on their flight. His hyperactive style is certainly not being helped by excessive caffeine and sugar intake. Can't say he hasn't been warned.

The link between between diet and strange, antisocial behavior has been firmly established in law since the groundbreaking "Twinkie Defense" case years ago.

One can only wonder why Captain Duane Giroir's attorney didn't play the Twinkie card after his numerous arrests. At 5'6" and 230lbs., this legal strategem would likely have been a winner for Duane. Any jury would have seen that he has excessive Twinkie consumption written all over him.

The link between between diet and strange, antisocial behavior has been firmly established in law since the groundbreaking "Twinkie Defense" case years ago.

One can only wonder why Captain Duane Giroir's attorney didn't play the Twinkie card after his numerous arrests. At 5'6" and 230lbs., this legal strategem would likely have been a winner for Duane. Any jury would have seen that he has excessive Twinkie consumption written all over him.

View attachment 12209

Previously covered sir: "Such....are now supposed "Pilots" these days? Wow!...What's next; surplus chimpanzees from the nearest zoo?" While American Airlines of long ago wasn't anywhere on my list of acceptable employment with their "B" Scale/Eat their young" BS...I must honestly wonder WHY anyone would've EVER taken an AWA job at ALL, save only from presumably total desperation? One can only imagine the "interview" process: "Candidate clearly had a pulse, was actually able to walk into the room mostly up right and immediately swore an oath to be willing to work for a few cans of cat food"...? ;)
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That's truly crushing, but as noted above: Such as you and A330PYLT are now supposed "Pilots" these days? Wow!...What's next; surplus chimpanzees from the nearest zoo?...Which might actually mark a significant improvement, come to think on it a moment.https://www.google.com/search?q=copilot+checklist+pic&tbm=isch&source=iu&pf=m&ictx=1&fir=9xqqNemEnGEpyM%3A%2CrcOxviKJ58_YOM%2C_&usg=__t1e2jtznDH3Tjc3gBOunv3mdl5s=&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi9r6r-rMTXAhUJ74MKHcKvBbsQ9QEIKDAA#imgrc=9xqqNemEnGEpyM:

No reason to be a virtual dick about it. I don't want to fly with you. I jump seated enough on the Jewish Jalopy back in the day. You're the type of ape that forces a younger ape to crack its nut and then steals what is left of it. Its not surprising you are here spewing your vociferous diarrhea.

Dry out your eyes now. Zip up your pants. Tell dariencc thanks and shut the fukk up already.
Ray is universally loathed on the 330. The door episode was hilarious. " Knock knock, who is there?"
"Bang bang, who is there?"
Oops! I broke the door..........

REALLY TOM????? By whom, YOU??? Im so so hurt that you are mad at me but it will all be over for YOU soon AUG will be here B4 you know it. I just LOVE your lies about that door, next it will be kicked it off its hinges and broke the lav door in the process hitting an unsuspecting flight attendant in the process. Ur a joke man but you make me laugh. Hey Tom since your FO RETIREMENT is fast approaching I thought I would hook you up https://www.delwebb.com/
This is a great area for you old guys, they have daily activities and even docs on staff should you fall and break a hip. 8 more mos MAN can you stand it????
No reason to be a virtual dick about it. I don't want to fly with you. ...

Once more I must confess to be fully crushed. It would have at least been amusing to see the true depth of mindless drool that must attach to all around you whenever you're stuck seated in one place for any length of time, although I'd hate to ever inflict such on any cleaners.

"You're the type of ape that forces a younger ape to crack its nut and then steals what is left of it."? At least you do seem to know your place. ;)
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