252 Ways BaRack Has Destroyed America!

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KCFlyer said:
I think you may have found the newest "beer chugging" game.  For every time you see "just like Bush" or "supported Bush", you have to chug a beer.
Naw....though it would be nice for you and your Libtard friends , along with BaRack to accept responsibility, JUST ONCE, for one of his many screws ups, instead in of blaming Bush!

But,.that's cool because, again, next year when a Republicans sitting in the WH , EVERYTHING, that goes wrong will be blamed on BaRack, for the next 8 years! Have fun!
southwind said:
Naw....though it would be nice for you and your Libtard friends , along with BaRack to accept responsibility, JUST ONCE, for one of his many screws ups, instead in of blaming Bush!

But,.that's cool because, again, next year when a Republicans sitting in the WH , EVERYTHING, that goes wrong will be blamed on BaRack, for the next 8 years! Have fun!
A republican in the white house in 2016?  Dream on.  But you all won't have time to blame anything on Obama....your time will be occupied with Benghazi for the next 8 years. 
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  • #6
KCFlyer said:
A republican in the white house in 2016?  Dream on.  But you all won't have time to blame anything on Obama....your time will be occupied with Benghazi for the next 8 years.
Who you got? Bernie? Hitlery? Brahahaw....

So much for the party of diversity....an old white guy and an old white hag!
KCFlyer said:
A republican in the white house in 2016?  Dream on.  But you all won't have time to blame anything on Obama....your time will be occupied with Benghazi for the next 8 years.
What, is Hildabeast gonna campain from her prison cell? She won't be able to vote either when she is a felon. Maybe Obammy can change that law too with another illegal EO. He seems to love helping criminals and terrorists.
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KCFlyer said:
Like I said....all we are in for is 8 more years of Bengahazi.
So your saying Hitlery will only get an 8 year prison sentence for Benghazi?
What about it's email scandal?
southwind said:
So your saying Hitlery will only get an 8 year prison sentence for Benghazi?
What about it's email scandal?
Hmmm...you all seem pretty sure that the rebpublicans are going to win in 2016.  I wonder what you'll be thinking the first Wednesday in November.
KCFlyer said:
A republican in the white house in 2016?  Dream on.  But you all won't have time to blame anything on Obama....your time will be occupied with Benghazi for the next 8 years. 
I wouldn't count your chickens too soon. There is a black movement to boycott the Oscars due to no black representation, I'm now hearing they may also boycott the democratic elections this year.
KCFlyer said:
Hmmm...you all seem pretty sure that the rebpublicans are going to win in 2016.  I wonder what you'll be thinking the first Wednesday in November.
I haven't made any predictions just pointing out how you're pretty smug given the people you're counting on.not quite as arrogant as Bears but close and enough to get heckld like he will be if it don't happen.
so maybe the question is what will you be thinking come November
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  • #14
delldude said:
I wouldn't count your chickens too soon. There is a black movement to boycott the Oscars due to no black representation, I'm now hearing they may also boycott the democratic elections this year.
Too bad demorat party isn't diverse!
KCFlyer said:
Like I said....all we are in for is 8 more years of Bengahazi. 
No, if we lose it'll be 8 years of impeach Mata Hari.
KCFlyer said:
Hmmm...you all seem pretty sure that the rebpublicans are going to win in 2016.  I wonder what you'll be thinking the first Wednesday in November.
The ball starts rolling in a week or so, lots will happen between now and November. You and George Soros seem to think Hillary is a slam dunk.
Millennials seem to favor the stoner commie for some odd reason. They like the free crap but haven't been working long enough to see who pays for it yet.