a little for everyone, except!

With how bad we are operating and the things we are doing to our customers, I would hardly say that the passengers are making out with anything.
It's too bad all the crybabies on here can't debate like adults, probably the reason why there is no intelligent debate on this site anymore. Be a little more open minded.

Believe it or not, you are a commodity, your labor is just another line on the balance sheet. If you really want to know what is happening to your jobs, maybe ask some pointed questions and follow-up, rather than bash those that don't agree with you. You may just learn something.

In my humble opinion, airline employees will p*ss and moan all summer, with the effect of making every airline a pain to fly. The sympathy you seek will disappear in a heartbeat.

As for me, when the industry removes the human factor altogether, travel will be a much more enjoyable burden to bear. Bring on the pilotless drones...
"In my humble opinion, airline employees will p*ss and moan all summer, with the effect of making every airline a pain to fly. The sympathy you seek will disappear in a heartbeat."

The vast majority of you unimaginably self "entitled" idiots seem to believe you have a "right" to fly at 500 miles an hour to your destination in relative safety, but yourselves cannot even decently parallel park a car...I'm not interested in your "sympathy"..try driving, walking or taking the bus next time. I no longer "need" this job..I simply still enjoy flying, and the smiles of appreciative passengers are a blessing. Putting up with your tired kind of crap makes me question the wisdom of seeking out those with the smiles. The good thing being?=Any ONE of those makes up for a thousand of YOUR sort :lol: ..and that keeps me going.

"As for me, when the industry removes the human factor altogether, travel will be a much more enjoyable burden to bear. Bring on the pilotless drones..."

Works for me...and you seem personally fully aware of what it takes to "think" like a "drone"..except that you MAY actually have some sense of self preservation.
It's too bad all the crybabies on here can't debate like adults, probably the reason why there is no intelligent debate on this site anymore. Be a little more open minded.

Believe it or not, you are a commodity, your labor is just another line on the balance sheet. If you really want to know what is happening to your jobs, maybe ask some pointed questions and follow-up, rather than bash those that don't agree with you. You may just learn something.

In my humble opinion, airline employees will p*ss and moan all summer, with the effect of making every airline a pain to fly. The sympathy you seek will disappear in a heartbeat.

As for me, when the industry removes the human factor altogether, travel will be a much more enjoyable burden to bear. Bring on the pilotless drones...

you want debate , you want reason , it's hard to reason when your hungry and depressed all the time ....
Americans are getting #### on by down sizing and cost cutting , by out sourcing and importing .... What you see now in this day and age is the small snowball at the top of the hill , and it's started rolling . After the housing market in this country implodes your going to see times like you've never seen them before ...Of course things will rebound for a few months after house prices start to slide and people will "buy cheap " but they will have no one to sell those houses too ... alot of people are going to end up in BK court ,not to mention our country is going to go broke due to social security, and our over seas investors are going to dump the dollar like it's the plauge ...
I think my point is our country has been selling it's self off for too long , losing jobs that actually MAKE things , jobs that pay well ...pensions , etc.... the begining of the end is near , well for the economy that is ... just a feeling i have .
It's too bad all the crybabies on here can't debate like adults, probably the reason why there is no intelligent debate on this site anymore. Be a little more open minded.
Frankly I havnt seen anything to debate,yet.I didnt know this was a debate forum.But one thing is for sure,your not a union employee of this fine airline.And being not one I dont think you,have a say in the problems here.

You are no more than the person who cant figure out that your bag is causing the bin door not to close. :shock:

May you get the middle seat for life,lol....next to 2 smelly goat herders....lol
Oh yea,
I can hear it
A330 the "Big Weinie"
E190 the "Lil Weinie"
737 the "Pounder"
757 the "Foot Long"
I can hear it...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The A330 would have to be "The Big Daddy's Weinie (is) Heavy"
E190 I would call "Baby Weinie"
A319-"Little Wienie"
a320-"Cheese Filled Weinie"
A321-"Can't Live up to Expectations, Weinie" or " Pre-Me Weinie"
B767-"Momma Weinie"
And all the Express Divisions
"Microwave Weinie's"
:up: :lol: :lol:
the only thing they ever gave out at america west was a big ole helping of SHAFT ...

Who's the black private dick
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right!

Who is the man that would risk his neck
For his brother man?
Can you dig it?

Who's the cat that won't cop out
When there's danger all about?
Right On!

They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft.

He's a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman

QIK try, I'm sure someone can do better:

Who's the President who is a d*ck
and runs an airline catering to hicks?
Ya damn right!

Who is the man that turn his back
On employees and customers for a bunch of cash?
Can you dig it?

Who's the prick that won't come out
With disintegration all about?
Right On!

They say this cat Kirby is a bad mother
I'm talkin' 'bout Kirby.

He's an evil man
and no one likes him but his puppet man
Scott Kirby!
QUOTE(qwerty @ May 14 2007, 06:35 PM)

It's too bad all the crybabies on here can't debate like adults, probably the reason why there is no intelligent debate on this site anymore. Be a little more open minded.

You are no more than the person who cant figure out that your bag is causing the bin door not to close. :shock:

May you get the middle seat for life,lol....next to 2 smelly goat herders....lol
I know when you were typing you thought of it but you could not say it
One thing is missing. Would you like to think it may someday come back or improve. Are you one of the select few who have it?
How about a retirement? Truly were not entitle to that because???????
How about a couple of wives(not at the same time).
It's too bad all the crybabies on here can't debate like adults, probably the reason why there is no intelligent debate on this site anymore. Be a little more open minded.

Believe it or not, you are a commodity, your labor is just another line on the balance sheet. If you really want to know what is happening to your jobs, maybe ask some pointed questions and follow-up, rather than bash those that don't agree with you. You may just learn something.

In my humble opinion, airline employees will p*ss and moan all summer, with the effect of making every airline a pain to fly. The sympathy you seek will disappear in a heartbeat.

As for me, when the industry removes the human factor altogether, travel will be a much more enjoyable burden to bear. Bring on the pilotless drones...

Your the human we'd love removed!!
you need to get in on some transcon flying...on my last flight, there were several employees circling the Four Points pie leftovers...

sky high states: You got that right. US1. USAirways, no longer cares that it provides CREW MEALS for it's flight crew/flight attendants. Between short ground times and cleaning of the aircraft, buying FOOD in the terminal is moot. Imagine working 4 to 5 LEGS in ONE day, all 50 minute turns..making it a 12 hour day. SQUEEZE in your daily nourishment. Huh?

only stating opinions.
sky high states: You got that right. US1. USAirways, no longer cares that it provides CREW MEALS for it's flight crew/flight attendants. Between short ground times and cleaning of the aircraft, buying FOOD in the terminal is moot. Imagine working 4 to 5 LEGS in ONE day, all 50 minute turns..making it a 12 hour day. SQUEEZE in your daily nourishment. Huh?
only stating opinions.
I'll take 50 minute turns over 3.5 hour sits any day. And nobody EVER ate the crew meals anyway.

And, BTW , you won't be "squeezing" into anything if you keep eating that Pecan Pie. Oink!

Just say no, ladies!

It's too bad all the crybabies on here can't debate like adults, probably the reason why there is no intelligent debate on this site anymore. Be a little more open minded.

Believe it or not, you are a commodity, your labor is just another line on the balance sheet. If you really want to know what is happening to your jobs, maybe ask some pointed questions and follow-up, rather than bash those that don't agree with you. You may just learn something.

In my humble opinion, airline employees will p*ss and moan all summer, with the effect of making every airline a pain to fly. The sympathy you seek will disappear in a heartbeat.

As for me, when the industry removes the human factor altogether, travel will be a much more enjoyable burden to bear. Bring on the pilotless drones...
You are HIRED