A New Round Of Mid-atlantic Classes...


Aug 20, 2002
Received a Certified Letter this Morning offering a Bid on upcoming Classes for Mid-Atlantic scheduled for January, February, March and April.

Just wondering if anyone has any information regarding where the "new hires" would likely be based?

Light Years...where have you been? Haven't seen you in quite some time...
flyguy121 said:
Received a Certified Letter this Morning offering a Bid on upcoming Classes for Mid-Atlantic scheduled for January, February, March and April.

Just wondering if anyone has any information regarding where the "new hires" would likely be based?

Light Years...where have you been? Haven't seen you in quite some time...

Congratulations. Letters were apparently sent to those who bid for training in the last round, but didn't get called due to the cancellation of classes. I don't know if this has anything to do with opening the FLL focus city/hub. Until further announcement of a new base, I think the MAA recallees can count on PHL or DCA.
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DCAflyer said:
Congratulations. Letters were apparently sent to those who bid for training in the last round, but didn't get called due to the cancellation of classes. I don't know if this has anything to do with opening the FLL focus city/hub. Until further announcement of a new base, I think the MAA recallees can count on PHL or DCA.

Thank you.

Actually, that's exactly what my Letter said...that I was being contacted because I bid the Last Round, but was not awarded a Training Class. The verbage on this Letter changed a bit from the last one, also stating that if you were to be awarded a Class and then cancel for any reason whatsoever, that it would be considered a Permanent Pass unless extenuating circumstances were involved and the details of that circumstance would have to be reviewed and approved by the company.

According to a posting on the Hub, base transfers for February are being offered. DCA is up 92 slots, PHL is down 73 and PIT is down 19. So I would say that, barring something like a FLL base opening, the chances are pretty high that these classes will be DCA based. I don't understand why PHL is losing so many, unless the company is trying a single-base approach for MAA and this is the beginning of that.

This whole thing has me wondering if the company has tentatively lined up financing for those seven 170's sitting in Brazil and these class offerings are to staff those. Have you heard whether or not a lot of people are leaving MAA after training?

I can understand the verbiage in the letter about cancelling training. In classes past, there have been a lot of no shows. I don't blame the company a bit for trying to counter that.

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DCAflyer said:

According to a posting on the Hub, base transfers for February are being offered. DCA is up 92 slots, PHL is down 73 and PIT is down 19. So I would say that, barring something like a FLL base opening, the chances are pretty high that these classes will be DCA based. I don't understand why PHL is losing so many, unless the company is trying a single-base approach for MAA and this is the beginning of that.

This whole thing has me wondering if the company has tentatively lined up financing for those seven 170's sitting in Brazil and these class offerings are to staff those. Have you heard whether or not a lot of people are leaving MAA after training?

I can understand the verbiage in the letter about cancelling training. In classes past, there have been a lot of no shows. I don't blame the company a bit for trying to counter that.


I was a bit surprised also to hear PHL losing 73 positions. from what I hear, many are sitting around and not flying much though. Oh well...it does look as if the majority (at least for the first few classes), will most likely be assigned DCA. This definitely makes me hesitate and think twice about it, because I really don't want to relocate from the Philly area to DCA. :(
My roommate got her letter today also. I don't know what to advise her. Should she wait until after January to go to class to see how the whole flight attendant strike/TA/CHAOS thing goes down? Does anyone have any advice? I told her I would wait until at least February but who knows. :unsure:
Three letters for ya D-C-A.

There will be 73 "transfers" (read: displacements) from PHL and 19 from PIT to DCA. This does not include the new classes, which will ALL go to DC.

Every few months MAA opens a new base and transfers everyone there. I'm not sure where all of this flying out of DC is going to, but the company did get a special exemption to fly the 170 under "Express" slots" at DCA.

Considering no-shows a permanemt pass is a good thing. If you don't want to be there, don't hold the spot from someone does.

Congrats to those recalled!
The wording of this letter is tricky to say the least. I think what they are saying in regard to class cancellation is that if THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT cancels his/her class date then they shall be deemed to permanently pass all MDA training. At least that's what I am reading. So, if MDA cancels a class because of aircraft orders or something, it won't mean you permanently passed. If that makes sense.
Light Years said:
Three letters for ya D-C-A.

There will be 73 "transfers" (read: displacements) from PHL and 19 from PIT to DCA. This does not include the new classes, which will ALL go to DC.

Every few months MAA opens a new base and transfers everyone there. I'm not sure where all of this flying out of DC is going to, but the company did get a special exemption to fly the 170 under "Express" slots" at DCA.

Considering no-shows a permanemt pass is a good thing. If you don't want to be there, don't hold the spot from someone does.

Congrats to those recalled!

I don't see it that way. I think rather than displace people from PHL they would just process the transfer requests and, if they don't get enough, force base all January and February MAA classes there. It is supposedly very easy to commute if you are a MAA f/a. Granted, you would have to get a crash pad. But I think the likelihood of a lot of people actually relocating is very slim. You can always try it for three months and if commuting doesn't work for you and you don't get the PHL base by the time you've been flying for three months, you can always quit and retain your mainline seniority.

USAirBoyA330 said:
The wording of this letter is tricky to say the least. I think what they are saying in regard to class cancellation is that if THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT cancels his/her class date then they shall be deemed to permanently pass all MDA training. At least that's what I am reading. So, if MDA cancels a class because of aircraft orders or something, it won't mean you permanently passed. If that makes sense.

That's the way I read it, and that seems to be what is happening now. The folks who requested training during the last round are being given another chance BEFORE the company goes back through the seniority list for its second run. In essence, the people who got letters this week will be given three bites of the apple rather than two, which, under the circumstances is fair.
DCA opened this month, and only 20 people voluntarily transfered there. Even the attraction of holding a block and being closer to CLT didn't tempt people to DC, which is not one-leg commutable from most places and is expensive. Transfers were offered for January as well, and no one bit. That's why they are taking it into thier own hands.

The next couple classes will be DCA, period, on top of everyone that is being displaced there. Most of the PHL base are commuters anyway, so the crash pads will all just move to DC. Like mainline, the MDA PIT F/As are all PIT-heads, so you may see a few quit from there rather than risk being away from the burgh.
Air conditioned said:
My roommate got her letter today also. I don't know what to advise her. Should she wait until after January to go to class to see how the whole flight attendant strike/TA/CHAOS thing goes down? Does anyone have any advice? I told her I would wait until at least February but who knows. :unsure:

Light Years, do you have any advice? Do you think the January deadline for CHAOS or whatever to happen should steer someone away from bidding a January class?

Also, with all of these "displacements" to DCA, what is the chance of any new arrivees to ever get a block?
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Air conditioned said:
Light Years, do you have any advice? Do you think the January deadline for CHAOS or whatever to happen should steer someone away from bidding a January class?

Also, with all of these "displacements" to DCA, what is the chance of any new arrivees to ever get a block?

My feeling is this...

If you are already in DCA and wish to fly then what have you got to lose?

However, if accepting a job with MAA requires you to relocate or get a crash pad, then it may not be in one's best interest to do so.

On a personal Level, If I were confident in the knowledge that I would be Philly based, I would give it further consideration despite the low pay, crappy benefits and disorganization that I hear abounds at MAA.

Everything I see, read and hear points to DCA which means a "PASS" for this Furloughed F/A. I'd rather see what happens with the F/A T/A and the proposed "buyout"...because if that passes, it very well could be US Airways "Mainline" calling back in the not-too-distant future. Of course by then, we'll most likely be worrying about being based in DCA, BOS or LGA...but that's another story...
I did see that PHL is losing 70 something and PIT 19 That adds up to about the 90 somthing they are looking to get in DCA. Now My question is I've been looking on crew trac and there is nothing about the word "displacement" all they talk about is "transfer", are they actually going to make the PIT and PHL F/A go to DCA even if they don't put in a transfer. I know some will be very pissed if that were to happen. I am also considering taking it cause its an easy comute to LGA for me aboard the shuttle. I looked at the numbers and where I stand, if there is not a massive transfer or displacements I have a very very good chance of holding a block in DCA which is just fine for me. Already my senority in JAN holds a block, but I put in Oct. as first option well and I didn't get called cause of the chap. 11 filing. But my senority was reached so I most definitly know I'm in on Jan if I choose. Now are there any more 170's being delivered in the near future???
GroundedBoricua said:
Now are there any more 170's being delivered in the near future???


I'll stick my nose in where it doesn't belong.....

I've seen nothing definitive on 170 deliveries. The deal with GE calls for 31 70 to 90 seaters to be leased from them, but nothing spells out whether they will be CRJ's or EMB's.

The deal with Bombardier calls for us to purchase and take delivery of 3 CRJ-700's by the end of Jan, which I assume will become a sale/lease back deal with GE as part of the 31, but that's just my speculation.


ps - the 7 170's financed by Embraer (the one's already here, not the one's sitting down there) are still being negotiated under section 1110, so it is not even definite that they'll be around long although part of the deal with GE is the sale to them and lease back of some RJ's.