December Will Be Bad News Month At American

TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003
Look for station closings, management lay-offs 3%, Fleet Service layoffs, and at least 500 rif'd from Tulsa.

Philly, Hartford, Houston and more cut to the bone.

If AA enters Bankruptcy, AFW and MCI will be closed and outsource of maintenance will begin.

December will be a month full of bad news as AA tries to get cost in line with those that no longer have to pay their bills.

The Bankruptcy threat is now on the table again.

I wonder where CIO is? Maybe he could provide better news. Something like the without further ratification restructuring agreement concessions saved 12,000 jobs and three maintenance bases. How about it CIO, you got the good news for us? You sure have been quiet lately!

Informer the magnificent?
Look for station closings, management lay-offs 3%, Fleet Service layoffs, and at least 500 rif'd from Tulsa.

Philly, Hartford, Houston and more cut to the bone.

If AA enters Bankruptcy, AFW and MCI will be closed and outsource of maintenance will begin.

December will be a month full of bad news as AA tries to get cost in line with those that no longer have to pay their bills.

The Bankruptcy threat is now on the table again.

I wonder where CIO is? Maybe he could provide better news. Something like the without further ratification restructuring agreement concessions saved 12,000 jobs and three maintenance bases. How about it CIO, you got the good news for us? You sure have been quiet lately!
I'm hearing a lot of the same here about December...also word of a consulting group involved at looking at the whole maintenance operation compared to others. Report to be released in a few weeks.
This is expected. With the company meeting with the TWU about contract items, the timing is right on schedule.

It just kills AA to stand by and see all those other airlines shafting their employees.
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This is expected. With the company meeting with the TWU about contract items, the timing is right on schedule.

It just kills AA to stand by and see all those other airlines shafting their employees.


Not Hardly!

The TWU in Tulsa has a letter which they claim prevents anyone from being RIF'd due to working together, continuous improvements, and the pajama party.

Now, the word is that Tulsa is a minimum of 500 heads over manned.

:shock: Now that is conflicting information, but accurate!
It is no secret that Tulsa is overmanned and the TWU is quite content to keep it this way in order to preserve dues flow, we will see more wage concessions in order to save jobs, even though we have no work for these individuals.
They may try to pull another sabre, five years of flight benes and see ya to maintenance. To be spun off to a more "efficient" model. New uniforms and you can even keep your locker.
Look for station closings, management lay-offs 3%, Fleet Service layoffs, and at least 500 rif'd from Tulsa.

Philly, Hartford, Houston and more cut to the bone.

If AA enters Bankruptcy, AFW and MCI will be closed and outsource of maintenance will begin.

December will be a month full of bad news as AA tries to get cost in line with those that no longer have to pay their bills.

The Bankruptcy threat is now on the table again.

I wonder where CIO is? Maybe he could provide better news. Something like the without further ratification restructuring agreement concessions saved 12,000 jobs and three maintenance bases. How about it CIO, you got the good news for us? You sure have been quiet lately!
I saw the Cio here lurking the other night. I must not be safe to come out yet. No new predictions or lies from the sewer connected twu news reporter.

Yep, 'ol Cio moved on to be Jim Do-littles' chief-of-staph (infection that is) in his bid for the twu International Secret De-coder Ring President for Las Vegas Booze and Lazi-Affairs. :huh:
So what we've learned from this thread is that productivity improvements at TUL have resulted in excess staff and that the company and the union are in agreement that the savings should be gained through attrition. Why would that lead one to believe that December will be any different?
As a side note, a Bear Stearns analyst on CNBC this morning was reporting that he belived that AMR would turn a profit in 2006 with crude at $60/barrel and a crack spread of 20.
Could someone explain to this uninformed US person where all this is coming from? I thought you guys were out of the woods and that Chapter 11 wasn't an option. I guess I have had enough going on at US. God, I hope you guys don't go that direction. I know you have given alot, but try not to let your company fall the way of everyone else.
Could someone explain to this uninformed US person where all this is coming from? I thought you guys were out of the woods and that Chapter 11 wasn't an option. I guess I have had enough going on at US. God, I hope you guys don't go that direction. I know you have given alot, but try not to let your company fall the way of everyone else.

In this business they are always claiming poverty. This way the employees cant ask for raises.
I believe the maintenance bases are fixing to be "DALFORTED". When I hired in at Braniff 2, I had a Braniff employee badge and our maintenance base at Love Field was part of Braniff Airlines. A few months after I got there, all of sudden we were Braniff Aviation Services. A few months more we had become DALFORT Aviation Services. Then in 1988 all of sudden Jay Prikster(owner of Braniff+Hyatt Hotels) sold the airline off to other investors. We then lost our flight privileges, our health care was reduced drasticly, and the Teamsters(who had resisted it before) agreed to a new "B" scale wage of $9.00/hr for mechanics(THANKS TWU).

I think it is inevitable that this is the exact future of the maintenance bases at AMR. AA gets rid of overhaul and the TWU keeps the dues flowing in.