Employee Morale

How would you rank morale at USAirways?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mediocre

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not as bad as it seems

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Poor

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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:D Dilligas,

Regarding your previous post....

I am on the floor laughing... It made my night.
I don't get on this board as much as I used to,so please forgive my ignorance.How far up the proverbial food chain is Flyonthewall? Is he any relation to DanceswithWolves? ;)
flyonthewall said:
The malcontent commentaries on this board only represent a small minority of the employees within the company. The vast majority (28,000) continue to endorse this management team. The public can be assured that US Airways' does not have a morale problem.
I beg to differ, you are dreaming! Explain to me why everyone I know in the maintenance department is thinking in terms of after U, Hmmm?? The ones not thinking it are acting right this very minute, getting their ducks in a row to move on from this once good company. It was once good before the current union busting crowd arrived, spewing lies and deception of labor friendly “sincerely Daveâ€￾ crap. Employees are working under duress, with many taking pills to cope, and some actually doing themselves in! If you don't believe this, look no further than the EAS department and ask them. Malcontent you say, when people don't behave or respond to lies and deception from people of NO honor; no honor to the point where powerful politicians are calling “sincerely Daveâ€￾ a scoundrel. All this and you say the vast majority does not have a problem. LOL I think YOU are the one with the big problem. You are in total denial of what is actually happening to this once great place to work, a company that has turned into a place people wish they could leave behind as soon as possible. I assure you the public knows there is a problem and we as labor will make sure they continue to realize the realities. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and make my day.
I dont know what flyonthewall has been smoking (just kidding) but come visit some of the "expressed" stations and see the C**P we have to put up with.
I'm certainly no "malcontent" and what I've been seeing and hearing in the crew rooms is not very cheery. In all my time here, I've never seen morale this low and have to commend my fellow employees for hiding it so well while in public view. We are professionals. :up:

There are so many emotions in play; we are tired, scared, worried and sick at heart about what's happening to our company. My blood pressure is elevated to point I'm back on meds. I've been considering an early retirement, as much as I would miss all my friends here.

Another employee told me there's been 20 suicides in the last two years. Any one know if that's true?


I can tell you as sure as I am sitting here, there are more f/as on psychotropic medication than I have ever witnessed before. The PIT AFA President had to take over the EAP in her base as those who were trained have either quit or gone off on furlough.

She keeps count of those that are reporting anxiety disorders and depression and has them coded to maintain their anonymity. Those f/as who feel unsafe have to be removed from active duty, and need to seek outside services. There are distinct behaviors that go along with these emotional disorders that I will not put on a public board.

Its pretty bad out there. I don't really know of a quick solution. But some one up top needs to recognize this. I believe management needs to get involved and relax some of the "heavy handed" policies they have put in place. They need to either retrain their lower managment team on employee relations, and bring in an Industrial behavioral psychologist to clean up this mess.

Dave needs to start acting sincere in his actions; not words. He needs to MOVE AWAY from the issue of "outsourcing" work ASAP. Stop furloughs, and offer the Voluntary Furlough Program. Fix the Sick policy, and work with his employees by taking steps to inspire the leadership who inturn can inspire their group.

Dave needs to meet with all the LABOR leaders and think together of a fix to the deterioration of the employee spirit and morale here. The grievances need to be resolved that can be resolved outside of arbitration. AND STOP WITH THE BLATANT DISREGARD OF THE CONTRACTS THAT DO EXIST. If he needs to get rid of some Senior mangement who have these ideas that punitive action is the only way to handle employees....then, they need to be cleared off the property. He needs to recognize who his asset people are; and who have now become a disability to him, because those very folks are disabiling the work force. It takes a great leader to see and focus on these types of issues and endeavor a resolve.

In order to fix a problem, one must recognize a problem exists. From there we need to meet together or with individual labor groups to help restore and rebuild what is ailing the employees. I can tell you, the issue of wages IS NO ISSUE. The problems are much deeper than that. Employees can not continue to work in fear of losing their jobs, either by termination or furlough. They are really starting to get sick now; emotionally which leads to physical as well.

Otherwise, we are all doomed here and will continue on the downward spiral to oblivion. Sadly, the customer is noticing the poor customer service and the lack of focus from up top in initiating policies that provide quality customer service and gives the employees the tools and resources to perform and provide the best service possible
flyonthewall said:
The malcontent commentaries on this board only represent a small minority of the employees within the company. The vast majority (28,000) continue to endorse this management team. The public can be assured that US Airways' does not have a morale problem.

The pollsters picked Dewey to beat Truman. The reason they were wrong was they relied on a phone poll. At that time many people did not have a phone, thus the pollster's sample was skewed towards those with resources. Obviously, many folks without a phone voted for Harry.

A recent Harvard Business Review pointed out a similiar problem occurring with web based reviews and polls. The sample self-selects those who have access to computers and the skills to use them; i.e. the technically proficient.

Given that, it is not a stretch to extrapolate that those employees on this board are in the upper percentiles vis a vis their peers.

Malcontents? Hardly. We just have the inconvenient habit of thinking for ourselves.
Dea Certe said:
There are so many emotions in play; we are tired, scared, worried and sick at heart about what's happening to our company. My blood pressure is elevated to point I'm back on meds. I've been considering an early retirement, as much as I would miss all my friends here.

I for one can attest to that.
I am fairly young and have been living with the continuing "threat" of losing my job since 9/11. That's not even mentioning the threats from this management. Anyway, my point is that I had been having chest pains and thought....Oh Heart Attack..heart problems etc. NO, I had gone to my doctor to find out that I am only under "EXTREME STRESS". There is NO other stress in my life at this time. My blood pressure to is much higher than it ever was.

You are right! It is not about the wages anymore. It is about the morale and the way this management treats it's employees.

Escaped furlough number 7. Only 2 more lives left :(
USFlyer said:
ACrazy8 said:
USFlyer said:
As a frequent passenger, this has been my read as well. No one is really "happy" per se, but many are semi encouraged the airline even still exists.
What is the first business of one who practices philosophy? To get rid of self-conceit. For it is impossible for anyone to begin to learn that which he thinks he already knows.
Epictetus (55 AD - 135 AD), Discourses
Hey Dude -

Lighten up. I never said I knew anything about morale. All I said is my read after talking with folks is things are not as bad as expressed on this board. Honestly, my discussions are no more scientific than the poll here. It's just observations. And, my involvement is more than just a frequent passenger. I'm very good friends with a number of employees. But, again, my talks with a few people are just that, talks with a few people. So lighten up already ... sheesh.
you talkin' to me? :up:
Flyonthewall said: "The malcontent commentaries on this board only represent a small minority of the employees within the company. The vast majority (28,000) continue to endorse this management team. The public can be assured that US Airways' does not have a morale problem."

Utterly astounding statement!

I rest my case that this management hasn't a clue how to run this airline.

To even make the statement is simplistic nonsense. If he actually believes the statement he is a fool.

I am actually hoping for a battle on the airbus outsourcing. It will be the beginning of the end for this hopeless management team. The sooner the better.

I am not going to add comments on peoples feelings on a public board as they have been very well spoken.
But I will say our management should talk to the workers I talk to & take the 2am phone calls as I am an EAP Coordinator for DL141(Fleet Service)
As an International flight attendant I can assure you that morale has never been lower.
If you were hired after 1989, you are being sent back to domestic on January 1st. Our international flights NEVER leave ontime. We are understaffed, the food has gone way down hill especially the "Daves Donut" we serve as a breakfast to Europe. Our Business Class is used to assist with overbookings and we have the lowest of the low sitting up their next to the few business men we have left flying on us.
Flight Attendants are popping pills more than I have ever seen and to top it all off we are now selling headsets to Europe!! Im sure the Star Alliance will welcome us with open arms.
Thanks dave, you have made a great career, a nightmare. I am just waiting for my furlough letter.
Being Senior does not make you a good flight attendant. A CSD program and Purser program is way overdue
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