Everyone Is A Winner!


Aug 19, 2002
Everyone's a Winner!


September Results: Everyone’s a Winner!

October 5, 2005

Dear US Airways employees,

This month, it’s a privilege to congratulate the new US Airways team on an outstanding September performance. In the former America West and US Airways operational incentive programs, we exceeded the operational goals, meaning US and AWA employees earned the monthly payout. This is no small accomplishment considering September’s challenging weather conditions, not to mention our focus on the merger. Congratulations!

Details of each former airline’s respective program – and the month’s details – are below. Employees will receive their bonus checks as they have in the past, meaning AWA employees will receive an additional check by the end of the week and US employees’ bonuses will be on their next paychecks.

Introducing the New, Combined Program: "Hat Trick"
With September behind us and the merger officially closed, we have established a new US Airways monthly operational incentive program. We’re calling it "Hat Trick," which hockey and soccer fans will recognize as the term for scoring three goals – because that’s exactly what we’re setting out to do as a combined company.

Keep in mind, we must continue to report two sets of statistics to the Department of Transportation (DOT) while we are operating on two certificates; however, the program is for all mainline employees and is a collaborative effort.

Hat Trick payouts will be based on the combined company’s on-time performance, mishandled baggage, and customer complaints. Each month, we will calculate our combined company’s A14 ranking (arrivals within 14 minutes of schedule) according to DOT statistics. We’ll then compare that number to all other major airlines (American, Delta, Northwest, Continental, United, JetBlue, Southwest, Alaska and Air Tran). If we end up in top three, all employees will receive $50.

But it gets even better. If we are in the top three in each of A14, mishandled baggage, and customer complaints, employees will receive $100 for that month. The new program is effective immediately, meaning you’re already working toward your October payout!

Payment details have yet to be determined; however if (or when) employees earn their bonus for October, we’ll announce specifics at that time. Daily A14 results will continue to be reported in US Daily, and the DOT report is generally made public via the DOT’s web site (www.dot.gov) within the first few days of each month.

Now, back to last month, and the separate programs. Following are September’s details, broken down by airline and specific goal.

America West: Departure Zero
Goal: 65 percent
Employees exceeded our Get on board 2005 goal by two full percentage points. We ended September with a Departure Zero (meaning flights push back on time or early) of 67.0 percent, beating our D0 goal of 65.0 percent.

We also continued our trend of impressive A14 performance, finishing September with an A14 of 81.9 percent.

America West: DOT Customer Complaints
Goal: Less than 10
In the second part of AWA’s Get on board incentive program – single-digit customer complaints sent to the DOT – we fell slightly short. The goal is to only receive single digit complaints (nine or less), but unfortunately AWA finished the month with 13.

US Airways: A14
Goal: 82 percent or top ranking
US Airways mainline exceeded its A14 goal for the month with an impressive score of 87.2 percent, so employees will receive their well-deserved payout for the month. US Airways’ program alternately allows payout in the A14 category if the airline has the top ranking within its "peer group" (AA, CO, DL, HP, NW, UA) for the A14 goal, as measured by DOT statistics; however this month’s payout stems from the 82 percent goal.

Separately, the DOT tracks statistics for US Airways Express (including only the wholly-owned carriers, Piedmont and PSA), so their employees work under a separate program, with the same goal. Like mainline, employees receive a bonus if their monthly S14 performance reaches the goal of 82 percent. In September, Express ran on-time exactly 82 percent of the time, meaning employees will receive their payout.

US Airways: Passengers Arriving Without Bags (PAWOB)
Goal: Five per 1,000 customers
The mainline operation also exceeded its Passengers Arriving Without Bags (PAWOB) goal of five per 1,000 passengers with a score of 4.5 per 1,000. In addition to these outstanding results, on September 28, 2005, US Airways had its first zero cancellation day since December 30, 2004.

On the Express side, unfortunately, we missed the baggage goal with 8.4 per 1,000 passengers arriving without their bags.

As always, thank you for your hard work and we look forward to developing and reaching our incentives together in the future.

Jeff McClelland Al Crellin
Executive Vice President, Administration Chief Operating Officer
We're getting $50 this week!!! See Tad I told you you'd like this better than cookies and cheese. We've gotten 2 or 3 so far this year. Welcome to the New USAirways!!!
drifterreno said:
We're getting $50 this week!!! See Tad I told you you'd like this better than cookies and cheese. We've gotten 2 or 3 so far this year. Welcome to the New USAirways!!!

I like the new combo plan "hat trick and get a $100 bucks"!
That would be sweet to get every month and it can be done!
At AWA we used to be 9th or worse. We have beaten SWA in OTP every month but once (or twice) this year!
If US raises the perfomance bar it doesn't take long to turn around the customers attitudes and that has a huge effect on the frontline employees!
Let's see, how much is that after taxes? That should get me right back where I was before the LAST paycut...... :p
nycbusdriver said:

Who needs a pension??

$100 bucks to you cock-pitters is nothing.
$100 bucks to an agent means he can actually take the wife out to eat for a change.
$100 bucks to an agent who has been forced to go back to part-time, means he might postpone being kicked out of his home one more month.
(I don't know what it means to other groups.)
RedOne said:
$100 bucks to you cock-pitters is nothing.
$100 bucks to an agent means he can actually take the wife out to eat for a change.
$100 bucks to an agent who has been forced to go back to part-time, means he might postpone being kicked out of his home one more month.
(I don't know what it means to other groups.)
means I can go to work next week cuz now i have some gas money....
It's amazing that this tread could turn negative. You get extra money for great performance and you complain. I just nothing will ever go right at US
jcw said:
It's amazing that this tread could turn negative. You get extra money for great performance and you complain. I just nothing will ever go right at US

You're right.

I apologize for the comment.

My $100 will go to charity. And not after taxes.
Damn, I had to read and re-read the $$$$$..

Nice! :up:
It is a nice change of venue!

Get the OLD A$$ESS out of US!!!
jcw said:
It's amazing that this tread could turn negative. You get extra money for great performance and you complain. I just nothing will ever go right at US

You're right! I was waiting for someone to point out that wages are a mandatory bargaining item for the unions and, by offering performance bonuses, the company is violating the RLA since it is negotiating wages with the employees instead of the union!


HR Diva
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nycbusdriver said:
My $100 will go to charity.

My address is........ :lol:

Nice gesture as well. :up:

No $100 isnt going to get me back everything that has been given, but its $100 (minus taxes is still ok) that I didnt have last week.
does anyon know if cities such as MDT and ABE and what ever other cities that are PI or PSA that handle at least one mainline jet will get the bonus too? some of my fellow friends I've talked to would like to know
thanks for the info
It's going to be hard to get $100 with the new outsourcing....not to burst any bubbles....with the the customer service issues it might be outta reach.

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