Flight Attendants Inventory Catering Supplies


May 22, 2003
It seems that once again this company is taking advantage of the flight attendant group.

The flight attendants are now required to count all catering supplies to and from the carribean. They must establish a starting inventory at the beginning of the flight, count what is left when they get there, once again count what catering has put on to get a new starting total and then count the supplies back in the states at the end. This includes all sodas, juices, water, coffee, tea, sugar, napkins,pretzles, etc. Is the union aware of this? Is the catering union aware of this? THIS IN NOT A FLIGHT ATTENDANT'S JOB. I for one refused and will continue to refuse. This is complete bull s***!
Oh....now management really needs to beam themselves back to planet Earth. I am sick of running behind everyone making sure people are doing their jobs. The F/A's are like the "hall monitors" of the entire operation. Utility doesn't put water in the tank or doesn't dump the lavs.....we have to land in DEN....who gets in trouble?....THE F/A's for not checking the indication. Not given the correct catering?.....well...tough titty...make do. I am sick of "making do" with the crap we are given. They should re-name it MAKE DO Airways. Of course what can we expect from management that thinks it's "1st class" to drink wine in a plastic cup?
I won't be inventorying every packet of sugar-bag of snacks-coffee bags or anything of the sort. Get a life.
At American, they blamed the flight attendants--specifically LGA-based--for years regarding shortages in the liquor inventory/money. Then earlier this year, the NY police broke a thieving ring of CATERING COMPANY EMPLOYEES who had stolen millions in liquor from the AA catering supplies over the past several years. Needless to say, there was no apology from the company to the flight attendants.

We always had to inventory the catering at the beginning of the flight, and we were supposed to inventory the liquor at both the beginning and the end of the flight. No one inventoried the liquor once they got off probation.
Liquor...fine. Headsets...understandable. Those are things that cost extra money and we charge for. But soda/coffee/pretzels...ect? NO FREAKING WAY.
I recently had to do this and it wasn't pretty. The Inflight Projects guy stated that they were attempting to get a handle on what supplies were needed for a turn, as well as monitor "theft" by catering companies down in the islands. It appears that some of the catering companies may be "padding" the bills.

The inventory sheet was rather specific and took a fair amount of time. My understanding was that this was only being done on specific "test" flights.

As for the plastic cups? please. how cheap. Funny how none of the majors are matching U in the dramatic cutbacks in onboard service. Hopefully the Star Alliance audit will nudge U back in the right direction before we lose just about every premium passenger.
BostonTerrier said:
I recently had to do this and it wasn't pretty. The Inflight Projects guy stated that they were attempting to get a handle on what supplies were needed for a turn, as well as monitor "theft" by catering companies down in the islands. It appears that some of the catering companies may be "padding" the bills.

The inventory sheet was rather specific and took a fair amount of time. My understanding was that this was only being done on specific "test" flights.

As for the plastic cups? please. how cheap. Funny how none of the majors are matching U in the dramatic cutbacks in onboard service. Hopefully the Star Alliance audit will nudge U back in the right direction before we lose just about every premium passenger.
Its always amazing to see how many US Airways plates, cups, glasses, bowls, saucers wind up being for sale on Ebay....
There also seems to be some german guy that somehow sells every Safety Instruction card ever printed by U. What's up with that?
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BostonTerrier said:
The Inflight Projects guy stated that they were attempting to get a handle on what supplies were needed for a turn, as well as monitor "theft" by catering companies down in the islands. It appears that some of the catering companies may be "padding" the bills.
So, the flight attendants are Private Eyes now?????? They will never get the outcome they are looking for from the flight attendants, so they better call Magnum P.I. or Inspector Gadget.
Do you know how many items are boarded on an aircraft!? I am sorry but it is WAY too much to ask. Where is the line drawn? Enough. Period. It is not going to happen.
BostonTerrier said:
There also seems to be some german guy that somehow sells every Safety Instruction card ever printed by U. What's up with that?
I've even seen floatation vests for sale...
Perhaps absolutely everything put onboard should be inspected very, very closely. Two extra packs of coffee. Are they really Coffee? Two extra bottles of Gin. Is it really Gin?
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PineyBob said:
Actually the "padding of the bills" seems to me the logical reason for the inventory control issue. Who if not F/A's would you expect to do it? On longer flights there are periods where there is little activity and usually ample time prior to landing. This is not asking all that much.
That statement is soooooo typical of you. YES, it is TOO MUCH to ask for. It is NOT in my job description. I took a pay cut, hours cut (due to not enough flights and greedy flight attendants), so I"ll be damned if I am asked to due someone else's job. This should be done by ground personell. In NAS they watch everything that catering is doing. It is not only an attack against AFA/flight attendants, but all labor groups. They take away from some and give it to others.
Sorry, NOT these suckers!
This is the silliest thing I've ever heard. If the only future expansion you plan on in is landing on beaches in third world countries with contracted cleaners/caterers, you probably do risk some "loss"... but having flight attendants count soda etc? Come on! We fly (or used to) 767s and 330s to the Carribbean. It would take hours! I'd rather they spend the limited ground time checking the safety equiptment as is thier job. You want to watch your supplies? Send a "watcher" on the flight to watch the catering process... while they are at it they can check out the effects of understaffing and the laughable first class on our dirty planes.

You crack me up!...LOL So true. All I think about everytime I serve 1st class is the episode of Queer Eye when they told everyone you should shreik in horror if you are served wine in plastic. If you are the one serving it ... be ashamed.
Uhhhhh.....I avoid working 1st because of the tacky service.
Anyhow, there is a theft problem in the Caribbean, but I wear wings...not a badge. I am not "quality control."