Gay marriage shift gives Obama fundraising boost


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Gay marriage shift gives Obama fundraising boost

Chad Griffin, an Obama bundler and incoming president of the gay advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, said most prominent gay donors had been supporting Obama all along despite his reluctance to champion gay marriage. Most had already given the maximum contribution to his campaign, Griffin said. But he said Obama's announcement had boosted enthusiasm among many gay donors.

I was against until I was for (funds)... LOL
B) xUT
Gay marriage shift gives Obama fundraising boost

I was against until I was for (funds)... LOL
B) xUT

N O W ...This is the real MITTens....that we have known for YEARS up here in the NE.

DUCK-DODGE-BOB+WEAVE !! (can't get the link to open-sorry. But it say, Romney ' TIP-TOE ' into to the Gay Marriage Debate, as he address's CHRISTIAN Liberty University)

GOOD GOD, ol' Falwell will be trying to climb OUT of his coffin !

NO WAY ol' NEWT(X3) would have stood for THIS ! ....... : )

OMG. I'd give ANYTHING to see you REPUGS (behind the curtain) pulling the Lever for the/(OUR) MASSACHUSETTS MODERATE.

B O and JOEY, are "playing the GOP" like MASTER Violinists.

NEVER say NEVER the ol' saying goes.
JESUS, I L O V E this Shite !!!!!!!!!! ......... : ) : ) : )

Hey GOP, is it ADAM and EVE ? ............ or.........ADAM and STEVE ? ....... : )

ROTFLMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!
And Romney is taking a fund raiser from the manufacture of Plan B. Political expediency. What else is new?

Personally I think Obama was lying before and is being truthful now. I doubt he was ever against equal rights, he strikes me as far more intelligent than that. I think he just took the civil unions ball and ran with it because of political expediency. The political climate was not conducive to a presidential candidate or POTUS to stand up for equal rights in regards to marriage, until now.
And Romney is taking a fund raiser from the manufacture of Plan B. Political expediency. What else is new?

Personally I think Obama was lying before and is being truthful now. I doubt he was ever against equal rights, he strikes me as far more intelligent than that. I think he just took the civil unions ball and ran with it because of political expediency. The political climate was not conducive to a presidential candidate or POTUS to stand up for equal rights in regards to marriage, until now.

Agreed !

( Actually MITTens did delve into his anti-GM position after all. I guess the campaign has the right to change on-the-fly. )
I cannot believe we are talking about flip flopping when Romney is a candidate. He has changed his position so many times one can get dizzy trying to recount them all. I loved his evolving position on the car bail out. He was stead fast against it to the point where he advocated the failure of the big three if they could not figure it out them selves. Now he says it was his idea and that they should say thank you.
I think Obama lied about his position on gay marriage when he got into office. He is an intelligent man and I am pretty sure he knew that civil unions are not even close to the same as marriage. His support of equal rights in regards to marriage is probably one of the few times he has been honest. In his defense, it was not politically feasible to come out in support of equal rights before hand. Better late than never I guess.
I think Obama lied about his position on gay marriage when he got into office. He is an intelligent man and I am pretty sure he knew that civil unions are not even close to the same as marriage. His support of equal rights in regards to marriage is probably one of the few times he has been honest. In his defense, it was not politically feasible to come out in support of equal rights before hand. Better late than never I guess.
And Romney is taking a fund raiser from the manufacture of Plan B. Political expediency. What else is new?

I think Nobama's lying right now about his latest stance concerning Gay marriage just for votes !

Personally I think Obama was lying before and is being truthful now. I doubt he was ever against equal rights, he strikes me as far more intelligent than that. I think he just took the civil unions ball and ran with it because of political expediency. The political climate was not conducive to a presidential candidate or POTUS to stand up for equal rights in regards to marriage, until now.

"I doubt he was ever against equal rights, he strikes me as far more "LIBERAL" than that. "
If you can't see this for what it is then you're not looking hard enough. This is yet another in a mountain of evidence that this man will pander to any group who will give him money or votes and preferably both.

This man has done more in three years to destroy 200+ years of Liberty, usually in the name of security then any sitting President including Nixon. He's not doing well, the economy sucks, real unemployment is in the 22% range, Gas is north of $3.75, Groceries up 30%, 4 wars and 2 warming up in the bullpen in a war weary nation. So let's take peoples minds off of all of that and raise an issue that is meaningless in the overall scheme of thing for all but a small percentage of the population. Typical and not even a little surprising.

Typical, take a poll, form an opinion based upon the numbers and beat the other guy over the head with it. Get the Hollywood Dollars flowing and maybe get reelected. This man is a Scar upon the land.
N O W ...This is the real MITTens....that we have known for YEARS up here in the NE.


http://www.huffingto..._n_1510776.html (can't get the link to open-sorry. But it say, Romney ' TIP-TOE ' into to the Gay Marriage Debate, as he address's CHRISTIAN Liberty University)

GOOD GOD, ol' Falwell will be trying to climb OUT of his coffin !

NO WAY ol' NEWT(X3) would have stood for THIS ! ....... : )

OMG. I'd give ANYTHING to see you REPUGS (behind the curtain) pulling the Lever for the/(OUR) MASSACHUSETTS MODERATE.

B O and JOEY, are "playing the GOP" like MASTER Violinists.

NEVER say NEVER the ol' saying goes.
JESUS, I L O V E this Shite !!!!!!!!!! ......... : ) : ) : )

Hey GOP, is it ADAM and EVE ? ............ or.........ADAM and STEVE ? ....... : )

ROTFLMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!

Your boy never endorsed the issue Pal.....skirted around it like a slime pol would. It was only a move to free up gay cash.


He allready has tied His own hands.....
This whole gay marriage IS (IMHO) the OCTOBER Surprise in May.
First JOE sets the stage with what 99% of REPUGS THINK was a Gaff (NOT this Time), Then B O slides-in with his change-of-heart pronouncement and...BINGO, what's the result ?
A GOP that is dammed-if-they-do.........and........Dammed-if-they-Don't ! !

B O and JOE played you SUCKERS like Master Violinists !

Life is Good.

Using terms like "Slide in" and "Lean Forward" makes it sound like you were in the Limo too, Barry !
And just who is a woman hater and what in the hell does that have to do with Tommy getting tingly legs in the limo ?

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