Hawaii Service


May 22, 2004
US Airways has gotten off to a less than stellar start with its new service to Hawaii, bumping dozens of passengers off flights and rerouting countless others because its planes were too heavy for takeoff.

Phoenix frequent flier Alan Anderson, a loyal America West customer, flew from Phoenix to Honolulu on Jan. 2. He didn't have to give up his first-class seat but said the scene at check-in and at the gate was chaotic, with passengers shuffled to other flights.

"I noticed all kinds of people just kind of standing around the ticket counter with their heads down in a state of disbelief over the magnitude of what was going on," he said.

ARTICLE LINK: http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/b...iflights25.html
I'M sure upper management flying positive space on vacation compounds the problem.
And we STILL think it's a good idea to use the 57's on Europe with the head winds on the return flights? Hmmm :huh:
The more permanent solution involves Boeing. US Airways has filed paperwork with the company to request an upgrade for the three 757s to the maximum weight limit of 250,000 pounds. It doesn't involve work on the planes, Seymour said, but is still costly.

Wow, with all the doom and gloom in here I'm surprised we're not headed right for BK3. Looks as if we don't need any "greedy" officers to give up their huge salaries to fund the upgrade after all because it's already in the works.

And if anyone had bothered to actually read the article, while not complimentary because nothing that piece of trash Dawn Gilbertson writes is worth lining the litter box with, the total number of invols for the entire first month of service was...

drumroll, please...

.5%. That's right, folks, a whopping whole half of a percent! Let's just shutter the whole operation now. :rolleyes:
Any idea how many voluntary bumps there were?
No. Why would the media report that? It's NOT newsworthy!! They key word is VOLUNTARY. LOL Only report the negative or what could be construed as negative. The media has not often been very complimentary to ANYTHING that AWA has done.
No. Why would the media report that? It's NOT newsworthy!! They key word is VOLUNTARY. LOL Only report the negative or what could be construed as negative. The media has not often been very complimentary to ANYTHING that AWA has done.
Expecting the media to be complimentary is like expecting the TSA to be efficient & logical! :D
What does this have to do with 757's not making it to hawaii, sorry.
They are weight restricted because of some weight thing with the landing gear (at least that is what I am getting from this post). The ATA 757's seem to make it with no problem so I guess their planes have what ours need.
They are weight restricted because of some weight thing with the landing gear (at least that is what I am getting from this post). The ATA 757's seem to make it with no problem so I guess their planes have what ours need.
ATA flys 757-300 and newer then our 16+ year old planes 757-200 and I'm sure they paid for the gear cert. to use the plane as it was bult to do. and just think all the east 757's are older then ours they are all ex eastern junk we only have 3 old eastern junkers and they will not be etops
ATA flys 757-300 and newer then our 16+ year old planes 757-200 and I'm sure they paid for the gear cert. to use the plane as it was bult to do. and just think all the east 757's are older then ours they are all ex eastern junk we only have 3 old eastern junkers and they will not be etops
Actually ATA flies the 757-200 from PHX now. To be honest they have since I can remember back in '97. They did use the 757-300 for a while but now that is mostly used for their military stuff. Also no our East 757's are not older than yours!! The only Eastern birds are 600-609(ish) 610-633 (with the exception of 618 which is gone) were all purchased brand-new from Boeing starting in the early 90's and 633 was actually delivered in the Navy (Stephen Wolf) paint and NO I cannot recall our 757's (with the exception of 600-609) being junk. They may not be ETOPS but they certainly make their way down to the far reaches of the Carib.
I'm thinking about trying to non-rev to Hawaii on US. Can anyone tell me what are my chances of getting a on? Are somedays easier than others?