IAM Stepping Up campaign

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700UW said:
The bottom line is people need to educate themselves, but they dont.
It just like MSM, Fox makes you believe Obama is the anti-christ and cant does everything wrong, makes the right wingers to be golden childs and CNN does the opposite.
Its crazy, I was part of the largest organizing campaign and victory when we won United CSA and RES back in the day, people just need to take the time to educate themselves, and not believe the hype.
The problem is F/A's that do educated themselves but come up with a different answer that you wan to hear.
What about respecting those who vote NO?
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  • #167
Actually they dont, they believe the BS that Ford and Harrison puts out.
And why is it ok for Anderson and his executives to have Contracts but not the rank and file?
Why does DL spend millions on fighting its own employees?
So what you and your fellow IAM organizers are saying that we are incapable of coming up with our own conclusions 
after much research.     This, as well as many other things is what turns most of us off.  
You just can't respect a No vote.  We must be stupid, or easily led..
The wide belief  that we are incapable of making our own minds and the Union knows best 
is really a turn off. 
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  • #169
First of all I am not an IAM organizer.
Second, why dont you answer the questions poised to you?
Third, most people dont educate themselves and believe the BS propaganda Gerry Glass puts out.

How many organizing campaigns have you worked?
Are you referring to me?  What questions are you referring to ?
Speaking of questions, No one can answer my question regarding 
a Contract.  If the IAM gets in and I have to pay them money, will
I get a signed contract from them stating  what they will and won't do for me?
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  • #171
The post that was right after yours.
And you get to vote on whats in your contract, and the IAM constitution and your local lodge bylaws, and federal laws determines what the IAM can do for you.

Does Delta tell you what they can do and dont do, oh wait they dont, they can change it at a whims notice.
If you truly want to be educated, go ask a US fleet or csa, what happened to them in 1992 when they were non-union, it might open your blinded eyes and your closed mind.
Did you ask Delta to cut your profit sharing by 1/3?  Did you have a choice in that?
Hmnnn  "blinded eyes and your closed mind"
Thanks for proving my point.   Anyone who 
disagrees with you is blind and close minded. ok
Way to go in trying to get votes.  Real mature way to have a conversation. 
And as far as profit sharing, you conveniently left out that
the 5% was transferred to an increase 5% in pay.  But leaving that out
helps your agenda does't it?   
You failed to answer my question,  i'll repeat.  
If I'm paying the IAM will I have a signed contract with the IAM stating 
what they will and won't do for me? 
Why would I ask anyone at US fleet or csa ?  
are you really comparing US to Delta?  really?
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  • #173
Funny everyone says its a 3% raise.
How much did your medical go up?
And I said to ask them because of what the company did to them being non-union and they had no recourse.
And all ready answered you, unlike yourself who hasnt answered.
So the answer is No, I won't get a signed contract between the IAM and myself (even though I'm paying for their service) 
kinda hypocritical huh?  
5% is the increase in our pay.  5% is the decrease in the profit sharing formula. 
Delta's expense in Medical went up $100m.  My premium went up about $10.
Since you work for US and are on the Delta board, do you yearn to work for Delta?
Do you wish everyone at Delta be as miserable.   Again, you can't compare the two.
There is no comparison. At an level.  
700UW said:
Funny everyone says its a 3% raise.
How much did your medical go up?
And I said to ask them because of what the company did to them being non-union and they had no recourse.
And all ready answered you, unlike yourself who hasnt answered.
Everybody who has health insurance has had their rates go up. Most companies have passed some of that on to the employees. Delta is no different in that regard. Delta is still a fine company and most who work there are probably content to do that. If I wanted to go to work for an airline again, Delta would be my first choice, hands down, union or not. Can they be better? Yes. Could they be worse? Absolutely! Look at USAir and AA forums for a slice of their little heaven.

For Bababooy: A CBA is a contract between the BUE's and the company. With some unions you have the ability to vote for those who represent you from local to national reps. The IAMAW does not offer that. The IAMAW does not have any way for you to elect a national rep. So yes, you do have a contract between you and the company. It is identical to the one covering every other member of your class (F/A).
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  • #176
The flight attendants are represented by the local grievance committee whom you vote for, the district lodge enforces and negotiates the contracts and yes you vote for your General Chairman and/or Assistant General Chairman.
The International does not negotiate nor enforce the CBA, thats the District, the International does assign a GLR to negotiations usually, they are they to provide any assistance needed, and those are not voted on.
But the President and Directing General Chairman and AGCs and GCs are all voted on.
So Glenn your information is wrong.
As a matter of fact nominations for DL 142 are next month and election is in June.
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  • #178
Once again do I have to explain it?
The Local Lodge Grievance Committee represents the members as well as the shop stewards, who are nominated and voted on by the members.
The District Lodge negotiates and enforces the CBA, those are represented by the General Chairman or Asst General Chairman who are nominated and voted on by the members, the PDGC who is the head of the Districts is nominated on and voted by the membership.
The International President and the General Vice Presidents are nominated on and voted on by the membership, that happens every four years and nominations are underway this month.
The GLRs who might be assigned to negotiations or grievance matters are appointed.
Once again the District Lodge negotiates, enforces and owns the CBA, not the International.
I don't know how else to explain this, I'll try one more time, 
hypothetical ,
I'm paying the IAM to act as an agent/entity to negotiated a Contract between the IAM and Delta.
I understand that.  
However, since I'm paying the IAM for their services, will I have a signed CONTRACT between the IAM
and Myself stating what they will and will not do ?
A signed agreement stating how much my dues are and for how long?  
Will I have  a written agreement that they won't get rid of the A-Day reserve system?
Will I have an signed agreement with the IAM that they won't negotiate away anything that we presently have?
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  • #180
How many times do I have to answer the same questions from you?
Asked and answered, yet you havent answered what is poised to you.
Second you dont have anything, because you are an Employee at Will and nothing you have is guaranteed, unlike if you have a CBA, you have things.
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