Jets 4 Jobs at PSA


May 20, 2003
By the time PSA starts ground school, Junior Furloughs will have been on furlough for almost two years. They have to have found a higher paying job than PSA by this time. Maybe they will come back for the love of flying ;).
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Does anyone have a guess as to how many furloughed mainline pilots are interested in taking a position at PSA? It is my understanding that PSA will have 600 RJ crew positions to fill. Mainline is entitled to half of those seats through J4J. That means PSA could possibly hire 150 captains and 150 FO''s out of the pool of forloughed pilots.

Are any former mainline pilots interested in sitting FO reserve at PSA making $20/hour?

Also, there is the issue of seniority. All former mainline pilots will be junior to current PSA pilots. PSA has 291 pilots on the seniority list. With 60 jets coming and PSA planning on staffing these jets at 5 crews per airplane....that equals 600 crew members. The current PSA pilots will hold the top half of the seniority for both captains and FOs. That could change if PSA gets more than 60 jets, but who knows if that will happen.

What do you think? Is anyone going to be interested in taking a job at PSA or are most pilots planning on holding out for Mid Atlantic?
Senior furloughs will probably hold out and junior furloughs will probably fill positions.
They will be paid a minmum of $50/hr, regardless of their seniority or status according to the J4J agreement.

The latest iteration of the J4J fiasco changed the pay formula slightly. J4J participants who are hired as CAPTAINS will be paid captain pay at their longevity at the new company. I/E, 1st year pay at PSA.

J4J participants who are hired as F/Os will be paid at the highest F/O payrate in the company''s collective bargaining agreement.

As for who will be coming to PSA and when? I wouldn''t worry about it too much. Only a handful of the 1800+ furloughees have received the promised "preference form" from USAirways/ALPA. This form was supposed to have been sent out long ago to give the company some idea of which pilots wanted to take part in J4J, which seat they wanted to occupy, and which company they wished to work for (or if they wanted to hold out for MidAtlantic or Mainline).

I do, however, have a question. Since now MidAtlantic will essentially be a part of the mainline (much like Metrojet was) will pilots have the option of BYPASSING MidAtlantic and waiting for a "mainline" recall, or will they be forced to make the choice to either come to MidAtlantic, or forfeit their recall rights?
Many of the furloughed pilots have already found jobs that pay more than captains over at PSA....especially, those of us who have been out for more than a year!!!! Why on earth would we come back for FO pay???? The bottom line is being able to provide for your family, who can on FO pay at PSA????

And many of the over 1,800+ furloughed pilots have NOT found employment in their chosen profession and would consider themselves very fortunate to be offered employment at PSA.

In fact there are quite a few US Airways furloughees who interviewed at, and were hired by, PSA without the benefit of Jets4Jobs.

If you have found a job then I wish you congratulations -- but the fact is that there are a great many pilots who have not and who are looking forward to the day that they can begin CRJ groundschool at PSA and begin the long, challenging road towards rebuilding their careers and providing for their families.

I am also furloughed and would definitely be interested in J4J at PSA. I am currently unemployed again and hoping for something to come up soon. I did not receive the form so I don''t know how I would be informed. If the opportunity does come up, I would surely jump on it. It beats sitting around at home waiting for a call.
The only seats anyone is talking about are FO seats. 50% of the captain seats created will be Captain seats. I was told that if you choose not to accept a position with MAA, you will not lose your rights of recall at U. MAA is going to be treated like any other wholly owned.

Sorry, I didn''t mean to offend anyone, I was just responding to the comment of junior furloughs filling the positions at PSA...I don''t think that is exactly a true statement...I know many "junior furloughed" pilots that have better salaries than PSA can offer..(capt or fo rates)
They are flying for JetBlue, USA3000, Centurion, Arrow, Polar, etc..

Like many, I have 1000+ senior to me on furlough, and I''m not sure about going to PSA and taking another paycut...
There are many U furloughed pilots in this position that have the same opinion....

Once again, didn''t mean to offend, just guess I didn''t make my point clear enough.
To any furloughed mainline pilot considering coming to PSA: Many former mainline pilots have returned to PSA, and almost all except for the ones who went into the training department or management have quit. I am not against any J4J pilot coming to PSA, but please be aware before you come here that this place does not operate like mainline and it most likely never will. As a reserve pilot you WILL have 10 days off with 72 hrs of pay. Our scheduling deparment is run by people who have no regards for the crews or your quality of life and for the most part will NOT let you trip trade days or trips. You will not get your next months schedule until the 24th of the preceeding month, so that means you won''t know your June schedule until May 24th. Per Diem is a $1.30/hr, I guess PSA hamburgers are less expensive than mainline hamburgers? If you are on reserve, which most of you will be, you will have a 1 hr. call out. I''m not trying to discourage anyone from coming here, but I just want you to know what you are getting into by coming here. Good luck.
Dear Dorkdriver,

Thank you for setting our expectations with regard to life at PSA. Those furloughed pilots who came to US Airways from other regional airlines have a very good idea of the pay and working conditions at the so-called "regional" level. During the course of their careers many of them flew Metroliners, Jetstreams, and Twin Otters. They flew 10 legs a day without autopilots under part 135 regulations for a fraction of PSA''s current payrates. They have not forgotten.

The fact is that there are nearly 1900 furloughed US Airways pilots. Only a fraction of them have found jobs in their chosen field. For the past 2 years many have left the profession and pursued other interests, others have found temporary employment at places like Home Depot or as car salesmen, still others are flying for small airlines such as Boston-Maine, Great Plains, and Colgan.

While not all of the furloughed pilots will elect to take part in Jets4Jobs, I believe that many of them look forward to the opportunity to accept employment flying new aircraft at Jets4Jobs payrates.

Basically -- They know what they''re getting in to. Most of them flew for regionals with far worse working conditions, payrates, and aircraft than those which you enjoy at PSA. They will be a valuable new resource as they bring decades of experience to PSA cockpits and forge relationships that are bound to strengthen the new, single seniority list.

I think you will be surprised at just how many furloughed pilots will happily join your ranks. It beats the alternative ... "Welcome To Wal-Mart and Have a Nice Day".