"Labor friendly my ARSE", dump the $6mil bonuses and fill these so called key jobs from within!!!!!!


Aug 20, 2002
Tom Davis Sr. didn't need 6 million dollars to keep his friends loyal.... Oh but that was then and this is now!
Kudos to the Post and the USAToday for articulating the employees disgust of such bonuses. Most employees feel these clowns they want to keep, new or old, are the ones who haven''t a clue, with their fancy Sesame Street degrees in WalMart frames,how to make money for this airline, and those who have been with the company DO and would jump at the chance to prove it, and could do so with blindfolds on, and they wouldn''t ditch the ship if things turn sour. Additional thoughts?
Why not give us hardworking employees a piece of the pie for being out there in the trenches everyday making these "Suits" in Cyrstal City look good rather then taking from us. I guess they don't care if we leave for other jobs. Only in America do you get rewarded for doing a terrible job of running an airline. Just think how much they would have recieved if we had lost 3 billion.....
I've got my labor friendly paycut, my labor friendly retro cut, had my labor friendly 401k raped, and am waiting for my labor friendly furlough. I hope Dave enjoys his labor friendly bonus that he is sure to reap from Texas Pacifics BOD members. I don't think I can take any more labor friendly management. It was better when we were fighting like cats and dogs, at least you knew your adversary and could respect them. I can't respect a con man.
I, for one, am thrilled at today's and yesterday's
news coverage of the "big bonuses" being paid while
labor suffers. The USAtoday article is great as was
the Baltimore article yesterday...

I'm amazed that U (being a huge advertising buyer) would get such an unfavorable mgt article!

Makes you wonder if we didn't pay some bills over there!
Good point, Olivia![:)]

They do speak the truth and I do hope someone important (BK Judge, perhaps) picks up on it. However, don't be too amazed. After all, The Baltimore Sun has never really liked US Airways. They have trashed us all along. They love to publish stuff like this.[:devil:]
On 8/23/2002 4:16:11 PM

Good point, Olivia![:)]

They do speak the truth and I do hope someone important (BK Judge, perhaps) picks up on it. However, don't be too amazed. After all, The Baltimore Sun has never really liked US Airways. They have trashed us all along. They love to publish stuff like this.[:devil:]

I believe that the BK judge actually had to APPROVE the bonuses in question.
I would like to express my thoughts on this 6 million dollar issue.. It's evident that most people on this board are unaware of a "concession" [one of many]in the mechanic's "final offer ? ". It's called FORCE MAJEURE..This is nothing more than a fancy name that gave U the right [in their opinion],to furlough hundreds of mechanics OUT OF SENIORITY due to our nations tragedy of Sept.11,2001..Mechanics in CLT were furloughed up to 3-4 weeks in some cases. In response to this, The IAM filed a class action grievance to right this wrong..Well, lo and behold....,this grievance, among others,has shown up in this joke of an offer..[ In a effort by U to circumvent the grievance procedure,, and resolve this issue thru the proper channels,] U simply inserted the grievance into the offer !! SO,,, when you here U trying to explain why these "chosen few "should share the 6 mil.[because it was promised them in 2001,] This is how they were treating the mechanics in 2001[:(] .Don't let U get away with this sleaziness, Vote this DOWN.
305as ... If you want to "CAN" these wingtip wonders, then go right ahead. Personally, I don't want anyone canned. But if they do not want to stick around, so be it. There is NO ONE in this outfit that can't be replaced...Yea, you're right about getting this company closer to Chapter 7 liquidation....6 MILLION DOLLARS CLOSER !
Great idea. I'm sure that Director of Finance with the MBA from Wharton could easily be replaced by a res agent with 15 years' seniority. No problem, right?

And while we're at it, let's get rid of the entire legal department. We only need a few rampers and maybe a fleet service guy to run that department, right?

Oh, and those revenue analysts in Yield Management? Can 'em. Any of the gate agents can easily do the same job.

We'll fast-track this company into Chapter 7 liquidation yet! After all, we only need to hire from within, right?
On 8/25/2002 6:15:49 PM

Great idea. I'm sure that Director of Finance with the MBA from Wharton could easily be replaced by a res agent with 15 years' seniority. No problem, right?

And while we're at it, let's get rid of the entire legal department. We only need a few rampers and maybe a fleet service guy to run that department, right?

Oh, and those revenue analysts in Yield Management? Can 'em. Any of the gate agents can easily do the same job.

We'll fast-track this company into Chapter 7 liquidation yet! After all, we only need to hire from within, right?

Bingo on the 1 and 3..profitability or break even, not ch 7, on nbr 4.

Do you think it was only the Mechanics that went through the out of seniority furloughs? Every department in the company was effected in the same manner. It was a result of the events on Sept 11th. What would you have rather they done, drawn up a temporary furlough packet, put it out for bid and furloughed people 2 weeks later? No one knew how long the effects of 9/11 were going to hamper the airlines operations. The Force Majure Grievance was also included in the ALPA, AFA and TWU agreements and were ratified. Suck it up already. There was no fair way to handle the events that unfolded 9/11. What would your solution have been? Pay everyone and hemorage cash even faster?

Get a grip! [:(]
On 8/25/2002 9:13:15 PM

On 8/25/2002 6:15:49 PM

Great idea. I'm sure that Director of Finance with the MBA from Wharton could easily be replaced by a res agent with 15 years' seniority. No problem, right?

And while we're at it, let's get rid of the entire legal department. We only need a few rampers and maybe a fleet service guy to run that department, right?

Oh, and those revenue analysts in Yield Management? Can 'em. Any of the gate agents can easily do the same job.

We'll fast-track this company into Chapter 7 liquidation yet! After all, we only need to hire from within, right?

Bingo on the 1 and 3..profitability or break even, not ch 7, on nbr 4.


Riiiiiiight. You're kidding yourself if you think that replacing key managers with unqualified personnel hired from within will have anything other than an adverse effect on the company. Right now US is merely idling towards liquidation. Your recommendation would effectively "floor it" towards Chapter 7.

Giving bonuses to management staff is never popular with the rank-and-file, especially when times are tough. But it IS appropriate for these bonuses to be paid, regardless of how unfair you may think it is.

Try to take a step back and see the big picture instead of just focusing on how it affects you personally.
Try to take a step back and see the big picture instead of just focusing on how it affects you personally.

heres the big picture,....current and past managemet with and without their paper machet degrees on the wall, have run this company into the ground. Thats a fact. They do not deserve incentive or bonus for staying in their positions, not when the company is bleeding from every artery.They have chosen to ignore the meat and potatoes part of running the airline and allowed me(albeit gleefully) to enjoy a hefty raise since JUNE while stonewalling negotiations, all the while ignoring fixing the nuts and bolts of our business..no advertising, no reforming of policies and procedures, nothing nada zilch.My position stands,,,anyone with any experience in the industry could have done equally bad or good depending on how you view it.."in the basics" of running this company.And yeh, blindfolded.