McCain Picks his VP

Do you hear yourself speaking ? it's bad enough she has FIVE children , but one of them is SPECIAL NEEDS ... now i'm not blaming the child here for being special needs , and i respect her decision to have her son , that takes alot of courage , faith and inner strength ... god bless her and her family ..

But I am demanding UTTER dedication to the office of the presidency (or vice presidency )…. A vice presidency is no place for a “HOCKEY MOM “ …. and we ALL know the social connotations that go along with the concept of hockey or soccer mom … in the business world working women talk of “balance “ between work and family life … this is NOT the business world , this is governance of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , there can be no balance …

A storm is coming , we must have all hands on deck ready for action , there can be no distractions .

That's all fine and dandy but until you hold men to the same standard that you hold women, it is merely a male chauvinistic sexist stance.
There are some stark differences however … first of all ,

Mr Obama is a united states senator and secondly and more importantly the people or at least half of the voting public has backed him irregardless of any lack of experience …. Mr Mcain’s VP pick who could possibly become president of the united states is in the grand scheme of things unqualified , but more importantly the PEOPLE do not have any say so in if she should become president as this is an election for office of the president and not the vice president ….

Now to flip the scenario as you might put it … there is as high a chance of Mr Obama getting assassinated as their might be of Mr Mcain dying from illness in office , in the event that Joe Biden would have to assume the presidency he is more than qualified .

I’m not affiliated with either political party , but I’m well aware that there is NO ROOM for failure this next term … Our nation has already wasted close to a trillion dollars on this fruitless war in Iraq ..we have MANY upcoming issues that are going to face our nation … we must have the best people in office

Excellent analogy. I agree.
Did you happen to watch the convention last night? It seemed to me that they liked Palin better then they liked McCain.
actually I'd rather be a bickering echo(whatever that means) than have a sexist misinformed clueless opinion. jeez and use spell check it's McCain not Mcain even if you're from the extreme left it's McSame quit proving your ignorance
But I am demanding UTTER dedication to the office of the presidency (or vice presidency )…. A vice presidency is no place for a “HOCKEY MOM “ …. and we ALL know the social connotations that go along with the concept of hockey or soccer mom … in the business world working women talk of “balance “ between work and family life … this is NOT the business world , this is governance of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , there can be no balance …

Can't have it one way then another.......only the Dem's can do that.
actually I'd rather be a bickering echo(whatever that means) than have a sexist misinformed clueless opinion. jeez and use spell check it's McCain not Mcain even if you're from the extreme left it's McSame quit proving your ignorance

sexist , am i ? maybe i am .... but facts are still facts , 5 children , one of them special needs, will detract from her ablity to serve our country ... it's no crime to point that out .

As for Mr McCain , i'm more confident in his ablity to lead (and live )than i was before his acceptance speech , before i was going to regester and vote for obama , now i think i'll continue on the sidelines .
McCain perpetuates the lie.

He claimed Palin "sold the plane on eBay for a profit". That is a lie. She sold it through a broker, for a $300,000 loss for the state.

Washington post story.

What else does McCain not know?

And why are you surprised? :p

Not sure if it was at a loss though.
Most everything 'new' drops a percentage when you take delivery.
Purchased at $2.7 million and sold at $2.1 million may have been a pretty shrewd deal (if we knew the depreciation)

Plane Not Sold on eBay

Palin has been more cautious in her comments. Rather than claiming she sold it on eBay, she gave in her convention remarks a description that was true but, nonetheless, still left the impression she had sold the jet online. "That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay," Palin said.

Man!!! :shock:

This is going to be one heck of a disinformational ride!!! :lol:

Take Care,

B) xUT
There are some stark differences however … first of all ,

Mr Obama is a united states senator and secondly and more importantly the people or at least half of the voting public has backed him irregardless of any lack of experience …. Mr Mcain’s VP pick who could possibly become president of the united states is in the grand scheme of things unqualified , but more importantly the PEOPLE do not have any say so in if she should become president as this is an election for office of the president and not the vice president ….

Now to flip the scenario as you might put it … there is as high a chance of Mr Obama getting assassinated as their might be of Mr Mcain dying from illness in office , in the event that Joe Biden would have to assume the presidency he is more than qualified .

I’m not affiliated with either political party , but I’m well aware that there is NO ROOM for failure this next term … Our nation has already wasted close to a trillion dollars on this fruitless war in Iraq ..we have MANY upcoming issues that are going to face our nation … we must have the best people in office

I would rather a new what you call inexperienced Palin---which is not true--- be in control much more so than loud mouthed self serving Biden an old party hack that should have given up power long ago but like the establishment feels he deserves a life term convincing blind people to keep them in power, and like mindless sheep they do.

The Lord and no one else will determine who ends up in power, if Obama ends up there, consider it punishment and much deserved.
Rumors are floating around Washington D.C. that Sarah Palin is so good looking that Bill Clinton is going to reagister as a Republican............. :lol:

sniff,sniff,sniff .................. I think I smell Obama's defeat. :shock:
sniff,sniff,sniff .................. I think I smell Obama's defeat. :shock:

Naw...I just burned the ribs. The last time I voted for someone because she was good looking was for my high school freshman class president.
I would rather a new what you call inexperienced Palin---which is not true--- be in control much more so than loud mouthed self serving Biden an old party hack that should have given up power long ago but like the establishment feels he deserves a life term convincing blind people to keep them in power, and like mindless sheep they do.

The Lord and no one else will determine who ends up in power, if Obama ends up there, consider it punishment and much deserved.

You are in NEED of some SERIOUS HELP(Psychological Intervention) !!!