More harsh words from our best Customers!

The flight in questions (22XX, CLT-PNS) is a PSA flight. I actually think I know who the captain was and it sounds a little bit out of character for him. But who knows. A divert/refuel/continue is never fun, especially when working with a scheduling and dispatch department that don't always have all the cards they should.
Seeing as this flight was going to Pensacola, the pilot is not paid by Tempe, or even employed by US Airways. US Airways no longers flies to Pensacola, outside RJ operators do under a "US Airways Express" contract. So I'd say, yes, Tempe and Crystal City are to blame for thinking that the service level provided by the likes of Mesa Airlines is acceptable. When a company outsources, they give up control of the product and who is employed by these companies.

Thanks for pointing that out. It must of been Johnny Os Airline, Mesa. Another source of outsourcing.
I almost ALWAYS respond in a polite but firm manner. WHY? Because it takes the other person off guard! They EXPECT to be yelled at, berated and if you express your "concerns" in a firm but polite tone you are at an advantage during your negotiation.
You also catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar. :)
When I was an agent, and someone came up screaming at me, just HOW motivated do you think that makes one? The person who was polite but in need got my FULL support.
You are also correct. I mean think about it. A person comes up and lights into you and says "I'm NEVER going to fly this airline again". What incentive do you have to do them a favor? It's not like your efforts will result in more business based on their statement.

LOL! Exactly. I used to diffuse that statement right away and say, ok, that's your perogative. I tried to help them calmly and wouldnt give in to a half baked threat. They always came back anyway. :)

It amazes me how easy it is to win a G/A over to your side. I often use, "Hi! I'm having a bad travel day, will you see if you can help me?" If the G/A is female the "Mother" Instinct takes over. If it's a male, then the , "I'll show ya how it's done pilgrim" sorta John Wayne personality takes over.
It's all psychology. All you try to do is stack the odds in your favor. The above works so well because you tap into man's basic desire to help one another. Then throw in a little humor and say "well if we can't find a way out today I can be home in time for Oprah" They always laugh but now the challenge has been thrown down and if there is a way to get there you will get there.
I used a line all the time when dealing with a reroute. Where's there a will, there's a way. I have the will and I WILL find a way. I also used the word WE a lot to let them know, I was in this whole mess with them. Also, very important to give the passenger options, even if there is really only one good one. People object mostly to the sense of loosing control, ESPECIALLY a business person.

Being nice pays too, I've gotten re-routes from G/A's and they put me in F on another carrier. I never asked, all I did was be halfway nice to them.

The old Golden Rule is soo applicable! Sounds like you have your head on straight. :)

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