New Combined Fleet


Aug 17, 2005
I just got my first look at all the tails numbers on one spreedsheet. Wow over a 1,000 mainlined aircraft. That is impressive.
Last airline with that many tails was Aeroflot. Can't say it's a badge of honor...
eolesen said:
Last airline with that many tails was Aeroflot. Can't say it's a badge of honor...
Would being awarded this Badge of Honor be better if these 1000 aircraft cold really be maintained by the one company under a maintenance union?
Yesterday we here at Tulsa were told that the company likes what we are doing with the damaged drop ins.  While that is good news, the flow of the Heavy and Light C's are disappointing to many here that perform the work.
Buck said:
Would being awarded this Badge of Honor be better if these 1000 aircraft cold really be maintained by the one company under a maintenance union?
Yesterday we here at Tulsa were told that the company likes what we are doing with the damaged drop ins.  While that is good news, the flow of the Heavy and Light C's are disappointing to many here that perform the work.
Not to worry Buck. Plenty of jobs in JFK, LAX, ORD, MIA. 
Rogallo said:
Not to worry Buck. Plenty of jobs in JFK, LAX, ORD, MIA. 
Yes, I saw those bids. Why is it that the company is massing the work force at the Hub stations?
It looks like the writing is on the wall, new airplanes don't need OH, and when they do, they get flown to some company that will do it cheaper.

Talent services is ran out of the Philippines, reservations has more agents doing it from there homes, I believe HR is outsourced also.

I'm guessing DWH, TUL, CLT will always be there but not manned in the thousands like it was in the 90s, it's a new world my friend, and the old time sanctuaries are gone. Hope the junior guys will like moving to a big city.
I just got my first look at all the tails numbers on one spreedsheet. Wow over a 1,000 mainlined aircraft. That is impressive.
I don't believe that there are over 1,000 active mainline aircraft. If you subtract out the parked (but perhaps not yet officially retired) 757s, MD-80s and 762s, I believe that the active fleet in operation is somewhere around 975-980. Impressively large fleet, to be sure, but not 1,000.
Remember those flight crews who use to scream that there will be two AAs, international AA, and domestic Eagle. It's nice to know how wrong they were. Nearly 1000 aircraft is quite impressive.
Buck said:
Would being awarded this Badge of Honor be better if these 1000 aircraft cold really be maintained by the one company under a maintenance union?
Yesterday we here at Tulsa were told that the company likes what we are doing with the damaged drop ins.  While that is good news, the flow of the Heavy and Light C's are disappointing to many here that perform the work.
Yea, we were told that at AFW also.
Duke787 said:
It looks like the writing is on the wall, new airplanes don't need OH, and when they do, they get flown to some company that will do it cheaper.

Talent services is ran out of the Philippines, reservations has more agents doing it from there homes, I believe HR is outsourced also.

I'm guessing DWH, TUL, CLT will always be there but not manned in the thousands like it was in the 90s, it's a new world my friend, and the old time sanctuaries are gone. Hope the junior guys will like moving to a big city.
Ok however we have broken airplanes showing up at times daily, if we had the space. We also are receiving planes that have been to MRO's to repair the repairs. It is quite possible that TUL/DWH/CLT might shrink, but it was my understanding that AFW was very expensive just to have? Lets sse where the OSM ( AMTO ) percentages go in the next contract. Contractually the TUL base is allowed 25% and is at 17%. A practicality free maintenance facility and an ever increase lower paid work force, like a new B-Scale, could be on the horizon. The company at some point better allow for some of the OSM ( AMTO ) to gain some "normal" experience while that experienced work force is aging rapidly. It is my understanding that the USAir workforce average age is somewhat older than AA's? I am not joking about repairing the repairs....
Buck said:
Ok however we have broken airplanes showing up at times daily, if we had the space. We also are receiving planes that have been to MRO's to repair the repairs. It is quite possible that TUL/DWH/CLT might shrink, but it was my understanding that AFW was very expensive just to have? Lets sse where the OSM ( AMTO ) percentages go in the next contract. Contractually the TUL base is allowed 25% and is at 17%. A practicality free maintenance facility and an ever increase lower paid work force, like a new B-Scale, could be on the horizon. The company at some point better allow for some of the OSM ( AMTO ) to gain some "normal" experience while that experienced work force is aging rapidly. It is my understanding that the USAir workforce average age is somewhat older than AA's? I am not joking about repairing the repairs....
No. AFW was rent free. The Texas Govt. Also offered money from a special fund to pay American Airlines to keep AFW open. When American says it's your time to go, it's your time to go. Doesn't matter what you have done for the company in the end you are just a number.
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The aircraft are being maintianed in house. The real MX needed is daily and overnight. That is what impacts the opperation. Also the Airbus has the phased check program so you are doing a bit of the heavy every few weeks again with company employees. We are hiring mechanics not having layoffs. Just the nature of the work is changing to match the younger fleet. Nothing to bemoan or be worried about. The real skill needed is in day to day troubleshooting. Doing a heavy check package is much less mentally demanding work. They are in essance telling you we need you to focus on the more improtant MX. How is any of that a bad thing?
Buck said:
Ok however we have broken airplanes showing up at times daily, if we had the space. We also are receiving planes that have been to MRO's to repair the repairs. It is quite possible that TUL/DWH/CLT might shrink, but it was my understanding that AFW was very expensive just to have? Lets sse where the OSM ( AMTO ) percentages go in the next contract. Contractually the TUL base is allowed 25% and is at 17%. A practicality free maintenance facility and an ever increase lower paid work force, like a new B-Scale, could be on the horizon. The company at some point better allow for some of the OSM ( AMTO ) to gain some "normal" experience while that experienced work force is aging rapidly. It is my understanding that the USAir workforce average age is somewhat older than AA's? I am not joking about repairing the repairs....
No Buck, say it aint so.  We keep hearing from the people that make the decisions, that those third party maintenance vendors in third world countries are doing just as good a job as the airlines own overhaul mechanics.  I used to hear the horror stories from my brother that worked overhaul at NWA.  They would get one of their 747s back from heavy check from Heico or similar in some third world Asian location, and have to spend 2 to 3 weeks trying to un-f@ck what they screwed up or covered up.  One of their favorite techniques is painting over corrosion.  My personal favorite is, when two holes don't line up, just get a bigger drill bit till they do match up.
Vortilon said:
No Buck, say it aint so.  We keep hearing from the people that make the decisions, that those third party maintenance vendors in third world countries are doing just as good a job as the airlines own overhaul mechanics.  I used to hear the horror stories from my brother that worked overhaul at NWA.  They would get one of their 747s back from heavy check from Heico or similar in some third world Asian location, and have to spend 2 to 3 weeks trying to un-f@ck what they screwed up or covered up.  One of their favorite techniques is painting over corrosion.  My personal favorite is, when two holes don't line up, just get a bigger drill bit till they do match up.

I watched the DWH townhall meeting, some really good questions. Sounds like we are not going to get paid delta plus 7, sounds like they're going to do the same old, we would like to pay more, but we have to give you less to protect OH.

When you guys fix the fowl ups from the contracted maintenance company that took OH work away from AA mechs, do you guys stay OT to fix it? I'm not saying to not work OT, I'm curious to see if we have the man power to do our scheduled work and their fowl ups.
I watched the DWH townhall meeting, some really good questions. Sounds like we are not going to get paid delta plus 7, sounds like they're going to do the same old, we would like to pay more, but we have to give you less to protect OH.

When you guys fix the fowl ups from the contracted maintenance company that took OH work away from AA mechs, do you guys stay OT to fix it? I'm not saying to not work OT, I'm curious to see if we have the man power to do our scheduled work and their fowl ups.
Um,that`s not what I heard as I was sitting three bigjets. He did state Delta plus 7% is out there as a target. In watching the CLT townhall they were talking double digit % raise. That would be the Delta plus 7% and the 4% that was passed out on DEc.23. Now I`ve been around long enough to believe it when I see it. Unless I missed something never once did any of them allude to paying less to "protect overhaul".