New F/a Satellite Bases

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
I am not sure I understand what's going on with the satellite test. They are asking for MCO and ATL commuters to submit info about being included in testing. Haven't read about MSP or TPA commuters needing to apply. I don't understand what there is to test, SAN has worked well for them.

Does someone have some info on what's going on about the satellite bases?
APFA is simply asking for flight attendants who commute to these cities to get in touch with their base chairs about satellite flying, to see if there is an interest.

IF there is, APFA can identify flight attendants willing to take a leadership role in this capacity, possibly pow wow with the SAN flight attendants to see how they made it work, etc. etc.
s80dude said:
APFA is simply asking for flight attendants who commute to these cities to get in touch with their base chairs about satellite flying, to see if there is an interest.

IF there is, APFA can identify flight attendants willing to take a leadership role in this capacity, possibly pow wow with the SAN flight attendants to see how they made it work, etc. etc.

Apfa should "pow wow" with the flight attendants who origionally created the satalite program and made it work...years ago.
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SkyLiner said:
Apfa should "pow wow" with the flight attendants who origionally created the satalite program and made it work...years ago.
If there is a chance it will happen with Tommie.
FA Mikey said:
If there is a chance it will happen with Tommie.

I agree Mikey, of course there will always be those that think she's collaborating with the "enemy" even if it's for the good of all.
FA Mikey said:
If there is a chance it will happen with Tommie.

I agree Mikey, of course there will always be those that think she's collaborating with the "enemy" even if it's for the good of all.
Is there any chance that EWR could be made a satellite base? This airport has always been an issue for LGA based F/A's. Any input?

What Unity?
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Flyboy4u said:
Is there any chance that EWR could be made a satellite base? This airport has always been an issue for LGA based F/A's. Any input?

What Unity?
No EWR is already a co-terminal with LGA and JFK. Lines are built out of there already.
FA Mikey said:
No EWR is already a co-terminal with LGA and JFK. Lines are built out of there already.

Really? I had no idea EWR was part of the NY base....Give me a break...I should have known since I am based there! Mikey, Why is it you always try to downplay everything I post on this board. All I asked was some input on the idea...It seems to me that the company can just as easy break off EWR from LGA and JFK and build seperate lines out of there. They already know from the preferences posted in Sabre those who request flying out of EWR. I mean wasn't SAN part of the LAX base at one point in AA's past?

What Unity?
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Flyboy4u said:
Really? I had no idea EWR was part of the NY base....Give me a break...I should have known since I am based there! Mikey, Why is it you always try to downplay everything I post on this board.
Really and you are based there and cannot understand why EWR cannot be a satellite when it is already a co-terminal. What do you think the difference is between a satellite and a co-terminal is? I will tell you it means that trips would originate and terminate in that city.
Down play. More like correct your exaggerations and misinformation. LINK HERE
to the questions you have yet to answer or own up to. Care to set the record straight ED, or just blow it off and post something off the wall sometime in the future yet again?
Flyboy4u said:
All I asked was some input on the idea...It seems to me that the company can just as easy break off EWR from LGA and JFK and build seperate lines out of there.
Kind of like what they already do. Check the E before the seq number that means its a EWR trip. both bid sheet already have pure and mixed lines and sequences for all the airports. International and domestic.
Flyboy4u said:
They already know from the preferences posted in Sabre those who request flying out of EWR. I mean wasn't SAN part of the LAX base at one point in AA's past?
What Unity?
That SABRE preferance is for reserve and company plotting trips. It has ZERO to do with actual line holders. As to your typical confusion, SAN was a base, it closed and now its a satellite for LAX. FYI, LAX co-terminals are LGB, BUR, SNA and ONT.
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Flyboy4u said:
Really? I had no idea EWR was part of the NY base....Give me a break...I should have known since I am based there! Mikey, Why is it you always try to downplay everything I post on this board.
You are right you should have known. You are based there and don't understand why EWR cannot be a satellite when it is already a co-terminal. What do you think the difference is between a satellite and a co-terminal is? I will tell you it means that trips would originate and terminate in that city.
Downplay everything you post? Its more like correct your exaggerations and misinformation. LINK HERE
to the questions you have yet to answer or own up to. Care to set the record straight ED, or just blow it off and post something off the wall sometime in the future yet again?
Flyboy4u said:
All I asked was some input on the idea...It seems to me that the company can just as easy break off EWR from LGA and JFK and build seperate lines out of there.
Kind of like what they already do. Check the E before the seq number that means its a EWR trip. both bid sheet already have pure and mixed lines and sequences for all the airports. International and domestic.
Flyboy4u said:
They already know from the preferences posted in Sabre those who request flying out of EWR. I mean wasn't SAN part of the LAX base at one point in AA's past?
What Unity?
That SABRE preferance is for reserve and company plotting trips. It has ZERO to do with actual line holders. As to your typical confusion, SAN was a base, it closed and now its a satellite for LAX. FYI, LAX co-terminals are LGB, BUR, SNA and ONT.

Your post really gave me a good chuckle! Well put. no offense flyboy but you asked for it.
Thanks Mikey for clearing it up for everybody..You REALLY do have all the answers, and the maturity level to go with them.

What Unity?
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Flyboy4u said:
Thanks Mikey for clearing it up for everybody..You REALLY do have all the answers, and the maturity level to go with them.

What Unity?
Maturity? look at some of your past posting and then we will compare maturity.
I dont need to look at my last posting because you are there to constantly bring them up. You really do need to grow up and stop harassing those who are merely asking a simple question, and asking for feedback. Instead, you would rather ridicule me about asking stupid questions.

Moderator: Please remind FA Mikey that these forums are here for information rather than a place to vent ones personal dislikes for individuals who post.


All I was asking is why it couldnt be done?...It seems that if AA wanted to make EWR a satellite base or even a regular base it could be done. Instead I get harsh responses from you. Are you having trouble sleeping, or maybe flying too much?

What Unity?