OCT/NOV 2012 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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I got news for you...the union can demand as much as they want. The public and free maket is only going to pay so much for a "Twinkie"
Keep avoiding the truth. Seven CEOs in 10 years, says it all.

The company, founded in 1930, was fighting battles beyond labor costs, however. Competition is increasing in the snack space and Americans are increasingly conscious about healthy eating. Hostess also makes Dolly Madison, Drake's and Nature's Pride snacks.

Educate yourself

Keep avoiding the truth. Seven CEOs in 10 years, says it all.

Educate yourself

Sounds like the loss of market share and demand for the product. Add to that numerous CEOs (collecting wages, benefits and perks that none of the workers were earning) who did not have the foresight to see any of this coming and you have the recipe for a failed company. Rather than focusing on producing a product that kept up with a changing demand in the market place... their strategy was taking concessions from the workers. Worker concessions is not a sustainable business model to profitability and subsequent survival.
Keep avoiding the truth. Seven CEOs in 10 years, says it all.

Educate yourself


Please...The company told its workers to get back to work, it can't afford the demands the union is making or the plant will be shut. The workers thought the company was bluffing and now they are on the streets. End of story.

On a side note the downturned economy probably played a part in this too. When times are tough people tend to be more frugal with grocery shopping and not spend extra $$ on junk food. It all starts with simple things like twinkies folks, it has very fast ripple effect in the economy.
Please...The company told its workers to get back to work, it can't afford the demands the union is making or the plant will be shut. The workers thought the company was bluffing and now they are on the streets. End of story.

On a side note the downturned economy probably played a part in this too. When times are tough people tend to be more frugal with grocery shopping and not spend extra $$ on junk food. It all starts with simple things like twinkies folks, it has very fast ripple effect in the economy.
The company probably couldn't afford the demands of the compensation packages that were afforded to their previous CEOs either. CEOs who failed miserably in their primary responsibility of adapting to a changing market place and demand. So let me get this straight... the company was forced to close it's doors because of union demands and an economic downturn that I'm sure you blame on the current President. People eat less twinkies during an economic downturn. That's laughable. In reality people tend to eat less nutritious (more twinkies) when they are deprived of a fair living wage.This while the CEOs and the privelaged eat steak. Please excuse me... I've got to prepare dinner. Tonight's menu... Manwich sloppy joes and Twinkies for desert. Your right though BP I should be glad I have a job master. The ideology you profess and support will eventually cause this country to collapse from within some day. Supporting self centered ideology with disregard for others is off the moral path. Please reconsider your thoughts and beliefs.
In other news. Papa Johns will be cutting workers hours due to implementing ObamaCare.

In other news. Papa Johns will be cutting workers hours due to implementing ObamaCare.

FOX News... it never ends... It's all because of Obama. I guess we can all expect another four years of Republican gridlock on Capital Hill just to see to it Obama fails. In the interim the American citizens will continue to suffer and pay the price. the Republican Party is out of touch with the changing demographics and expectations of the citizenship of this country. They will defend the rich and big business's interests at any cost. Even at the cost of the nation and the will of the majority of it"s citizens. They have learned nothing from the recent election results. Their self centered agenda and arrogance is sickening.The very reason the two party political system in this country needs to be abolished. They represent their party's interests and not the interests of the citizenship that voted in this current and previous elections. I fear a collapse from within for this country if we stay on the path we are on.
From the Huffington Post (not Foxnews) Denny's is proposing a 5% surcharge on customers bills to help pay for obamacare. That grandslam might just not be such a bargain anymore.

Do you just have a checklist of stale right wing talking points you're working your way down, or what?


P.S. if Papa Johns can give away 2 million pizzas for a promo, I'm pretty sure they can afford the whopping .13 cents in increased costs to insure their workforce.
Do you just have a checklist of stale right wing talking points you're working your way down, or what?


P.S. if Papa Johns can give away 2 million pizzas for a promo, I'm pretty sure they can afford the whopping .13 cents in increased costs to insure their workforce.

Thats ok Kev, change is coming..oh yes change is coming. Don't worry Obama and his promises are going to sprinkle gold dust on everyone.

In the meantime Applebee's seems to be following a similar pattern as Papajohns.

BM, is that black magic or bowel movement cause your posts are full of feces.

The real truth about Papa Johns


Caleb Melby of Forbes has graciously done the math on Obamacare’s cost to Papa John’s and according to his analysis, to cover the cost of Obamacare, the pizza chain would have to raise prices by 3.4 to 4.6 cents per pie -- way less than the 11 to 14 cents Schnatter claims he needs.

And there are other changes the chain could make to save some money, Melby notes, like not giving away 2 million pizzas for free at a cost of between $24 and $32 million to the company, for example.

We're guessing Obamacare won't impact life at Schnatter's lavish home, a 40,000 square-foot mansion in a tony suburb of Louisville, Kentucky, that features several swimming pools, a private golf course and a 22-car garage among other amenities, according to CelebrityNetworth.com.
  • Hostess is in bankruptcy for the second time since 2009.
  • For the past 8 years, Hostess has been owned by Wall Street investors: so-called “restructuring experts,” managers from other non-baking food companies, and now a “liquidation specialist.”
  • The Wall Street investors that own Hostess have no interest in the company succeeding – very similar to the situation of Bain Capital and KB Toys in 2000.
  • Hostess has had six CEO’s in 8 years, none of whom had any experience in the bread or cake baking industry. This, not any action by the unionized workers, led to their failure.
  • Hostess workers made numerous concessions, including this year when the company stopped making contributions to their pensions. They went on strike because management offered a contract cutting wages and benefits by 27-32 percent.
  • Despite their troubles, Hostess’ CEO got a 300 percent raise, from $750,000 to $2,250,000. Other top executives have also gotten raises worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  • Earlier this week when workers at 20 plants went on strike, Hostess management claimed they would close plants in response. In fact, they already had plans to close at least nine plants as part of a company-wide reorganization. The Mayor of St. Louis said of the closings “I was told months ago…”
Well readers, I've done a little research and found some interesting posts from our “union friendly” buddy… Black Magic. Thus far… I've only scratched the surface, but apparently during the time frame of only a few months in 2008, he posted as if he were an advocate of standing our UNION ground and dragging the Company back to the table for a better agreement.

Now… fast forward to today… and he posts as if he is an advocate of the free markets, and right to work!

Below are his actual posts as they appeared in this very forum over four years ago.

Black Magic-- May, 4 2008-- "This TA wreaks of shadyness... The company knows that when they will merge there will be much more money in profits with reduced competition. No way am I going to vote in some cost nuetral contract that will always keep us 2 steps behind forever. Company needs to offer a fair agreement for everyone to move forward. US Airways thinks they can play everyone as a fool from its customers to the employees."

Black Magic-- April, 12 2008-- "I find it astonishing that in Randy's letter he states that if we dont vote this TA in the company is not going back to the negotiating table. What a complete bunch of BS!!! The company will come back again and again. They want this Change of Control agreement vanished so they can merge with another company more than ever!"

Black Magic-- February, 14 2008-- "I feel its in LCC best interest to offer a decent contract ie not "cost nuetral"...If they are going to be apart in this merger game they know there will be big $$$ in the future and can afford to offer fleet service something respectable.

It really comes down to if LCC is planning on merging or not. This next TA will say it in a way. If it is above "cost nuetral" I'm willing to assume that they want part in a merger. If not I think they will choose the stance as a stand alone carrier and will just continue with a bankruptcy contract. They are not "nice" people and will pay the absolute least amount as possible so if they do spring a little extra $$$ they have future plans in store.

I mean why even waist time with another TA? If it is similiar or less than the last TA the east hubs will vote it down again big time!"

Black Magic-- January, 19 2008-- "Im just curious to maybe wait and see if we merge with another carrier. If we vote some bum contract in now, we could be stuck with it for a long time and then when the airline industry regains control and makes big $$$ we won't have a piece.

I do agree with airline consolidation, it will make fares higher for consumers but soo what. The "free flight" "cheap ticket" prices need to come to an end."

There are more of these to come... especially the posts where he works in tandem with Nelson to discredit the IAM and Randy Canale!
There is a skunk in the Hen House FOLKS!
You guys are delusional..as sure as the sun will rise business is going to pass to the costs of obamacare on the workers and consumers. If you want socialized medicine move to europe, where you get to pay for peoples bad health choices in smoking ect. Health care is not a right, just same as owning a car, or house is not a right.
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