PHX ramper(s) purposefully hold back bag and stuff warning message inside

Dawn Gilbertson of the Arizona Republic wrote about the incident where employees are requesting at their union and or company relate to their concerns. She has been the only Senior Editor that feels this information deams front page review. The customer that commented on Sabotage against the company might have be referring to the company actually sabotaging the employees.
The simple fact of the matter is the Single Certificate to run both airlines under on Contract and compensate Fleet and Mechanics and Pilots and Attendants differently should possibly be given consideration under the EEOC. Where the same job is being done in other states without equal pay. Anyone know a good attorney that could look into this.
Keep playing by the company rules, and keep going backwards.

I may be dating myself, but I remember a time when they poured punch on the control panel of a 727 and even burned a lax. That was the Teamster way......A little harsh.
First, there are plenty of legitimate ways to send a message. Work to the book. Tag out malfunctioning equipment. When you are short-staffed, don't ruin your health to make up the difference - work at a sustainable pace. Work safe, and refuse all dangerous work (I know that sounds ludicrous, but I know of a supervisor that actually tried to make the rampers work a flight with a lightning storm right over the field - he was pi$$ed when they told him to pound sand!).

Employees can do all that stuff with the CEO standing right on top of them.

Sadly, employees would rather b*+#h, or let someone else do the heavy lifting for them.

And let's not forget our blessed unions, who wouldn't recommend such activities, even when the company was picking their pockets.

Second, companies break the rules, major and minor, all the time. Employees are injured or die as a result. Haven't seen the first CEO perp-walked yet.

Hanging an information tag on a bag? Oh, the humanity!
I may be dating myself, but I remember a time when they poured punch on the control panel of a 727 and even burned a lax. That was the Teamster way......A little harsh.

Yeah Mike you are old......informational picketing works. Handing out flyers to the public with the facts on them so they can read it while standing in line for the TSA feel up works.

I participated in one for aircraft maintenance - it had nothing to do with any union or airline. I stood out in front of the airport with my brothers from UA, NW, AA, HP, US, DL from AMFA, TWU, Teamsters and IAM. Just informing the public of the facts and letting them think about it and ask questions.
What seem' not to be surprising is the company trying to "PIN" this letter on ONE POOR DISGRUNTLED! employee. It was only one employee. Only one person who is responsible and EVERY ONE ELSE of the 35,999 employees that are not in anyway responsible for ONE DISGRUNTLED lowly bag throwing, non important GRUNT. A Grunt that somehow manages to be happily married, in the middle class tax paying group, that has 2 1/2 kids, works FULL TIME and wants the AMERICAN DREAM! And waits for the chance after 3 years for the White Collar' to give HIM the SAME RECOGNITION! the white collar has gotten by sitting behind a desk.
Time we blue collar' say What you guys get with a four year degree, mean's not that much more to "Happiness" in America any more. Just be fair! Each group deserves recognition. No one group deserves any more or less than the efforts of all groups. Go! John EDWARDS!

Yeah, $400 haircuts for everyone!

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