Semi Trip Report--LGA-CLT-LGA May 2

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
Dix Hills NY
Yesterday I got to see first hand what the situation was like in CLT. I flew down for a quick meeting, arriving in the morning and returning on the 7:40PM back to LGA. I was traveling with a rep from our PR firm, so he got the benefit of a companion upgrade both ways.

The southbound journey was fine--always nice to see Jean at LGA Club, and my friends at the gates. On board we were asked to change seats from row 1 to row 4 (original configuration 321) to accommodate a customer with an aid dog--happy to comply. Excellent service, bottled water PRE departure, uneventful flight.

We arrived at LGA around 5:30 for the return flight and headed off to the club at C. The first thing I noticed that there was NO line at security--not one person ahead of us to go through! I asked the TSA agent if it was unusally slow and he said it had been that way for a while.

After a visit to the club and an adult beverage or two, I went out to meet my good friend Coachrowsey for a few minutes-he was gracious enough to come up on his break to visit-thanks Coach!

We arrive at the gate and there is a scene. The gate agents have just announced a delay due to ATC to NY (what else is new). There are a couple of really obnoxious customers laying into the agents-so bad that I cannot just stand there--I had to intervene. I pulled up FAA and weather radar on my phone and showed the big yeller the FAA ATC status, and the weather en route. I said everyone would be delayed flying over DCA due to storms along a line just south in Virginia. I asked the customer calmly to stop taking it out on the agent. I commend those two agents for the way they handled customers--and I could not help but notice how rude customers are these days--this could have turned ugly fast.

Turns out this was partially a SHARES issue--FLIFO is not updated -the flight still showed on time on the monitors and the gate. I had a lengthy conversation with the gate agents regarding this--they are unanimous in their feelings about SHARES.

Customers calmed down and about an hour later we were boarded up and about to leave, and suddenly a number of seat dupes come up (SHARES again?) A few minutes later we're on our way, and since we got out to the runway fast, we left a half hour before planned wheels up.

The folks in CLT have my sympathy---they are embarrassed, and just plain done---I can only imagine how bad it is elsewhere. I send ALL gate agents a tip of my hat, and encourage all FFOCUS members to lend a helping hand where able--there is no excuse to be abusive to an agent just because a flight takes a delay.

I have suggested to Tempe that they enable some form of web capability at gates--perhaps limited to the FAA website and a weather radar display-my PDA phone came in very handy last night.

Next week will be another adventure--LGA-RIC-CLT-MIA-CLT-LGA. I hope I get to see some of you during the trip..

My best to you all....
Yesterday I got to see first hand what the situation was like in CLT. I flew down for a quick meeting, arriving in the morning and returning on the 7:40PM back to LGA. I was traveling with a rep from our PR firm, so he got the benefit of a companion upgrade both ways.

The southbound journey was fine--always nice to see Jean at LGA Club, and my friends at the gates. On board we were asked to change seats from row 1 to row 4 (original configuration 321) to accommodate a customer with an aid dog--happy to comply. Excellent service, bottled water PRE departure, uneventful flight.

We arrived at LGA around 5:30 for the return flight and headed off to the club at C. The first thing I noticed that there was NO line at security--not one person ahead of us to go through! I asked the TSA agent if it was unusally slow and he said it had been that way for a while.

After a visit to the club and an adult beverage or two, I went out to meet my good friend Coachrowsey for a few minutes-he was gracious enough to come up on his break to visit-thanks Coach!

We arrive at the gate and there is a scene. The gate agents have just announced a delay due to ATC to NY (what else is new). There are a couple of really obnoxious customers laying into the agents-so bad that I cannot just stand there--I had to intervene. I pulled up FAA and weather radar on my phone and showed the big yeller the FAA ATC status, and the weather en route. I said everyone would be delayed flying over DCA due to storms along a line just south in Virginia. I asked the customer calmly to stop taking it out on the agent. I commend those two agents for the way they handled customers--and I could not help but notice how rude customers are these days--this could have turned ugly fast.

Turns out this was partially a SHARES issue--FLIFO is not updated -the flight still showed on time on the monitors and the gate. I had a lengthy conversation with the gate agents regarding this--they are unanimous in their feelings about SHARES.

Customers calmed down and about an hour later we were boarded up and about to leave, and suddenly a number of seat dupes come up (SHARES again?) A few minutes later we're on our way, and since we got out to the runway fast, we left a half hour before planned wheels up.

The folks in CLT have my sympathy---they are embarrassed, and just plain done---I can only imagine how bad it is elsewhere. I send ALL gate agents a tip of my hat, and encourage all FFOCUS members to lend a helping hand where able--there is no excuse to be abusive to an agent just because a flight takes a delay.

I have suggested to Tempe that they enable some form of web capability at gates--perhaps limited to the FAA website and a weather radar display-my PDA phone came in very handy last night.

Next week will be another adventure--LGA-RIC-CLT-MIA-CLT-LGA. I hope I get to see some of you during the trip..

My best to you all....

ART, is it just a CLT problem or does it seem to exist in PHL. I haven't been thru CLT since the merger so I haven't had any problems(SJU did pretty well, althought some scared me ahead of time.) I'm sorry about the CLT people, and good of you to step in and stop it from turning ugly. No matter how long it takes, I always am friendly to the agents and remind them they're doing a great job(unless they really are not) and let the other rude pax talk bad about me and not the GA. For all I care, I won't see those pax ever again, but the GA will... Nice trip report and glad to hear you got an East 321- just the way I like it.
As usual it was great seeing you again. Thanks for helping out those agents. It was great of you to do that. FYI Art & I looked at that Wx earlier & there was no doubt in either of our minds that there would be delays.
We arrive at the gate and there is a scene. The gate agents have just announced a delay due to ATC to NY (what else is new). There are a couple of really obnoxious customers laying into the agents-so bad that I cannot just stand there--I had to intervene. I pulled up FAA and weather radar on my phone and showed the big yeller the FAA ATC status, and the weather en route. I said everyone would be delayed flying over DCA due to storms along a line just south in Virginia. I asked the customer calmly to stop taking it out on the agent. I commend those two agents for the way they handled customers--and I could not help but notice how rude customers are these days--this could have turned ugly fast.

Thats the difference between an educated flier and a hefty bag flier....
Art it takes a lot of character and a very special person to step in the way you did in CLT to aide those agents. As always my hat is off to you for what you continue to do for the employees of USAirways. I am sorry your delay into LGA prevented me from coming to the gate to say hello.

Thanks Art

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Thank YOU for all you do. I am also disappointed that you weren't able to wait around, but I did see our other buddy who waited around--and I drove him over to his car. Also I saw the gentleman you introduced me to last Thursday.

I am at least glad we got to speak for a minute while I was there....

Thanks again and best regards,
I have suggested to Tempe that they enable some form of web capability at gates--perhaps limited to the FAA website and a weather radar display-my PDA phone came in very handy last night.
You make a good point about the web enablement. Most airports have WiFi already. It would cost less than $1000 to setup a permanent display(computer and LCD) that just shows a weather web site ( is a good one) with automatic refreshes.

It might be nice if the airports themselves, in cooperation
with airlines, install 42" LCD's in gate areas, or in concourses next to the flight displays, with dedicated live up to the minute national radar interspersed with regional radar pics. I'm sure some do, but I don't recall seeing any that are dedicated. I know there are LCD's all over the airport concourses now with all sorts of info. Rarely do I see one dedicated to weather.

The downside is that some timid passengers might interpret a big mass of green radar echos along their route as super hazerdous flight conditions that should ground all planes, when in fact it's often fairly benign and super clear sailing above 3000'.
You make a good point about the web enablement. Most airports have WiFi already. It would cost less than $1000 to setup a permanent display(computer and LCD) that just shows a weather web site ( is a good one) with automatic refreshes.

While I personally like the idea you need to look at the other side, and I get this from my years of ferry boat operation.

"you are not really going to sail in weather like that."

The storms my put fear in customers, even though the pilots will fly above ore around the storm
With internet access--the agents could even use Orbitz to find those non-existent cities we don't really fly to anymore.
PHL, jetBlue at JFK has two large flat screen displays for passengers to view in their gate area's, I believe using Passur software. Map of the country with every B6 flight airbourne with altitude and airspeed. There is also weather radar overlayed on these screens. Very interesting a nice perk for the JFK passengers flying jetBlue.

