The future of U


Aug 27, 2002
I have not posted to this board in a while, but have read most of the posts regarding U''s future and the voting coming up. I am not a U employee therefore I do not all the small details not put in press releases regarding cutbacks, however, it seems that many on this board wish to vote no almost as a way to get back at the company. What i do not understand is how so many people can care so little about the jobs of others. If you are unhappy with the current situation at U, then you can leave and find another job. No one is forcing you to stay. However, there are many people at U that, even with all the concessions, need their positions. The economy is one of the worst in recent memory and I too have felt the brunt. Before being laid off, myself and my colleagues begged for salary cuts, insurance hikes, vacation reductions, etc. We asked for anything to keep us on the payroll as finding another job is extremely difficult right now. However, management just couldn''t swing it, and I found myself at the unemployment office collecting miniscule checks for a full 5 months. I know that this message will set a lot of people off, but people need to face reality that the airline is in dire straits and without ratification, there will ne no US Airways and tens of thousands of people will be out of a job.
If you are so utterly disgusted at U, then leave, but please do not force those that NEED to stay to go with you.................
Best of luck to all U''s employees. I fly U to every city I fly to (if you serve it) and I do so because of your excellent product and truly superior customer service. I only come in contact with front line employees in my travels, so I can only remark on them - but they are, by far, the best in the industry. Thank you very much for making my travels enjoyable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the complement, I’m afraid our customer service may soon slip to the level of American Eagle. Lets hope not. I have quietly stood and watch them work and observed their commit, it’s not very pretty. The ones I know just don't care like we do.
A "yes" vote could mean severance pay and other benefits for those who may be furloughed and a "no" vote could mean another Eastern Air Lines.[BR][BR]Chip
I agree. If the NO voters hate it so much here they should vote YES to help there friends and leave. They have the same unemployed result but the rest of us will continue.
The last time I checked nobody was forcing anybody else to stay. So take care of your friends- Vote YES.
On 1/8/2003 6:43:05 PM chipmunn wrote:

A "yes" vote could mean severance pay and other benefits for those who may be furloughed and a "no" vote could mean another Eastern Air Lines.


Yeah, severance and benefits. I bet its not one month before they find a way to weasle out of that one. Chip, you still have not answered my question, asked on many threads. What will you do when they come back for more? When they want your pension and your job security. How much more will you give? Cause they will be back for more.
When does the vote take place?

To those who say..."what happens if I vote yes and they come back for more?".

Well, if you vote yes - there's good chance U will emerge from CH11. If they come back for more as you predict - you can vote no or not even talk to them because the spector of liquidation is gone. Have you thought about that?
On 1/8/2003 7:29:25 PM PineyBob wrote:

OK Michael do you have inside information that makes you certain that they will come back for more?? Please enlighten us, or are you just a bitter angry person who spouts unsupported allegations in order to stir up everyone to make yourself feel powerful. Show me the facts, where has US Airways stated at any time that they might need more concessions? WHERE Boy Genius? Stop trying to inflame a situation that doesn't need inflaming.

I have no facts. But, I can look at what has gone on up to now. The first round of cuts was supposed to be enough, now they have asked for more. They have also hedged by including the war clause. In my opinion, they are trying to fix this airline strictly through cost cuts, because they don't have a clue on how to increase revenue. Either way, it really doesn't matter. I get tired of Chip trying to tell me how to vote, when all he is trying to do is protect his pension and job security, while the rest of us are taking severe hits to both.

They will be back for more cuts. I hope I'm wrong, but I would bet against it.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/9/2003 8:38:12 AM michael707767 wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/8/2003 7:29:25 PM PineyBob wrote: [BR][BR]OK Michael do you have inside information that makes you certain that they will come back for more?? Please enlighten us, or are you just a bitter angry person who spouts unsupported allegations in order to stir up everyone to make yourself feel powerful. Show me the facts, where has US Airways stated at any time that they might need more concessions? WHERE Boy Genius? Stop trying to inflame a situation that doesn't need inflaming.[BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][BR]I have no facts. But, I can look at what has gone on up to now. The first round of cuts was supposed to be enough, now they have asked for more. They have also hedged by including the war clause. In my opinion, they are trying to fix this airline strictly through cost cuts, because they don't have a clue on how to increase revenue. Either way, it really doesn't matter. I get tired of Chip trying to tell me how to vote, when all he is trying to do is protect his pension and job security, while the rest of us are taking severe hits to both. [BR][BR]They will be back for more cuts. I hope I'm wrong, but I would bet against it.
[P][/P]look into the 3rd page of the' usairways responds' thread by chris chiames...i asked him about round 3 and he dodged the querie.

Mike asked: "Chip, you still have not answered my question, asked on many threads. What will you do when they come back for more? When they want your pension and your job security. How much more will you give? Cause they will be back for more."

Chip answers: Mike, I do not read every message on this board and this is the first time I have seen your questions. In regard to your question(s), if the company asks more I would have to decide whether or not its worth staying at the company for the pay and benefits offered. I will not burn the house down, pound my chest, or have the full pay to last day mentality. My wife and I have other options; therefore, instead of hurting others we could move on.

Chip comments: Mike, US Airways does not meet the financial requirements of RSA, the ATSB, and GECAS and is seeking $400 million in cost cuts to balance the financial equation. $200 million are from operational changes, $101 million from pilots, and $99 million from US Airways 26,000 other employees. Simply put, the financiers have put the cost cut requirements on the airline and management must adjust or the airline could liquidate per the bankruptcy code.

Mike said: "I get tired of Chip trying to tell me how to vote, when all he is trying to do is protect his pension and job security, while the rest of us are taking severe hits to both."

Chip comments: Mike, I believe this is an unfair statement. My wife and I already have a sizeable pension with my military retirement, investments, and social security; therefore, your characterization is wrong. My postings on whether or not a person should vote “yesâ€￾ or “noâ€￾ are based on what could be lost. For example, even if an employee is furloughed they are better off voting yes because they get severance pay, COBRA, keep their retirement (versus PBGC award), have pass privileges, recall rights, and J4J, if desired. If any union votes "no" and the airline is not successful at lowering labor expense other ways (deeper cuts or S.1113 proceedings), the airline could liquidate.

Mike, here are two questions for you. If a "no" vote causes the airline to liquidate, who wins? In addition, what benefits do you see you and your colleagues obtaining by voting "no"?

That's a good point, but our main goal should be to get control of this company's future away from the court. The longer we stay in BK, the more risk we take on never getting out. If we can get this thing turned around, labor may have some say so on the board regarding the hardships placed on the employees... and what to do about it. But IMHO we have to bite the bullet now in hopes of a brighter day tomorrow. But this being said, I think the labor concession rubber band is streched to it's limit on THIS go around. The well runs dry for everyone after this.

A320 Driver
Mike, here are two questions for you. If a "no" vote causes the airline to liquidate, who wins? In addition, what benefits do you see you and your colleagues obtaining by voting "no"?



The answer to both questions is the same, in my opinion. They will not liquidate if we turn down the most recent cuts. Its a bluff. They will kick and scream, but in the end, the airline will not be liquidated. So, the answer is, we all win by voting no, calling their bluff, and sticking with the previously agreed to pay cuts. I believe you said that you would have to evaluate if you would be willing to accept further cuts. Well, I feel the same. I took the first round of cuts, no I have decided that the second round goes too far. My vote, my choice.
In my opinion, a "no" vote by any of the unions is a "no" vote by all. If I understand it correctly, the other TAs required participation by the other unions, so one "no" means a unamimous "NO". Given that, don't any of you think this spells real trouble for the future of U? Those that think they can skate through this thing without additional sacrifices are mistaken. We are all tied together on this deal. We sink or swim together. If you don't like the water, then get out of the pool. But don't poke a hole in the bottom of it because you only got one hotdog!

A320 Driver
The question about them comming back for more??????
As I recall several monthes ago we were given the first opportunity for give backs,with the threat that the bankrupcy judge would cease all contracts if the vote wasn't ratified, 8% pay cut loss of vacation loss of holidays loss of sick days etc. So we are now tasked with voting again for more cuts or ELSE.
So you ask what makes you think they will ask for more,well I ask what makes you think they will not!!!!!!

Remember If you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got.