The TWU has had enough of the raids...

I welcome the chance to poke the TWU in the eye again. Too many of us at WN who are former AA employees know who they are. The drive will be DOA.
I welcome the chance to poke the TWU in the eye again. Too many of us at WN who are former AA employees know who they are. The drive will be DOA.
PLEASE come and ask me to sign a TWU card!!! Oh PLEASE DO!!!
I too welcome the third rejection to the TWU trying to get in. The last two times were over in less than a few days on one and a week on the other.
ALL mechanics at SWA and Alaska watched and saw everything that just went on at AA with the memberships OVERWHELMING AMFA card drive of well over 50% plus one (7200+) cards turned in.
TWU is just butt hurt from all those cards getting turned in for AMFA, so now they are trying to get revenge after all the past failures of the TWU against AMFA.

This will get fun as hell, again, PLEASE come ask me to sign a TWU card!!! LMAO! :)