This is what you can expect if you sign a card

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This is what you can expect if you sign a Card!

Kevin McCormick is the owner of the McCormick Advisory Group, a real-estate management company from Laconia, New Hampshire. He and Delle go way back to the days when Delle was selling real estate. They are very good friends.
They are such good friends that while Delle was out trying to aid airlines in their divide and conquer strategy of weakening unions, Kevin took real good care of Delle. Kevin has provided Delle with housing, cash, and expenses for the last five years. Kevin even put him on his company’s payroll. We’re sure Kevin did this out of the kindness of his own heart, and the love of his friend expecting nothing in return.
It has to be just a coincidence that Kevin is now on amfa’s payroll. In a fraternity that continually praises how democratic they are, Kevin has been appointed to the sweetest job of all; National Administrator. There is no provision in the amfa constitution for a real estate manager, so Delle created the title of National Administrator because it sounds better than national real estate manager, but there actually is no provision in the amfa constitution for either position.
Kevin McCormick was never voted into his position, yet he is the man who handles all of amfa’s finances. Why does amfa have a National Treasurer if all the money goes to a real estate firm? And who is Kevin McCormick accountable to? He was never elected to any position. In fact, he isn’t even a member of any union.
Delle has amfa paying Kevin back to the tune of $12,000 per week! How could that be? He must be the world’s most overpaid administrator. But for that money amfa gets his superb negotiating skills. For some reason, Mr. McCormick has his signature on amfa’s contracts with Alaska and Mesaba airlines. Why is someone who was never elected negotiating contracts in a “democratic†fraternity? Is there any way for his role to be taken over by elected amfa members? Can he be removed from his position?
We urge you to ask your amfa representatives for these answers. There is no logical reason that you should have to pay Delle’s debts with your hard earned, recently raised, dues money. Kevin McCormick’s only role in amfa is to drain as much cash from YOU and put it into Delle’s, Lee Seham’s, and his own pocket. Delle’s past debts should be his own problem, not yours.

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This is what you can expect if you sign a Card!

AMFA claims that it can represent Technicians and Cleaners better than “industrial unionsâ€￾ like the TWU/IAm because it is not interested in representing other airline classifications. However, the facts show that the same people controlling AMFA, unelected National Administrator Kevin McCormick and unremovable attorney Lee Seham, view Technicians and Cleaners as just a small part of a much bigger scheme that is all about money – your money!
A Few Divisions of the Seham and McCormick Corporation
Technicians and Cleaners: Aircraft Mechanic Fraternal Association (AMFA)
67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 208 A –
Laconia, NH 03246

Pilots: The American Independent Cockpit Alliance (AICA)

67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 208
Laconia, NH 03246
Flight Attendants: the Professional flight Attendants Association (PFAA)

67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 209
Laconia, NH 03246
Fleet Service: Allied Ground Workers (AGW)
Law Firm:

Seham, Seham, Meltz and Peterson (AMFA’s law firm)

On 6/2/2003 5:00:53 AM Checking it Out wrote:

"This is what you can expect if you sign a Card!

AMFA claims that it can represent Technicians and Cleaners better than “industrial unionsâ€￾ like the TWU/IAm because it is not interested in representing other airline classifications. However, the facts show that the same people controlling AMFA, unelected National Administrator Kevin McCormick and unremovable attorney Lee Seham, view Technicians and Cleaners as just a small part of a much bigger scheme that is all about money – your money!"

OK. So this group seeks to get all Aviation workers into unions that represent their profession.

Whats wrong with that?

Its all about Money! What isnt?

Isnt the idea of all workers in a particular profession being as one based on sound union principles?

I am an aircraft mechanic. I went to school for that. I've invested money and time into this career. I am a TWU member because I was hired by AA. If I was at USAIR I would be IAM. If I was at CAL or UPS, I would be TEAMSTERS. If I was at NWA I would be AMFA. If I was at FED-EX I would not be in a Union. The consistant factor is that I would still be an A&P Mechanic.When I was looking for a job I did not seek to work under the TWU umbrella. I sought to earn a living through the use of my A&Ptickets not a TWU union card. The union has no allegience to my career or profession. My affiliation with the TWU is by chance not choice. My career choice could have landed me in any of many different unions, most of which have little or no concern in regards to my profession, just to my dues.

Our union is simply an administrator providing a service for a fee. A service that is not primarily focused on the profession of an aircraft mechanic. A service that is not even primarily focused in the Airline industry. They provide no leadership and as we have just seen no protection from paycuts and the loss of benifits while working. Instead of tailoring its objectives to the unique needs of our profession or industry we are expected to tailor our needs to what they choose as the objective.

That objective was just made completly clear- the maintenance of the dues base.

Is it wrong to try and form a labor union that would be specifically and primarily focused on my profession?

Are the three AFL-CIO unions considering building a strong union, like we see in the building trades, in the airline industry? Or have they carved up the industry along corporate lines instead of craft lines? This is a strategy that makes unions dependent upon the company instead of the profession. The Union ends up being more concerned about the health of individual companies instead of the earning potential of their members.

This situation where the Unions are dependant on companies suits these unions just fine.


Because "its all about money, your money".

Under the current structure, and the RLA, these non-aviation unions are provided a secure dues base. They dont have to do anything for it really.
Provide a little representation here and there.
Tell the members that the "Union is You" and chant out a few slogans.
Tell the members that all the hardships that they suffer are either inevitable or the result of their voting patterns.

They can do this because they know that there is no competition. The TWU will not bite into the IAMs piece of the pie, and the IAM will not bite into the IBT piece of the pie. The three of them happily sit around and consume the workers of this industry to their own benifit, their objectives, not the members they represent.

If we were organized along craft lines then we would be better off. Lets talk about Fleet service for a change. If all the fleet service clerks in a particular airport were in one union then the union would not really care which carrier flew into that airport. Who ever flew in would need to be serviced, and they would need people to do the work. Since these members would be trained, have completed background checks and ramp access they would be the most qualified. If all the fleet service workers were getting the same rate of pay then the airlines would have to find some other means to compete. TWU represented Fleet service workers at AA would no longer be in a race to the bottom with those IAM represented workers at UAL. Or more accurately they would no longer be the victims of the competition between the TWU and the IAM in their efforts to preserve their dues base by proping up the company through which they collect those dues.

I'll admit that I know little to nothing about the McCormick Group. But I've seen the AMFA Constitution. From what I've seen in it there is much more democratic oversight and accountability provided by it than our TWU Constitution.

Admittedly our Constitution can be amended. But as you must admit membership initiated change is impossible and even those driven by delegates is very difficult. There was a proposal that was shot down at our last Convention that was supported by all the line stations, the SWA Flight Attendants, Local 100 and one courageous delegate from Tulsa to bring democratic accountability to our union. The International apparently had made enough side deals to get it shot down. The President of TULSA gave a speach about how unfair it was for leaders to be held accountable, he was appointed to an International position shortly afterwards.

But even if we did bring democratic reform that would still not address the problem of having our profession or our industry divied up between several unions that are not primarily focused on either. Regardless of what reforms that we could make we would still not have a union that is primarily focused on our profession or industry. Our needs and interests would still be subjected to compromize between our industry and other forms of transportation or other industial objectives. Our clout could be bartered off for objectives that are not in our best interests.

Is there anything preventing AMFA members from telling the union to sever all ties with the group and moving its headquarters to where ever the members want it?
Do we have the option of determining who the International hires?

Of all the names on the TWU International LM-2 how many were elected by a membership vote??
Answer- NONE

I still want to hear how we, as mechanics are better off being split up by three different Unions, none of which are primarily focused on our profession?

What fundamentally is wrong with the idea of all the aircraft mechanics in the industry being under one union? A union whose primary focus is the profession of aircraft mechanics?

What is wrong with all the Fleet service workers belonging to one union? A union whose primary focus is the profession of fleet service workers?

Should ALPA. and the APA and the AFA be split up between the IAM,TWU and IBT? Would their profession benifit from that?

How about a few answers instead of more propaganda?

On 6/2/2003 10:40:54 AM AAmech wrote:

They'll never admit or disclose something like that but its pretty obvious that the millions that amfa pays the McCormicks is helping fund their other ventures. Can you blame them? They found one group of suckers among airline workers (Mechanics). Why not try and find some more? Its easy money!

Just like the AFL-CIO unions, the mechanics have been the suckers for way too long. It is time for fleet service to stand on it's own merit.

It has been easy money!
On 6/2/2003 10:40:54 AM AAmech wrote:

They''ll never admit or disclose something like that but its pretty obvious that the millions that amfa pays the McCormicks is helping fund their other ventures. Can you blame them? They found one group of suckers among airline workers (Mechanics). Why not try and find some more? Its easy money!

Suckers?? Have you seen the text of our concessionary contract??? Who are the suckers now?? Ask the TWU that question. We are all suckers, especially the YES voters who thought that they would save their jobs by voting YES. Look in your own backyard before you open your mouth....better yet look at your paycheck. Just wait till next year when your medical doubles or triples, thats right double or triple because your TWU agreed to remove the cap......Suckers we are all....
They''ll never admit or disclose something like that but its pretty obvious that the millions that amfa pays the McCormicks is helping fund their other ventures. Can you blame them? They found one group of suckers among airline workers (Mechanics). Why not try and find some more? Its easy money!
On 6/2/2003 10:32:53 AM eolesen wrote:

Is this true, Dave?

Do AICA, PFAA, and AGW share any of the resources AMFA uses, as CIO is alluding to?

Share? NO!

HIRE? YES! Everyone is paying their own invoices!

These groups have also hired the McCormick Advisory Group and the Seham, Seham, Meltz and Petersen Law Firm. These groups are NOT AMFA! They are hired for services.

eoleson, are you one of those Thought Police Officers who wants to tell everyone who they can and cannot hire for services? To date I have never seen a mangement Thought Police Officer, first time for everything!

What's the big deal? I don't get it?

The National Mediation Determines Craft and Class and nothing has changed.

It appears to me that McCormick and Seham are becoming well known througout the industry and other want to pay for their services. Is this wrong?

Are you guys saying that once a service company or law firm is hired by one union, then if other unions also hire them, then there is foul play?

Not only absurd thinking, But utterly rediculous!

The interest that AA mangement types like eoleson are showing in defending the TWU speaks much louder than who the unions are hiring for legal and administrative services.


Contrary to the CIO assertions, AMFA prides itself on restricting the representation to those that are in the Craft and Class of Mechanic and Related as defined by the National Mediation Board.


Because We are Gaining Cards Daily as a Result of Them!
j7915 and Checking it Out,

Did not Babbit from ELCAT admit to working for Airline management at the AMFA meeting Friday? Are you going to print that in the next informer newsletter?

Does this mean the TWU really is "AAmericans Real Strength" in more ways than one?

After the meeting, I had discussion with Mr. Babbit from ELCAT about the fact that they failed to find the retention bonuses and the mangement pension issues which created the firestorm between AA and Unions.

Mr. Babbit claimed it wasn't a fair analogoy to blame him because "no money changed hands" and the dislcosure came from the 10K filing after the vote.

The fact is, that the Fourth Quarter Filing should show the "money exchange" because AA has admitted the funding of the greedy snatch and grabs took place in October of 2002!
On 6/2/2003 3:10:37 PM RV4 wrote:

After the meeting, I had discussion with Mr. Babbit from ELCAT about the fact that they failed to find the retention bonuses and the mangement pension issues which created the firestorm between AA and Unions.

Mr. Babbit claimed it wasn''t a fair analogoy to blame him because "no money changed hands" and the dislcosure came from the 10K filing after the vote.

The fact is, that the Fourth Quarter Filing should show the "money exchange" because AA has admitted the funding of the greedy snatch and grabs took place in October of 2002!

There is no Fourth Quarter Filing at AMR. SEC reporting companies (like AA and AMR) don''t have to file Q4 10-Qs, they are allowed to include that data in the Annual filing (10-K). Thus, the 10-K IS the Fourth Quarter Filing.
On 6/2/2003 4:22:38 PM eolesen wrote:

No need to be an ass, Dave. It was a simple question, since CIO's claim seemed to be a bit off the wall based on what you've posted here and elsewhere for the past two years.

As far as thought police go, I have no interest in telling you or anyone else what to think. You and Bob do enough of that already.


Fair enough. It is difficult to grasp one's emotions from an internet posting.

If I misunderstood your posting I am sorry. We just spent much of the day Friday answering the TWU LIES, and I am just tiring of the trash they spew! I might add, that Friday was well worth the effort, those that were neutral in the room and there to learn about AMFA have given us great compliments about our conduct and our knowledge of the issues.

The best thing the TWU did for us was show up. However, the continued lies are never ending a very frustrating.

Again, sorry for the defensive nature of my reply. I will try harder to control my emotions.
On 6/2/2003 4:05:15 PM FWAAA wrote:

There is no Fourth Quarter Filing at AMR. SEC reporting companies (like AA and AMR) don''t have to file Q4 10-Qs, they are allowed to include that data in the Annual filing (10-K). Thus, the 10-K IS the Fourth Quarter Filing.

Well then Mr. Babbit was correct, only those that were part of the greed and snatch would have ever known.
I recieved this information ivai e-mail:

The following tells the story of classic twu business unionism. The twu hires the companies financial consultants and then uses them to sell the membership the concessionary agreement and later fight the AMFA. Currently ECLAT is fighting AMFA at Northwest Airlines and at AA by showing up at AMFA Informational Meetings.


AA Corporate Meeting 7/12/02- July 13, 2002 - 8:28 AM
To: Local Presidents 501-590

From: Jim Little

July 12, 2002

Re: American Informational Corporate Meeting

As most of you may have heard, American Airlines requested our attendance along with the APA & APFA leadership on a financial status report of American and the Airline Industry in general.

The presentation was divided into 4 informational sections consisting of:

ECLAT – Consulting group Mr. Randy Babbitt, President and Managing Director Bill Selbar, who gave an in depth overview of the Aviation Industry and trends.

State of the Airline – Mr. Jeff Campbell, CFO Presentation consisted of AA earnings performance, Cost and operating initiatives. We were also advised that on July 17, 2002 A.A. would report their second quarter financial statement.

Capacity Planning – Mr. Walter Aue, Senior Vice President covered scheduling, revenue & fleet planning.

Labor Management – Mr. Jeff Brundage, Vice President of Employee Relations, discussed teamwork, grievance handling and lost time and dependability initiatives.


Industry and AA Financial Overview- July 24, 2002 - 1:55 PM
July 17, 2002

Mr. Jeff Brundage
VP Employee Relations
American Airlines, Inc.
PO Box 619616 MD 5235
DFW Airport, TX 75261-9616

Re: Industry and AA Financial Overview

Dear Mr. Brundage:

On behalf of our respective organizations, we found the presentations by ECLAT Aviation Consulting and our senior officers to be informative on the impact of the Low Cost Carrier and the shift on current and future travel trends.

During your presentation, you raised some issues that are of concern, in particular, grievance handling and the responsibility for further scrutiny on both sides prior to the arbitration process. However, when asked, you did not have specifics as to how the Company will handle grievance practices in the future. Under the current structure, we operate under the "Pass the buck syndrome" whereas local management, in most incidences, forces cases to be forwarded to arbitration rather than being settled at the Local or base level. As stated, we would be interested in how the company has plans on changing this.

In general, it is obvious, with the deterioration of labor management relations, and the lack of respect to our organizations on corporate communications etc., there is a greater need for better communications within our labor groups, regardless of our own affiliations. I can assure you that it has become quite evident by the presentations and the press remarks by Mr. Carty that our Labor groups must form a stronger coalition. We, the leadership, are committed to that goal.


James C. Little

John Ward

Capt. John Darrah

Dear TWU AAL Members,

On Thursday December 12, 2002 I attended the AA TWU Presidents council chaired by Gary Yingst International Vice President and AA System Coordinator. As part of the agenda I discussed the Company’s request which was reported to you on December 6, 2002. I informed the Council that the TWU International has retained ECLAT Consulting (More info on ECLAT is available on their web site to do an in-depth analysis of the company’s financial records in order to determine if such a request is even warranted at this time.

On Friday December 13, 2002 we met with Mr. Michael P. Thomas Director Investor Relations for an initial presentation to our consultants, and later with Mr. Jeffrey C. Campbell Senior Vice President – Finance and Chief Financial Officer who gave a candid overview of American Airlines current and some future planning. Mr. Campbell reiterated all financial records as it relates to our analysis would be made available for review. Once all non-disclosure documents (required by law) were executed our consultants where given some preliminary data covering various aspects of the AA system. ELCAT will review the initial data, and prepare a request for additional information as necessary in order complete the analysis. Considering the Holiday season they expect to take less than 45 days to complete the analysis. We will keep you advised as to any status change.

In the interim do not be mislead by rumors or unfounded speculation.

Sincerely and fraternally,

James C. Little,

Director Air Transport Division


Page 3:NWA management has retained ECLAT to fight AMFA on a pension funding dispute. ECLAT is also now rumored to be working for Alaska Airlines management.

On May 31, 2003, ECLAT President Randy Babbitt and attorney Sanford Denison decided to show up at an AMFA meeting in Tulsa. Who paid for this trip, AA or the TWU?????

The cure for sellouts of this nature...
On 6/2/2003 3:00:37 PM RV4 wrote:

eoleson, are you one of those Thought Police Officers who wants to tell everyone who they can and cannot hire for services? To date I have never seen a mangement Thought Police Officer, first time for everything!


No need to be an ass, Dave. It was a simple question, since CIO's claim seemed to be a bit off the wall based on what you've posted here and elsewhere for the past two years.

ECLAT, Bob Mann, and SH&E routinely do work for both management and labor, but never for both sides at the same airline. There are only so many consultants with experience in airline finances and contracts to go to.

As far as thought police go, I have no interest in telling you or anyone else what to think. You and Bob do enough of that already.
On 6/2/2003 7:13:50 PM Checking it Out wrote:

Did not Babbit from ELCAT admit to working for Airline management at the AMFA meeting Friday? Are you going to print that in the next informer newsletter?

In every case he had the Permission from all the Unions before He was allowed to make a presentation! This also encludes amfa!

That is an outright LIE, he said the carrier told him they had permission from AMFA and that he did not talk directly to AMFA at any time!