Todd Courser tried to cover up an affair.

Tree, I see you steppin' up concerning THIS coverup, when was the last time you stepped up concerning the Hitlery/Benghazi/Email coverups?

Until that happens, I'll take whatever you say as biased and bullsh!t!
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Dog Wonder said:
After you and Tree have been on the same page all these years.
Courser has said he needs to pray about the matter a bit and apparently the result of that praying was that he is now saying he was blackmailed.   He is saying that members of his staff colluded with the Lancing maffia (who knew) to get him to resign.
I won't even begin to say I understand his logic in this because it just seems completely warped.  He is saying he was being blackmailed by a guy he is on record with trying to cover up his affair and he never even mentions the blackmail.  Moreover, why would you plan a cover-up with someone who is trying to blackmail you?
Ironic that it takes a sex scandal or a dead animal to get liberals all whipped up & giddy with excitement, yet they could care less when the cover up involves something boring like people dying or national security being put at risk.

If Hillary and Bill's history of dealing with infidelity isn't a concern, why all the faux-outrage here? We can't help who we're attracted to, right?
eolesen said:
Ironic that it takes a sex scandal or a dead animal to get liberals all whipped up & giddy with excitement, yet they could care less when the cover up involves something boring like people dying or national security being put at risk.If Hillary and Bill's history of dealing with infidelity isn't a concern, why all the faux-outrage here? We can't help who we're attracted to, right?
Or better yet, seeing Libtards foaming at the mouth, concerning Cecil the Lion yet, playing deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to Planned Parenthood and them selling baby organs and body parts!

No one cares who is doing who

No one is whipped into a frothy whatever either

It is worth noting when those who campaign on religous, moral, family values, ethical behavior and other character issues, blast the personal responsibiliy sound bite as if they are the only one who ever heard of the idea, and work to impose their own ( or at least their publically espoused ) religious and moral beliefs on others turn out to be such blazing hypocrites.

Especially when they then pray about it and god tells them it was all someone else's fault.

How very convenient is that?

And, No_One.Said.That.They.Did.Not.Care.About.Americans.Dying.OrAbout.National.Security.

No one.

Not even the most liberal.

I have read every single one of the Benghazi reports, by everyone. Everyone cares. Some people are more interested in answers being used to prevent (hopefully...) similiar events in the future. Others are more interested in using out of context quotes and just plain not only inaccurate and ignorant but stupid and irresponsible "reporting" and commentary to smear and discredit.

I don't like Hillary any better than I like 15 of the 16, and won't vote for her.

I do like history, facts, reason, reality, rational thought, critical unbiased thinking and pragmatic solutions.
Ifly2 said:

No one cares who is doing who

No one is whipped into a frothy whatever either

It is worth noting when those who campaign on religous, moral, family values, ethical behavior and other character issues, blast the personal responsibiliy sound bite as if they are the only one who ever heard of the idea, and work to impose their own ( or at least their publically espoused ) religious and moral beliefs on others turn out to be such blazing hypocrites.

Especially when they then pray about it and god tells them it was all someone else's fault.

How very convenient is that?

And, No_One.Said.That.They.Did.Not.Care.About.Americans.Dying.OrAbout.National.Security.

No one.

Not even the most liberal.

I have read every single one of the Benghazi reports, by everyone. Everyone cares. Some people are more interested in answers being used to prevent (hopefully...) similiar events in the future. Others are more interested in using out of context quotes and just plain not only inaccurate and ignorant but stupid and irresponsible "reporting" and commentary to smear and discredit.

I don't like Hillary any better than I like 15 of the 16, and won't vote for her.

I do like history, facts, reason, reality, rational thought, critical unbiased thinking and pragmatic solutions.
God doesn't bear false witness.
So they campaign on a moral compass and then crash and burn, looks like they weren't living the word, Dude.
(Its Gods internal self check system.)
Agree with you on the guy getting caught, move on.....its his karma now.
How can you have read everyone of the Benghazi reports when they haven't all been released.....not to mention the 'missing server'.
Yep. There seems to be no shortage of campaign-trail Christians or conservatives; unfortunately, the left likes to point at them as representative of the beliefs they pretend to follow.
Ok.. Then CLAIM that god tells them...

In any case, god didn't tell 'em a damn thing

And yes, it would be hard to read reports that haven't been released

Some of them have a lot of stuff blacked out, too.

Each of them predictably vary in style and conclusion based on who wrote them. That was easy to see coming.

How many of the people on here screaming Benghazi!!! have actually read ANY of them, besides the bits snipped out of context and put up for display on the tube?

Did you read all of them?

Or what the very honorable and I mean that sincerely Robert Gates had to say?
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eolesen said:
Ironic that it takes a sex scandal or a dead animal to get liberals all whipped up & giddy with excitement, yet they could care less when the cover up involves something boring like people dying or national security being put at risk.

If Hillary and Bill's history of dealing with infidelity isn't a concern, why all the faux-outrage here? We can't help who we're attracted to, right?
How many times does this have to be explained to you?
Progressives do not run on family values and do not care who is doing who.  Conservatives however are all about traditional marriage and telling everybody what is right and wrong morally.  If one is to judge people by their actions the only possible conclusion about the conservative viewpoint is that traditional marriage consists of infidelity and multiple divorces.  
So how about all of you STFU about how others should conduct their lives and we won't laugh at all the infidelity on the right?  
As far as morality is concerned, the conservatives are hypocrites. You reelected Sanford back to office after he cheated on his wife on tax payer money.  You support people like Gingrich who cheated on 2 wives.  And you have the never to preach to the rest of us about how we are immoral.  
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southwind said:
Or better yet, seeing Libtards foaming at the mouth, concerning Cecil the Lion yet, playing deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to Planned Parenthood and them selling baby organs and body parts!
Perhaps it has something to do with one action being illegal and the other not.  Abortions are legal.  No reason the tissue and organs should not be put to use to help save lives.