Town meeting with Doug


Jul 15, 2003
The question was asked that if CWA snap back were frivolous and unwarranted what did he call the raises and options that the boys at the top got.

It was clear that they are taking the stance that it is not a merger/change of control. He did convey that a pay scale had to be worked out but stopped short of saying that HP will be brought to our measly 17.00.

It was clear that this may be why they are fighting the joining of the two Unions. Maybe if we have a revote that it will break the CWA Union.
The question was asked that if CWA snap back were frivolous and unwarranted what did he call the raises and options that the boys at the top got.
It was clear that they are taking the stance that it is not a merger/change of control. He did convey that a pay scale had to be worked out but stopped short of saying that HP will be brought to our measly 17.00.

It was clear that this may be why they are fighting the joining of the two Unions. Maybe if we have a revote that it will break the CWA Union.
Solidarity and our CBA.
Does anyone know if anyone asked if there is going to be another EARLY OUT offered????
The question was asked that if CWA snap back were frivolous and unwarranted what did he call the raises and options that the boys at the top got.
It was clear that they are taking the stance that it is not a merger/change of control. He did convey that a pay scale had to be worked out but stopped short of saying that HP will be brought to our measly 17.00.

It was clear that this may be why they are fighting the joining of the two Unions. Maybe if we have a revote that it will break the CWA Union.
how did he explain their raises...yes, i know he did not getone...but the others? Did he say that they are making industry standard??? What about us?
no he did not get a raise but his stock option that he took netted him a cool 12 million while screwing over everyone else.

I can agree to no raise in pay with those kind of bonuses. But he pockets his and offers nothing to the workers. And yet we continue to make him look good - go figure.
no he did not get a raise but his stock option that he took netted him a cool 12 million while screwing over everyone else.

I can agree to no raise in pay with those kind of bonuses. But he pockets his and offers nothing to the workers. And yet we continue to make him look good - go figure.

He did not net 12mil. If he did cash in the stock he net a few mil (to much for a company still losing money) not 12 mil
The question was asked that if CWA snap back were frivolous and unwarranted what did he call the raises and options that the boys at the top got.
It was clear that they are taking the stance that it is not a merger/change of control. He did convey that a pay scale had to be worked out but stopped short of saying that HP will be brought to our measly 17.00.

It was clear that this may be why they are fighting the joining of the two Unions. Maybe if we have a revote that it will break the CWA Union.
Given that you think that $17 an hour is Measly, you must have not been "Expressed". I sunk down to $13.01 an hour as MLE, then was "Offered" $10 an hour by the vendor once my job was outsourced.
I started a new career, and won't see $17 for another 3-4 long years....To sum this all up, I would be Thrilled to make $17 at this point, so be glad that you still get that amount. I know that the $20+ that we all enjoyed a few years ago was much better, but you could also be much worse off...Believe me....

If you think HP managment wont fight tooth and nail to keep us from getting any form of raises (let alone the 'meesley 17/hr mentioned above), you've got another thing coming....**IF** anyone is lucky enough to get 17/hr anywhere, keep it, and be happy!
Straight from the webcast Q&A on Compass.

Q. Once the Certificate merger is complete is there any plan(s) to renegotiate any of the labor contracts (concessions given during bankruptcy)?
A. As the operation is integrated to one certificate, the unions will be working on seniority integration and towards one contract (for instance, the pilots will ultimately operate under one contract and those discussions have already started). However, to be fair, there aren’t plans to snapback wages to pre-bankruptcy levels. The environment we are operating in now is the new reality for our industry, and you’ll see this more and more as other carriers go through their own re-organizing efforts (Northwest and Delta have both recently entered Chapter 11 and are likely going to go through what US just completed). One of the main reasons investors invested in the new US Airways was because the labor costs were in line with what the market can bear, and because AWA and US had comparable labor costs. This is necessary for our airline to compete in this new low fare environment, which is likely here to stay.
One has to ask themselves...........

Is Crellin worth a $83,000 raise to a salary of $400,000 plus other perks. How well has USAirways operations done the last few years???

I ... for one think not
Perhaps the U West folks now understand why U East folks raised Cain when the US Veep was retained - they knew what it heralded - more of the same.

Anybody still wanna argue the retention was necessary for operational purposes?

There is still dirty work to be done, and MPA is going to gladly do it, take the heat and the fall, and laugh all the way to the bank.

Parker knew it was going to be this way from the JUMP, so don't let him off the hook. HE is the CEO, and all those nice raises the execs got would never have flown without his approval.

You've got to give him credit for the divide and conquer tactics - Two unions contending for c/s, mechs and f/s, and seniority fights and an internal coup at AFA. Plus, he knew HP employees were not going to give a rat's a$$ about US snapbacks. Brilliant!

Two questions.

Now that employee compensation is in line with the market, when will the execs get their compensation in line? The top execs at U are making more than the CEO's at JB at WN. Market forces are so little people these days!

How does it work that Lakefield got a severance based on change of control, but change of control doesn't apply to labor?

Bull$*&t, anyone?
All I can say is the expressed out wages is only GROCERY Money,if you can call it that!
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Given that you think that $17 an hour is Measly, you must have not been "Expressed". I sunk down to $13.01 an hour as MLE, then was "Offered" $10 an hour by the vendor once my job was outsourced.
I started a new career, and won't see $17 for another 3-4 long years....To sum this all up, I would be Thrilled to make $17 at this point, so be glad that you still get that amount. I know that the $20+ that we all enjoyed a few years ago was much better, but you could also be much worse off...Believe me....
I am sorry for you but the reality is that no matter what anybody says there is always somebody worse off. The line that it could be worse doesn’t get it with me.
We are being screwed we have a clause in our contract and there is no way around it. I am not going to be happy with 17.00 but I am realistic and will keep looking for something better and will not burn any bridges until it’s time.
I'd be content with 17.00 per hour..************************

...Was in LGA on tuesday-did the ZED fare thing on CO.



US TAKE NOTE>> :down:
The worse off line should mean something to you. Please note that I WAS a UNION MEMBER, With a CONTRACT, and still got Screwed to death while paying dues. You may not like the facts, but the days of $20 an hour Airline Employee Jobs are GONE. If there are still people willing to work for Express and Contract vendors for $10 an hour or less, don't you think those people wouldn't jump at your job for a Measly $17??? You faired better than many who were either downgraded to MLE, or who lost their jobs to Outsourcing. Now that DL and NW are in CH-11, look for their wages to head south to be inline with those at US.
Don't get me wrong here, I would Love to still be earning the $21.16 that I once did. How many people left the Company because of wage cuts? I would have to say not many, because they know that they can't earn close to what they still do at another job. The company knows that there are still plenty of employees that will stay for $17, or maybe less.