Town meeting with Doug

Town meeting eh---dont think anyone in KPHX has figured out yet that the east plan of operations has not worked for 15yrs---lets get some "MIRROR IMAGE" working from the west coast. Change in daily ops on the east coast can't begin fast enough. Example---KMCO flts full all day from CLT ---17 pax were stuck in security line--paniced manager says we're going without em-- gate agent comes into cockpit and says can you guys do anything---quick call to MTC and look see for couple minutes and "ALL" 17 get to the gate---weeeeeeeeee----East Coast ops can't tick everyone off----holy smokes---town meeting eh---lets get the saws out and build a new town --quick !!
Youa cannot compare southwest to US Airways....the companies are completely different and have very different operations. Southwest still hires on a regular think about it, just dont' try to draw comparisons.
I agree. Shame on you for pointing out that there are successful airlines doing business AND taking care of their employees!! Shame!
Right now, all airline CEO's, save WN and JB, are jumping on the "everybody's doing it" bandwagon regarding compensation cuts for employees. This is a PR attempt effort to convince employees to accept the inevitable.

I am merely pointing everybody is NOT doing it, which raises the question. Could the lack of profitability have less to do with labor rates, and more to do with the business plan?

The new U is already warning Wall Street that the savings generated by the HP/US merger may not occur.

Geez, after cutting labor rates well below WN's ($17 at US fleet in a few locations, $8-$15 at others versus $25 for ALL WN fleet) AND stiffing your vendors for millions, why can't U compete with WN?

Not to mention, it is unseemly for US execs to draw more $$$ than WN execs, when WN is a larger airline and profitable. Such a scenario dilutes moral authority.
Right now, all airline CEO's, save WN and JB, are jumping on the "everybody's doing it" bandwagon regarding compensation cuts for employees. This is a PR attempt effort to convince employees to accept the inevitable.

I am merely pointing everybody is NOT doing it, which raises the question. Could the lack of profitability have less to do with labor rates, and more to do with the business plan?

The new U is already warning Wall Street that the savings generated by the HP/US merger may not occur.

Geez, after cutting labor rates well below WN's ($17 at US fleet in a few locations, $8-$15 at others versus $25 for ALL WN fleet) AND stiffing your vendors for millions, why can't U compete with WN?

Not to mention, it is unseemly for US execs to draw more $$$ than WN execs, when WN is a larger airline and profitable. Such a scenario dilutes moral authority.

Add Frountier, AirTrans, American, Continential to the list of not asking for consessions yet..

And hell even with consessions most units would fair better under United, NWA, Delta...
They can't compete because that would require less upper management along with a restructuring of the company from top to bottom. They have screwed and squeezed as much as possilbe out of the workforce, but have done close to nothing at the top levels. Still too many layers of management in comparison the WN and B6. Another small overlooked detail is Fleet standardization. WN still has one basic A/C type, and B6 only 2 with the addition of the EMB 190's. We had a mess here prior to the Merger, and now it is even worse.
to our measly 17.00.

Measlye 17.00 an hour???????????????
Work Mainline Express for 13.00 an hour, do the work of
2 or 3 csa's and try to train new hires at 7.75 an hour,
then tell me about the -measley- wage you earn........
By thw way...try raising a son as a single dad on Express

P.S. I hope this never happens to you
Add Frountier, AirTrans, American, Continential to the list of not asking for consessions yet..

And hell even with consessions most units would fair better under United, NWA, Delta...
American has all ready gotten concessions and they are implying they need more as the APA(Pilots) and the company are talking.

Continental's Pilots, Mechanics (ibt) all ready gave concessions last year as did the non-union employees.

The Flight Attendants (IAM) rejected concessions and continue with Traditional Section 6 Negotiations.

Once again, don't let the facts get in your way.

And Frontier is having cash problems I would expect concessions shortly from their employees.
The worse off line should mean something to you. Please note that I WAS a UNION MEMBER, With a CONTRACT, and still got Screwed to death while paying dues. You may not like the facts, but the days of $20 an hour Airline Employee Jobs are GONE. If there are still people willing to work for Express and Contract vendors for $10 an hour or less, don't you think those people wouldn't jump at your job for a Measly $17??? You faired better than many who were either downgraded to MLE, or who lost their jobs to Outsourcing. Now that DL and NW are in CH-11, look for their wages to head south to be inline with those at US.
Don't get me wrong here, I would Love to still be earning the $21.16 that I once did. How many people left the Company because of wage cuts? I would have to say not many, because they know that they can't earn close to what they still do at another job. The company knows that there are still plenty of employees that will stay for $17, or maybe less.
Phx rez agents start at 7.65 hr and many havnt had a raise in over a year. Turnover is 60-80 percent and the quality of agents is depressing. What do you expect? Management does nothing because I believe although cannot get my hands on the facts(anyone who could help?) that the company is paid from state or fed gov for job training. I think they make money just to get agents through training, never mind keeping them. Its the only justification I can think of to have such a high turnover rate, training costs would be too high. Doug does not care about employees or he would be embarassed to pay his employees what he does and give upper management raises. How can he justify this? He has no conscience. Us East do not think even if this new US is profitable you will reap any benefits. There is always an excuse.
to our measly 17.00.

Measlye 17.00 an hour???????????????
Work Mainline Express for 13.00 an hour, do the work of
2 or 3 csa's and try to train new hires at 7.75 an hour,
then tell me about the -measley- wage you earn........
By thw way...try raising a son as a single dad on Express

P.S. I hope this never happens to you
it is happening now at 9.65 an us know all i do there....and we move in a week...more is have seen all the newbies we have...and you have seen-across the hall- how we work short every day-for the past 6-7 months because we can't keep employee's at 7 somethin an hour...i am not sure if I am mainline might not be either since you now have 3 jets aday...who can we contact? Maybe it wont take effect til we have one contract...newman...what wouldbe called then-still mainline express?
cheers my friend! always a joy talkin to you!
Youa cannot compare southwest to US Airways....the companies are completely different and have very different operations. Southwest still hires on a regular think about it, just dont' try to draw comparisons.

Since the buy-out 40% of my co-worker are new hires?????