Twu Cowardice

Ken MacTiernan

Aug 12, 2003
San Diego CA
Congrats to the Jack Ass who wrote the recent articles in the twu express, Vol. 55, No. 8., September 30 issue. Page 7 is TYPICAL twu propaganda. The "What is AMFA" article is a hoot. The twu is so full of fear and bull #### it is funny. I quote, "(AMFA) was founded 40 years ago by O. V. Delle Femine, who has served as its national director- without election- for all that time."
Hey twu! No one ran against him. For many years, while YOU were ruining our craft and profession, AMFA was small and I guess no one wanted to bother running against Dell. But NOW that AMFA represents more AMTs than ANY union in the airlines you pull this "fact" out of your x. No wonder the twu is going to be removed from AA representing AMTs. The article goes on to say that the mighty afl-cio executive council in Chicago recently UNANIMOUSLY passed a resolution condemning AMFA and those who would give aid and comfort to it.
Oh no! Not UNANIMOUS condemnation! What's next? You going to "double dog dare" AMFA in a Let's See Who Can Be The Most Undemocratic, Dues Sucking, Inept Union?
Proudly printed next to this article is the one about Bob Owens and Chuck Schalk being removed from office in Local 562 and another article on the 15 foot sonny hall, oops, I mean RAT outside the twu's international hdqts.
Face it twu, you are full of self serving losers. Why on Earth would you remove Bob and Chuck from office? They were the two biggest FIGHTERS for MY craft and profession but you refused to embrace their ideas and leadership.
Removing Dan Cunningham was another stroke of moronic measure on your part.
The twu's motto is get rid of the fighters and enlist brain dead sheep. Especially those who can sign their names where directed to.
Dera Fellow Members, Since the latest ruling from a judge in PA due to the IAM's diligent efforts to protect their members jobs at US Airways. I have finally found a ray of hope, finally we can show the gritty corporate CEO's that if we stick together and have quality representation we can protect our jobs. I have hope now because I think our members will now wake up and finally see that AMFA is nothing but a paper union that took us to the cleaners. They came to us when we were week and beaten after long battles with NWA, they promised us things that we liked, they promised us things that we wanted. Except, they deliver the worst contract we ever had. Yes, I make 35.00 an hour, but so what! So does UPS and SW. Those contracts were negotiated by other unions without the sacrifice of good contract language. I know UAL took it in the rear, but everyone knows what can happen in bankruptcy. But hey, look at Alaska, the number one farm out airline in the industry. Guess who negotiated that contract. You got it, AMFA. Look at Mesaba. Heavy Maintenance going away along with more of their jobs. Did I read on our Local web that they had a meeting with Roger Hrdina and he said. " it won't lead to any lay off. Are these guys for real? Yes, I have hope, the talk on the floor is that cards are being signed allover, its great news. I have this to say to all working at NW sign a card now send it in now. Send amfa a message, tell them we had enough, and maybe just maybe, if we don't get an election, we'll at least get some attention. I heard Delle was in Wichita organizing a union third party maintenance facility there. I also heard he got thrown out of town by those members. I heard the Hotel threw him out also. Is this the only thing he spends our dues money on? How about sending delle a message before the next convention? How about sending him a message thru the NMB via an election notice on NW property. We know how to do it, so lets get to work. BBO I have already signed up on Dist. 149 to help out on this campaign, I'm sure more people will too. I think its time to take the cards tot the floor. the breakrooms, the line, mail, lets set up a table in the lunch rooms and get these cards signed. Come on people who's with me?

Copied from amfanuts,

I believe amfa may have some concerns, Organizing efforts going on at 3 Airlines against Amfa and working past amendable dates on others, I think amfa needs to go back to thier home and worry about the members they currently have!!!!! Anyone who supports this organization does not have a clue what their doing?

Oh thats right Delle bought Ken, With how much money so far? Several thousands Dollars and counting???? :huh:
Look out Ken! You are using language which may be deemed insensitive by TWU
jack ases
...(oops, did I say that?)....every where.

What's next you ask?

Some TWU clown at the Tulsa meeting in September bought up the question about why Delle is still AMFA director. Delle answered by saying that the only time he had someone run against him was in 1979. He also mentioned that up until the NWA election, the position of AMFA director was an unpaid one.
I doubt very few people would have such dedication. We just have to look at the TWU clowns running around the counrty following Delle. They wouldn't do it on their own dime. They had to be on UB.

Checking it Out said:
Dera Fellow Members, Since the latest ruling from a judge in PA due to the IAM's diligent efforts to protect their members jobs at US Airways. I have finally found a ray of hope, finally we can show the gritty corporate CEO's that if we stick together and have quality representation we can protect our jobs. I have hope now because I think our members will now wake up and finally see that AMFA is nothing but a paper union that took us to the cleaners. They came to us when we were week and beaten after long battles with NWA, they promised us things that we liked, they promised us things that we wanted. Except, they deliver the worst contract we ever had. Yes, I make 35.00 an hour, but so what! So does UPS and SW. Those contracts were negotiated by other unions without the sacrifice of good contract language. I know UAL took it in the rear, but everyone knows what can happen in bankruptcy. But hey, look at Alaska, the number one farm out airline in the industry. Guess who negotiated that contract. You got it, AMFA. Look at Mesaba. Heavy Maintenance going away along with more of their jobs. Did I read on our Local web that they had a meeting with Roger Hrdina and he said. " it won't lead to any lay off. Are these guys for real? Yes, I have hope, the talk on the floor is that cards are being signed allover, its great news. I have this to say to all working at NW sign a card now send it in now. Send amfa a message, tell them we had enough, and maybe just maybe, if we don't get an election, we'll at least get some attention. I heard Delle was in Wichita organizing a union third party maintenance facility there. I also heard he got thrown out of town by those members. I heard the Hotel threw him out also. Is this the only thing he spends our dues money on? How about sending delle a message before the next convention? How about sending him a message thru the NMB via an election notice on NW property. We know how to do it, so lets get to work. BBO I have already signed up on Dist. 149 to help out on this campaign, I'm sure more people will too. I think its time to take the cards tot the floor. the breakrooms, the line, mail, lets set up a table in the lunch rooms and get these cards signed. Come on people who's with me?

Copied from amfanuts,

I believe amfa may have some concerns, Organizing efforts going on at 3 Airlines against Amfa and working past amendable dates on others, I think amfa needs to go back to thier home and worry about the members they currently have!!!!! Anyone who supports this organization does not have a clue what their doing?

Oh thats right Delle bought Ken, With how much money so far? Several thousands Dollars and counting???? :huh:
So I guess that you are saying we should join the IAM?
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Oh thats right Delle bought Ken, With how much money so far? Several thousands Dollars and counting????

Hey Gary, what are you talking about? Please post your proof of my being "bought" or as they say on another BB you are merely a common liar.
Ken MacTiernan said:
Oh thats right Delle bought Ken, With how much money so far? Several thousands Dollars and counting????

Hey Gary, what are you talking about? Please post your proof of my being "bought" or as they say on another BB you are merely a common liar.
Sorry CIO (gary?),

The only sellouts that are "bought" are you twu fools that have to be paid UB to show up to a AMFA meeting, because its the only way you "twu proud" idiots can operate .

You twu thugs have to be paid to follow Dell around the country and spy for the twu. On the company A12 passes, no less. I guess that management is OK with it...surprise, surprise. If you've read any of AArpy's latest love letters in the press about the twu, its most obvious to even a simpleton like you CIO.

Why would organizers have to sell AMFA t-shirts and hold raffles to help fund our drive if organizers were paid from AMFA National? Hmmm?

This is a DRIVE for one REASON!!!! FORMER twu members like me DESIRE CHANGE!!!

I have and will use my OWN money and resources to see the twu GONE from AA if its THE LAST THING I EVER DO!!!!!

CIO, take YOUR WORTHLESS twu and STICK IT!!!!! YOUR twu is OVER!!!!!

E N J O Y Y O U R L A S T F E W t w u D A Y S !!!!! :unsure:

O.V. DELLE-FEMINE started AMFA in the 1960's, because of TWU "DUMBASSES" like you. He was an AMERICAN AIRLINES mechanic and a member of the Totally Worthless Union. He saw early on that the TWU was gonna lead the AMT profession to ruin, and he was right! It has taken AMFA supporters 40 years to get enough cards to rid AA AMT's of the TWU, but it has been well worth the struggle. Face it CIO! The TWU is history for the mechanics at AA!
Would the Tulsa guys please inform this ignorant spokeman for the twu, Rick Mullings, that the Chamber of Commerce will never be a friend to labor. How can this guy be a spokeman without knowing labor history and the Chambers involvement on destoying unions. The twu sure appoints the biggest idiots.

"Labor and politicians and chamber of commerce have always seemed to fight with each other and this is real proof if we work together, we can come out with good positives for everybody," Mullings said. :down:
Would the Tulsa guys please inform this ignorant spokeman for the twu, Rick Mullings, that the Chamber of Commerce will never be a friend to labor. How can this guy be a spokeman without knowing labor history and the Chambers involvement on destoying unions. The twu sure appoints the biggest idiots.

"Labor and politicians and chamber of commerce have always seemed to fight with each other and this is real proof if we work together, we can come out with good positives for everybody," Mullings said. :down:
Sad isnt it?

The idiots that are running this union label those who call for resistance against paycuts and the loss of benefits "the enemies of labor".

They adopt the contradictory philosophy of anti-labor organizations that; low wages and longer work hours creates more jobs.

If these guys could only learn to read.

Unfortnately with the TWU, the Chamber of Commerce probably is one of their "friends". After all they agree upon just about everything, despite what they may claim in the TWU Express. Actions speak louder than words.

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