
Jul 23, 2003
Word on the street is that the Dispatchers at AA voted the TWU out in favor of PAFCA (Professional Airline Flight Controllers Association?). PAFCA represents dispatchers at DL and UA, and won election at NK earlier in 2018.

Interesting there's no mention here, and I can't find anything official to corroborate it on the web, but people at Delta and United are talking about it elsewhere....

Now... if the dispatchers can send the TWU packing, surely the mechanics could....
Hello E, been a long time my friend

Yes, and the mechanics need to send the TWU, IAM, Association, and Fleet Service, and Stock Clerks packing.
I can't find anyone willing to tap into their 401k savings and fund another card drive.
Those of us that tried for years only to be opposed my AA management had to spend thousands out of pocket to do what we did. Don't forget we had to file a lawsuit just to be able to distribute union literature on the Tulsa Base. Grrrrrrr

Now we are old, tired, and don't care enough to put money and time into a drive. Many are just using the shift swap program our UsAir brothers brought to Tulsa. Many have side businesses making more than working here now. AA is a medical plan and the funding cow to get outside businesses going. Not much interest about what's going on inside the walls anymore.

I would sign and contribute, but I am never going to argue or get into a campaign of persuading mechanics to do what is clearly in their best interest. My coworkers get the representation they deserve!!!

Anybody got about 10 grand to kick off a drive, contact me. But I am not funding another one.
I am convinced that the current AA management after all the consolidation now sees the benefits of mechanics being separated from the majority unskilled controlling our destiny. But management also has what they fought to keep for years and also deserve. AA is now the last and only carrier with the Fleet Service Clerks and Mechanics in the same Union. Management has what they fought so hard to keep.
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I can promise you as Fleet Service, I wasn't on the "lets wait for the mechanics" bandwagon that Peterson and other NC members are riding. Sent packing would be a good thing if it were into retirement....
Hello E, been a long time my friend

Yes, and the mechanics need to send the TWU, IAM, Association, and Fleet Service, and Stock Clerks packing.
I can't find anyone willing to tap into their 401k savings and fund another card drive.
Those of us that tried for years only to be opposed my AA management had to spend thousands out of pocket to do what we did. Don't forget we had to file a lawsuit just to be able to distribute union literature on the Tulsa Base. Grrrrrrr

Now we are old, tired, and don't care enough to put money and time into a drive. Many are just using the shift swap program our UsAir brothers brought to Tulsa. Many have side businesses making more than working here now. AA is a medical plan and the funding cow to get outside businesses going. Not much interest about what's going on inside the walls anymore.

I would sign and contribute, but I am never going to argue or get into a campaign of persuading mechanics to do what is clearly in their best interest. My coworkers get the representation they deserve!!!

Anybody got about 10 grand to kick off a drive, contact me. But I am not funding another one.
I am convinced that the current AA management after all the consolidation now sees the benefits of mechanics being separated from the majority unskilled controlling our destiny. But management also has what they fought to keep for years and also deserve. AA is now the last and only carrier with the Fleet Service Clerks and Mechanics in the same Union. Management has what they fought so hard to keep.
Probably too late now anyway there isnt mich more work to give to fleet.Barn door was left open years ago and to switch now would delay a contract even more.
Word on the street is that the Dispatchers at AA voted the TWU out in favor of PAFCA (Professional Airline Flight Controllers Association?). PAFCA represents dispatchers at DL and UA, and won election at NK earlier in 2018.

Interesting there's no mention here, and I can't find anything official to corroborate it on the web, but people at Delta and United are talking about it elsewhere....

Now... if the dispatchers can send the TWU packing, surely the mechanics could....

The Weez sends his regards.

Hello E, been a long time my friend

Yes, and the mechanics need to send the TWU, IAM, Association, and Fleet Service, and Stock Clerks packing.
I can't find anyone willing to tap into their 401k savings and fund another card drive.
Those of us that tried for years only to be opposed my AA management had to spend thousands out of pocket to do what we did. Don't forget we had to file a lawsuit just to be able to distribute union literature on the Tulsa Base. Grrrrrrr

Now we are old, tired, and don't care enough to put money and time into a drive. Many are just using the shift swap program our UsAir brothers brought to Tulsa. Many have side businesses making more than working here now. AA is a medical plan and the funding cow to get outside businesses going. Not much interest about what's going on inside the walls anymore.

I would sign and contribute, but I am never going to argue or get into a campaign of persuading mechanics to do what is clearly in their best interest. My coworkers get the representation they deserve!!!

Anybody got about 10 grand to kick off a drive, contact me. But I am not funding another one.
I am convinced that the current AA management after all the consolidation now sees the benefits of mechanics being separated from the majority unskilled controlling our destiny. But management also has what they fought to keep for years and also deserve. AA is now the last and only carrier with the Fleet Service Clerks and Mechanics in the same Union. Management has what they fought so hard to keep.
Several MX have spoken to me about setting up an inhouse union like our pilots and stews, for the mechanics. There definitely seems to be building resentment regarding this Association and it's building. Something gotta give.
Word on the street is that the Dispatchers at AA voted the TWU out in favor of PAFCA (Professional Airline Flight Controllers Association?). PAFCA represents dispatchers at DL and UA, and won election at NK earlier in 2018.

Interesting there's no mention here, and I can't find anything official to corroborate it on the web, but people at Delta and United are talking about it elsewhere....

Now... if the dispatchers can send the TWU packing, surely the mechanics could....

What's the point? The Dispatchers have always been the darlings of the TWU. Pulling down $68.00 per hour for a job that could now be handled by a cell phone app. Oh well, I guess they feel mistreated, or betrayed by the TWU. That leaves the poor simulator technicians, I mean engineers (lol) in their very own local.
Probably too late now anyway there isnt mich more work to give to fleet.Barn door was left open years ago and to switch now would delay a contract even more.
It's never too late to better improve your representation. You guys desperately need to make change with this BS asso. And no I will not say to go with our union, but at least go with a mechanics union for gods sake. An in house union would be very good.

Several MX have spoken to me about setting up an inhouse union like our pilots and stews, for the mechanics. There definitely seems to be building resentment regarding this Association and it's building. Something gotta give.
Tim you guys have got to get it done or you guys will go thru these kinds of nego's for life with this asso. and you all know this. The dispatchers overwhelmingly fired the TWU and you mechanics need to do the same. However, I would wait until after this contract is done like we did at SWA. Take action now guys and it will get improvements on current contract for you mechanics just from the scare of you guys firing the asso.. Get rid of this fleet service union and get a mechanics union...
What's the point? The Dispatchers have always been the darlings of the TWU. Pulling down $68.00 per hour for a job that could now be handled by a cell phone app. Oh well, I guess they feel mistreated, or betrayed by the TWU. That leaves the poor simulator technicians, I mean engineers (lol) in their very own local.

Do you feel better about yourself now? Drag another group that you know nothing about down? I know you have a crap deal, but do you really have to crap on everyone else?

The simulator technicians and dispatchers were not in the same local.

And the point, if you don’t get it, is that we wanted out of that toxic wasteland known as the TWU.
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Do you feel better about yourself now? Drag another group that you know nothing about down? I know you have a crap deal, but do you really have to crap on everyone else?

The simulator technicians and dispatchers were not in the same local.

And the point, if you don’t get it, is that we wanted out of that toxic wasteland known as the TWU.

Bogey congrats on getting away from the twu. I am not an AA AMT I am a former NWA AMT who knows a little something about getting away from a toxic union ours was the iam. I had to laugh the twu was doing the same thing with you guys that the iam tried with us when they knew we had a solid chance to throw them to the curb. They preached the usual" we will give you your own local" blah blah blah..Too little too late. The advantage you guys as dispatchers have is you are a small group in relation to the mechanics and you ALL are licensed or certificated if you will. The AMT ranks are mixed with A@P's and non A@P's it is not as cut and dry as dispatch is there are a lot of specialties and sub specialties of maintenance and the NMB has us classified in a way that makes it difficult to branch out on our own with any success. A@P's are not considered a special craft like pilots, dispatchers and even simulator techs are and until that happens not to mention the drawbacks to living under the RLA I will never work for an airline union as an A@P again. Congratulations to you again on your victory I am only sorry I didn't know about the dispatch profession 30 years ago I would have gone that route for sure.
Do you feel better about yourself now? Drag another group that you know nothing about down? I know you have a crap deal, but do you really have to crap on everyone else?

The simulator technicians and dispatchers were not in the same local.

And the point, if you don’t get it, is that we wanted out of that toxic wasteland known as the TWU.
Yes I’m happy for y’all the twu is toxic . You have no say how it’s ran and they do not listen to There members. And they do not even let you know what’s going on in negotiations. And the international is corrupt
Do you feel better about yourself now? Drag another group that you know nothing about down? I know you have a crap deal, but do you really have to crap on everyone else?

The simulator technicians and dispatchers were not in the same local.

And the point, if you don’t get it, is that we wanted out of that toxic wasteland known as the TWU.

Sorry if my sarcasm offended you. Last time I checked, it looked like Dispatchers, Meteorologists, and Sim Techs were in IIRC Local 548? Sounds like that has changed. So much easier to get things done, when you belong to group that doesn't have to be watered down with non skilled types (as engineered by the TWU & NMB) to keep the AMTs stuck in the suck.
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