Us Airways To Contract With Mobile Aerospace

The (HMV) schedule will allow the company to continue its court approved plan of reorganization. It is imperative that each labor group support this management team.

Comparing Dave Siegel to Frank Lorenzo is discourteous. :angry:
Lying to the employees is also. They are no longer welcome here.

--I think he may be worse.

What about the planners, engineers, and other support groups who are hurt by this. I am sure those groups will not see an "appeasement" through the winter deicing season.

Nice try with the bait attempt though. You only try to post "flamebait", to get thr group on here riled up.
You could have (tried) to gain this concession while under court supervision. I guess the IAM has decided to see what will happen in a court that they venue shopped for, eh?

Comparing Seigel to Lorenzo is getting to be accurate, actually.

Hey genius, what's the plan when those 10 aircraft can't be overhauled under a potential TRO? I know operations experience is lacking in the executive suite, but you guys better hope the court sides with management, or else it might get ugly, eh? Maybe they can start parking 320 series over the baggage belt in PHL....

Well, you did say you would come out when the annouoncement is made....

Talk of discourteousness to call Dave, Frank Lorenzo? I say, Dave is the DELETED BY MODERATOR and calling him Lorenzo is too courteous.

1. He not only misrepresented himself calling he and his team labor friendly and lying to the public that it was by mutual consent with labor BOTH consessions (conveneintly leaving out BK abrogation contract threats/ and liquidation as the "heavy hammer" over labor's heads).

2. Lied about the Pittsburgh Hub status decrease back in Aug. road show of 2002, when the question was posed in the hanger.

3.Decieved the pilots on the pension issue to screw them FIRST out of $101 Million in the winter concessions,

4. knowingly has a team that lied about the "new sick Policy", and stole more cost savings than agreed.

5.Lied about needing to qualify for ATSB and would NOT take any more concessions from Labor in Aug. of 2002, only to come back arouond again 2 months later.

6. Lied about not outsourcing heavy maintenance work for the second vote from the IAM last Sept 2002, only to out source anyway, inspite of Chris Chiames statment last Jan. stating THE CO. HAS NO INTENTIONS OF OUTSOURCING HEAVY MAINTENTANCE WORK LIKE OTHER AIRLINES.

7. Lied to f/as regarding the furlough language and said NO furloughs would occur in during summer concess. negotiations 2002, that the reductions would be through attrition and the co. could not go forward with "no furlough language" as a judge would take it anyway in BK. Lies and lies and lies.

8. Dave told Labor in May of 2002 which was expressed in the Inflight newletter that "ALL employees will be treated with respect". More disingeneous statments from Dave.

20,000 folks are on the street so management could keep all their jobs while providing the true assests of this company, labor, with a wage and very few benefits, and continued uncertainty the fate of employees going forward with this management.


You are dispecable when you say IAM is lying to their members, and posing it as question to place all blame on the leadership in order to dismantle the union during this turmoil.

ITRADE said:
Most all aircraft have rudder cables. Most all aircraft have engines as well. And tires. And wings. But that does not make all aircraft equal. Nor does eaualized the fact that certain facilities service customers who do not have significant budgets or standards. As such, certain facilities are more likely to hire young mechanics, expect less revenue from the customers, and cut corners to the greatest extent possible.


Your comments do indeed show your lack of knowledge about anything having to do with an airplane.

Your comments imply that a jet is more safe than a turbo prop. This is incorrect. Properly maintained and properly flown both are equal in the safety department.

By your comments, you have made the point of your critics. Many turboprops (and RJ's)are currently being flown by low time inexperienced crews and maintained by the lowest bidder. And yes there have been several crashes in recent years due to these factors.

Look into the crashes over the last few years, you will begin to see the pattern. With the exception of the rare crash that is inevitable while operating extreamly fast, complex machines, most accidents of late have been directly the result of poor maint. or inexperience in the cockpit.

Low paid crews and lowest bidder outsourcing will completly rework the american aviation system, but not in the way you think. It is a numbers game, and like in Vegas you can only cheat the numbers so long before you must pay the piper. More deaths WILL result from this if it is allowed to continue.

Some that come to mind over the last few years,

Jetstream 31 -- Poorly trained crew- multible failed checkrides, but still employed until impact.

MD-80- Jackscrew failure- Maint. budget cutting and pressure from the company (Alleged, in court to determine, but fined by the FAA already) saved lots of money right up until impact.

ATR- Ice contamination- Lower experience level- commented about the planes funny flying qualities, never thought to do anything about it until it departed controlled flight.

MD-80- approach in thunderstorm, very experienced crew, still screwed the pooch, even the most experienced can get into trouble.

DC-9 merges with swamp-- Contractor screw up- supposedly experts in aviation.

Airbus tail just falls off-- Either that airplane is a complete death trap and should be grounded or we don't have all the facts on that one.

BE 1900-- contract maint. screw up. Tail problem. Nuff said.

BE 1900-- Ditto, except water landing instead of tarmac.

RJ-- VERY hard landing. Aircraft totaled. Left and did not report it. Total time of the crew combined wasn't enough to get insured on your average corporate 6 seat turbo prop, but just fine for this 50 seat RJ airline.

I could go on, but you get the idea. These all have already happened, and the beancounters have not heeded the warnings yet.

The average passenger would crap himself if he knew how inexperienced some of his RJ crews are. Not all, and not all airlines, but enough to spook other pilots. You do not have to look far to find airline, and military pilots that refuse to put their families on certain airline brands.

Which airlines you ask? Check their maint. provider and their employee salaries, if thats bad, it normally goes down hill from there.

Passengers should check the NTSB accident reports before they make comments like "They are all the same, wheres my cheap ticket!"

NTSB reports are avalible online.
Hey Hawk,
Since you seem to be in the know.....How long before Dave & Co contracts out reservations and the ramp to the lowest sub contractor? This managment team is nothing but a bunch of LIARS and CHEATS. And someone mentioned respect......RESPECT is earned !!!!!!!!
Hawk said:
The IAM members should be appeased with these recalls.
i'd like to extend my whole hearted gratitude for your being so kind as to hiring back 60 furloughed employees.
i must tell you i am completely appeased and want to return the favor...can i wash your car or some other token of my gratitude?
Hawk, you should look into a more appropriate name and avatar, maybe donkey or ass would suit you better. I'm sure the folks here could come up with something better for you. :D

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