US pilot labor thread 7/13-7/20

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The judge's ruling on this lawsuit was rendered a day and a half ago.

And yet, not one peep on the usap website. Nothing. Nada. Its like it didn't even happen. Didn't they get the word?

Trying to just be a "good news" union?

If I were a member, I'd like to know immediately what the outcome was to my union spending my hard earned dollars.

This is kind of like putting a time delay on the fire switch........hoping it will go out, and that all will be well.

I guess its going to take quite a bit of time for Stevie B. and his merry band to spin this one into a "victory."


I held off posting yesterday because I did not want the posts to be at the end of the dead thread. So I am going to link them to here for discussion.



Why re-link the words here? One is that people may not go and look at the dead thread and another is that I am trying to put some context into what happened.
The judge's ruling on this lawsuit was rendered a day and a half ago.

And yet, not one peep on the usap website. Nothing. Nada. Its like it didn't even hapen. Didn't they get the word?

Trying to just be a "good news" union?

I would expect something this week. Probably along the lines of "dismissed due to a technicality". Hopefully, they will drop any plans of pursueing it further in a state venue considering the judges dim view of it up to this point. However, I would expect them to spin this as well, as simply being a benevolent union that wishes the best for everyone.
I held of posting yesterday because I did not want the posts to be at the end of the dead thread. So I am going to link them to here for discussion.



Why re-link the words here? One is that people may not go and look at the dead thread and another is that I am trying to put some context into what happened.

I reread your posts. It seems to me that the issue centers on jurisdiction. Can you cite any specific language in the ruling which goes to the undelying merit of the plaintiff's claim?

I am by no means a legal scholar - so you'll need to connect the dots for me.

How does this issue impinge upon the larger question of which way to proceed with regard to seniority list integration, the Nic and joint contract negotiations? Don't forget that attorney services can be fungible.
I say, who really cares? To me, this lawsuit was a means to an end...if the behavior stops, good enough for me. Mission accomplished. It is now a matter of public knowledge what some west pilots will resort to, if it resumes, I'm sure it'll be revisited.
The bigger issue is that the union is busy negotiating for your future, and you have made the choice to have no say in it....still puts you squarely behind the eight-ball, and you have chosen it to be so. You have an issue with potential terminations coming up, and since the dues paying members' aren't paying for the ALPA pension plan anymore, there's enough money going worries.

The exposure to the activities in question, the hanging doll video from STL making network news, and the circus act in the crew news for Parker to see firsthand, will not further the west cause.

I see gloating over this decision as though the "war is being won"...sadly, it is only the west who thinks there IS a war....meanwhile, Parker and the union will meet, make decisions, and try to keep the company afloat...while some of the west wants it to shut down.

The judge's ruling on this lawsuit was rendered a day and a half ago.

And yet, not one peep on the usap website. Nothing. Nada. Its like it didn't even happen. Didn't they get the word?

Trying to just be a "good news" union?

If I were a member, I'd like to know immediately what the outcome was to my union spending my hard earned dollars.

This is kind of like putting a time delay on the fire switch........hoping it will go out, and that all will be well.

I guess its going to take quite a bit of time for Stevie B. and his merry band to spin this one into a "victory."


Weren't you part of the group proclaiming this lawsuit as without merit to begin with?

Parading this news like a peacock makes no sense, this should have been a no-brainer, right?

As a lowly line pilot, I could not have cared less about this suit, except that the result is the juvenile acts of some "professional" pilots ceases...

Sorry, but this just wasn't even on my radar in the big picture...obviously, it was on yours.
Piedmont, I am drafting a response to you. It is gonna take some time but I am doing it now.
If you were a would actually have proper cause to care what you think. As you've no interest in placing your input forward, and haven't any vote..well......

East, Elixir, you're right. If the landing-guy only wants to pick and snipe and doesn't want to be a member, then we probably shouldn't care what he thinks. These guys are missing an opportuinty to lay the groundwork for a DFR by not having a voice. They need to reread the Air Wisconsin case. Interesting comments by Parker in the training center last week about NIC. I guess everything IS negotiable, even the NIC.

Funny, but in last week's thread, the Electric98 guy ranted about one's union suing its members. I doubt if any of the west flame throwers have joined USAPA. But a union suing those it represents isn't new. In fact AWAPPA's attorney did exactly that, in Federal court in August 2004, to a CAL flight attendant who wanted to oust the IAM as the CAL CBA. That lawsuit got tossed on jurisdiction, just like the USAPA suit. Can't wait to hear Elctric's or Landing's response to that. Snoop

Snoop Prediction: this time next week, expect one more airline to be in BK.
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