The Average daily (per 12 month period) one way travel from the CLT MSA to Hawaii is about 40 passengers. For comparison, the PHL MSA is about 132 passengers. So it's pretty obvious this flight is going to have to rely heavily on connections through CLT. I'm a bit skeptical as to how US (Parker) expects to attract "high yield" passengers to hawaii to support the expense of using a 762 and at the same time set the lowest fares to draw revenue away from DL at ATL and CO at EWR. IMO, the US 762 is going to struggle on this route, both economically and performance wise. Of course, it would have an even bigger performance challenge if the route was non-stop from PHL. Maybe a better option (or a potential fallback) would have been to use this excess 762 on a PHL(or CLT)-PHX(short stop)-HNL through flight. Then if it didn't attract sufficient through yields, at least the East Coast-PHX and PHX-HNL segments would likely excel. Obviously there would need to be some analysis on the yield requirements to offset the extra fuel costs for stopping in PHX - particularly in summer.