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What could Obama possibly do that puts anyone into further indenture ship? NOTHING!! Especially when you consider the government in both parties just gave away 30 generations worth of wealth to giant corporations. Freedom my a-z-z!

Let see...how about your retirement account to start with?

Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts
Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs

This meme—government confiscation of retirement accounts— is rapidly gaining credence. On November 4, Carolina Journal Online reported that Democrats have been meeting to discuss transferring currently-voluntary private retirement accounts to eventually-mandatory government administered retirement accounts that would produce a guaranteed rate of return. Further, the now tax-advantaged plans would lose tax incentives and deductibility.

For more information, see: US Congress Committee on Education and Labor hearing on October 7, 2008 “Saving Retirement in the Face of America’s Credit Crises: Short Term and Long Term Solutionsâ€￾ (PDF) testimony of Economics Professor Teresa Ghilarducci on “The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Workers’ Retirement Security.â€￾
No...most of what you just described are backdoor taxation.
You need to get some sleep you’re tried and can’t comprehend the obvious.

Oh and Pin Bob---self determination of what tax to pay? Is that freedom?

Again people---WE HAVE NO REAL FREEDOM!!
Let see...how about your retirement account to start with?

Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts
Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs

This meme—government confiscation of retirement accounts— is rapidly gaining credence. On November 4, Carolina Journal Online reported that Democrats have been meeting to discuss transferring currently-voluntary private retirement accounts to eventually-mandatory government administered retirement accounts that would produce a guaranteed rate of return. Further, the now tax-advantaged plans would lose tax incentives and deductibility.

For more information, see: US Congress Committee on Education and Labor hearing on October 7, 2008 “Saving Retirement in the Face of America’s Credit Crises: Short Term and Long Term Solutions†(PDF) testimony of Economics Professor Teresa Ghilarducci on “The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Workers’ Retirement Security.â€

You're looking at this life in a tainted light--- it is written that in this life you WILL have troubles, meaning you will NEVER really be retired from all those troubles and worries of this life.

This is the reason a true Christian is hopeful cheerful and optimistic looking forward not worried about what the politicians are planning. People look up to the politicians when they should be looking a lot higher up.

Let Obama do what he wants, he will anyway---what will happen will happen regardless. God is in control no matter what happens.

Be glad if taxing your retirement account is the worst that happens to you because it likely will be far from it, that silly small thing in the scheme of troubled times to come. The people spoke and Obama is YOUR president, accept it or better yet get some real faith and live your life without all that fear and hate, you will life longer but then again that means have even more troubles….catch 22, unless you find what everyone needs.

Note: They already tax disability checks at 85 percent on a combined income of over 35 grand---DISABILITY checks to people who are truly in bad shape---are YOU an able bodied person? If so stop whining and grow up---this is what you are up against, again the majority spoke so either have a stoke or get rational.

PS: NO I didn't vote for Obama
You need to get some sleep you’re tried and can’t comprehend the obvious.

Oh and Pin Bob---self determination of what tax to pay? Is that freedom?

Again people---WE HAVE NO REAL FREEDOM!!

I comprehend what you're saying about inroads to freedom's....where you been?

All your little licenses.....guns,radios,etc......taxes......plus now they know who has what and how many.....government goes off bonkers and they come to your door to shut down your radio,take your guns.....
Professional licensing??Government goes bonkers....now they know who knows how to do what....you're interred,like it or not.
Keeping your address updated for a FAA license isn't for Christmas cards.
All part of the grand plan.....

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

* EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

You got an exclusive on knowledge and wisdom now?

Tried and true,Dude. :bleh:

Only real freedom is when you shed the husk....but tell me,is that true freedom too?
I comprehend what you're saying about inroads to freedom's....where you been?

All your little licenses.....guns,radios,etc......taxes......plus now they know who has what and how many.....government goes off bonkers and they come to your door to shut down your radio,take your guns.....
Professional licensing??Government goes bonkers....now they know who knows how to do what....you're interred,like it or not.
Keeping your address updated for a FAA license isn't for Christmas cards.
All part of the grand plan.....

You got an exclusive on knowledge and wisdom now?

Tried and true,Dude. :bleh:

Only real freedom is when you shed the husk....but tell me,is that true freedom too?

True freedom is NOT found in this life...and you are smarter than that.

They can and will do what they want, regardless my ranting days have come to a close, Thank God.
True freedom is NOT found in this life...and you are smarter than that.

They can and will do what they want, regardless my ranting days have come to a close, Thank God.

Shed the husk is true freedom?

Still answer to someone......still have boundaries.
You're looking at this life in a tainted light--- it is written that in this life you WILL have troubles, meaning you will NEVER really be retired from all those troubles and worries of this life.

This is the reason a true Christian is hopeful cheerful and optimistic looking forward not worried about what the politicians are planning. People look up to the politicians when they should be looking a lot higher up.

Let Obama do what he wants, he will anyway---what will happen will happen regardless. God is in control no matter what happens.

Be glad if taxing your retirement account is the worst that happens to you because it likely will be far from it, that silly small thing in the scheme of troubled times to come. The people spoke and Obama is YOUR president, accept it or better yet get some real faith and live your life without all that fear and hate, you will life longer but then again that means have even more troubles….catch 22, unless you find what everyone needs.

Note: They already tax disability checks at 85 percent on a combined income of over 35 grand---DISABILITY checks to people who are truly in bad shape---are YOU an able bodied person? If so stop whining and grow up---this is what you are up against, again the majority spoke so either have a stoke or get rational.

PS: NO I didn't vote for Obama

Somehow I think you really didn't read the article nor the links to the articles that delve into the specifics of this proposed Government Retirement Account (GRA).

Its not so much about taxes, but about taking over your retirement accounts (no more 401k, IRA, etc) into a single government controlled GRA account. If that doesn't disturb you then I guess nothing will. Social Security Program started off with some of these same principles only to be raided and minimized over the years.

Analysts point to another disturbing part of the plan. With a GRA, workers could bequeath only half of their account balances to their heirs, unlike full balances from existing 401(k) and IRA accounts. For workers who die after retiring, they could bequeath just their own contributions plus the interest but minus any benefits received and minus the employer contributions.

Income and Wealth Redistribution

The majority of witness testimony during recent hearings before the House Committee on Education and Labor showed that congressional Democrats intend to address income and wealth inequality through redistribution.

On July 31, 2008, Robert Greenstein, executive director of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, testified before the subcommittee on workforce protections that “from the standpoint of equal treatment of people with different incomes, there is a fundamental flawâ€￾ in tax code incentives because they are “provided in the form of deductions, exemptions, and exclusions rather than in the form of refundable tax credits.â€￾

Even people who don’t pay taxes should get money from the government, paid for by higher-income Americans, he said. “There is no obvious reason why lower-income taxpayers or people who do not file income taxes should get smaller incentives (or no tax incentives at all),â€￾ Greenstein said.
Somehow I think you really didn't read the article nor the links to the articles that delve into the specifics of this proposed Government Retirement Account (GRA).

Its not so much about taxes, but about taking over your retirement accounts (no more 401k, IRA, etc) into a single government controlled GRA account. If that doesn't disturb you then I guess nothing will.

You are dead on correct---NOTHING DISTURBS ME, NOTHING and for good reasons I will not go into here in public.
I think you are disturbed at not being disturbed :lol:
You are dead on correct---NOTHING DISTURBS ME, NOTHING and for good reasons I will not go into here in public.

I hear you....and understand from my own walk ,somewhat.

I haven't walked a mile in your moccasins....however I have walked.
You are dead on correct---NOTHING DISTURBS ME, NOTHING and for good reasons I will not go into here in public.

I sincerely hope better days are ahead for you and yours.


I think you are disturbed at not being disturbed :lol:

Most people writing on here are clueless when it comes to true woes.

I can attest that the Bible is correct in it's writing of--- In This Life You Will Have Troubles. When I look back I can't believe I made it this far considering the hand I was dealt, regardless I did and for good reason.

Obama is the least of your worries, trust me! I can honestly say that if Obama is at the top of your worry list than by God you are in an enviable station in this life.

I am the complete opposite of bitter and in fact thankful for what my path has taught me. I see things differently in a contrast of stark reality letting me clearly view what this life is and is not. It's not ranting over things you can't change. You will not change the forces running this world and in fact you will be crushed trying to do so, lots of grave yards full of heroes from the far past to this very day, yet nothing really changes does it.

Look at the nightly news watching grieving parents trying to reconcile their young child’s short life, thanks to the W war, saying things like--- he helped us all, he was brave and they are very proud of him. That might indeed be all true, but he is still very dead and they still are forever very empty without that precious child that was taken for no good reason other than a slanted ideology. The parents feel compelled to say these things to hold onto their own sanity, can’t blame them, but what has really changed other than their crushed life’s?

According to your faith be it unto you---that is how I live my life minus the ranting and railing as Obama famously said, and he is right.
Most people writing on here are clueless when it comes to true woes.

I can attest that the Bible is correct in it's writing of--- In This Life You Will Have Troubles. When I look back I can't believe I made it this far considering the hand I was dealt, regardless I did and for good reason.

Obama is the least of your worries, trust me! I can honestly say that if Obama is at the top of your worry list than by God you are in an enviable station in this life.

I am the complete opposite of bitter and in fact thankful for what my path has taught me. I see things differently in a contrast of stark reality letting me clearly view what this life is and is not. It's not ranting over things you can't change. You will not change the forces running this world and in fact you will be crushed trying to do so, lots of grave yards full of heroes from the far past to this very day, yet nothing really changes does it.

Look at the nightly news watching grieving parents trying to reconcile their young child’s short life, thanks to the W war, saying things like--- he helped us all, he was brave and they are very proud of him. That might indeed be all true, but he is still very dead and they still are forever very empty without that precious child that was taken for no good reason other than a slanted ideology. The parents feel compelled to say these things to hold onto their own sanity, can’t blame them, but what has really changed other than their crushed life’s?

According to your faith be it unto you---that is how I live my life minus the ranting and railing as Obama famously said, and he is right.

Sitting idle and watch the world roll over you is not the answer either. Being pacifistic is not the answer, and you do have the power to change things. For those who think different then those are the ones who should not complain when they are rolled over.
My issue with the Obama mystique or maybe it in reality is not an issue but an opportunity.I see a man and a political situation.....a country that has lost its way.....a political scene where common sense has gone out the window.Politics that are driven by agenda...but OTOH what politics aren't? I see this political agenda setting the stage globally,whether knowingly or unintentionally for greater things to come.Greater things to come known and realized by only the few.So do I fear this Obama thing? Honestly....to some degree yes and no....what I know is coming.....all I can say is some will rejoice...some will curse.All in due time......the stage is being set.