WE''RE PROUD . . .


Aug 19, 2002
[FONT face=Verdana]From AA Jetwire [/FONT]
[P]---WE''RE PROUD . . .---
[P]The St. Louis hub had its best departure dependability day ever on Wednesday when it achieved a 96.9 percent D-Zero performance. Downline arrivals on flights departing from St. Louis achieved a 99.6 percent A-14, with only one out of 225 flights arriving late. That helped American achieve a system A-14 arrival performance of 94.2 percent. David Cush, vice president of the St. Louis hub, congratulated all STL employees for their continued excellent teamwork. [/P]
Thank you TWA, for giving us your best.
If TWA was not now really AA, D-Zero performance would not exist for those now bragging.
On 1/10/2003 3:05:11 PM La Treal wrote:

TWA is no more!

Oh Please!
You can't have it both ways. AA'ers keep hearing how we don't treat TWA'ers equally but then you turn around and cheerlead for a company that no longer exists. Congrats STL on your great numbers. Numbers like that are what we need to get AA back into the black.
Some of you here are really something else. To take a posting about a hub's good performance and turn it into another TWA vs. AA flame-fest is shameful. Have you really nothing better to do?[BR][BR]Any good news these days is a welcome event. Yet rather than be happy about it, some of you seem intent to bring an adversarial tone to every conversation here.[BR][BR]How pathetic.[BR]
On 1/10/2003 11:46:50 PM MiAAmi wrote:

But they are now AA numbers not TWA.
October 11, 1999 TWA records its 50th day of 100 percent completion of schedule for 1999, far above previous annual records set in 1997 and 1998.

Can history repeat itself? GO STL( I mean AA ).

The original post was slanted to begin with. No one turned it into anything. If you keep distancing yourselves from AA by continuing to list yourselves as TWA what do you expect? The numbers were great! But they are now AA numbers not TWA.
Besides there are more and more orginal AA'ers contributing to those numbers now. I say great job STL. Lets keep things going in this direction across the system.
[BLOCKQUOTE]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 11:46:50 PM MiAAmi wrote: [BR][BR]The original post was slanted to begin with. No one turned it into anything. If you keep distancing yourselves from AA by continuing to list yourselves as TWA what do you expect? The numbers were great! But they are now AA numbers not TWA.[BR]Besides there are more and more orginal AA'ers contributing to those numbers now. I say great job STL. Lets keep things going in this direction across the system.[BR][BR]----------------[BR][BR][BR]Slanted? It was a copy of an AA corporate email congratulating the STL base on it's good performance. It's nothing more than a quote of factual performance information that was distributed from the company. Nothing in the original post mentioned TWA, yet some individuals in here immediately take the defensive and start saying things like "TWA is no more" and "they are now AA numbers not TWA." [BR]I suggest you read the thread again and re-evaluate your statement. You say that the TWA people are "distancing" themselves from AA but:[BR][BR]The original poster, although apparently formerly TWA, made absolutely no mention that it was solely a TWA effort. It's commonly known that it's not just former TWA employees that work in and out of STL.[BR][BR]It was you who introduced the comment that about "original AA'ers" contributing to the numbers. How ironic that you claim that it's others that are trying to put distance between the groups when [STRONG]you [/STRONG]make such divisive comments. [BR][BR]I stand by my last posting. This thread started as nothing more than a re-post of one hub's good news and it's been drawn down into yet another one of these tired TWA vs. AA arguments. [BR][BR][/BLOCKQUOTE]
GAME OVER! YOU WIN![BR][BR]Welcome to the "TWA Operations" of AA and congrats on your own independent airline under AMR.[BR][BR]Maybe we should roll your wages back to TWA scales and make you our "low cost" airline within AA to compete?
[BLOCKQUOTE]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 11:46:50 PM MiAAmi wrote: [BR][BR]If you keep distancing yourselves from AA by continuing to list yourselves as TWA what do you expect? [BR][BR]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]Care to explain just who lists us as TWA in the following news item?[BR][BR][BR][BIG class=pr][FONT size=2]Dow Jones Business News[/FONT][/BIG][BR][SPAN class=t][STRONG][FONT size=3]AMR to Cut 836 Flight Attendants Vs Planned 1,100 Cuts[/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=tt]Friday January 10, 5:53 pm ET[/SPAN] [BR][BR][BR]
[DIV class=ar]FORT WORTH, Texas. -- AMR Corp.'s American Airlines unit plans to cut 836 flight attendant jobs at the end of the month, or nearly 4% of its total flight attendants, less than the airline projected in December.[BR][BR]Last month, the world's largest carrier said it would reduce its flight attendant ranks by 1,100 through offering voluntary options such as job-sharing and "overage leaves." [BR][BR]American said then that the window for the flight attendants to take the options would run from Dec. 11 through Jan. 7, after which it would have a clearer idea how many layoffs would occur. [BR][BR][STRONG]Company spokesman Todd Burke [/STRONG]told Dow Jones Newswires Friday that the company will furlough 343 flight attendants, [STRONG]all in its St. Louis TWA operations[/STRONG], while another 493 attendants throughout the system will take voluntary furloughs. [BR][BR]Mr. Burke said the company identified the 1,100 potential layoffs in December, shortly after it unveiled plans to reduce North American capacity by 3.3% by March. [BR][BR]However, an agreement with the Association of Professional Flight Attendants put a one-time cap of 400 on furloughs. American hoped to reach the total of 1, 100 cuts through voluntary furloughs, Mr. Burke said, as it can't implement furloughs above the 400-position cap, under its union contract. [BR][BR]AN APFA spokesman wasn't immediately available for comment. [BR][BR][STRONG]The furloughs will occur in American's TWA operations, Mr. Burke said[/STRONG], because those employees have the least seniority under the merger agreement with TWA. He said about 2,000 former TWA flight attendants are based in St. Louis. [BR][BR]Last week, a 3% raise for American's flight attendants went into effect, about a month after the company requested the union forgo pay raises this year. [BR][BR]In an effort to avoid the fates of bankrupt fellow carriers UAL Corp. (NYSE:[A href="http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=ual&d=t"]UAL[/A] - [A href="http://biz.yahoo.com/n/u/ual.html"]News[/A]) and US Airways Group Inc. (UAWGQ), American froze pay last month for managers and other nonunion members and asked union employees to skip contractual pay raises to help stem huge losses. [BR][BR]American has said forgoing all scheduled pay increases for 2003 would save the airline $130 million. The company had losses totaling $2.98 billion, or $19.19 a share, for the first nine months of 2002. [BR][BR]New York Stock Exchange-listed shares of American closed Friday at $6.52, down 27 cents, or 4%, on composite volume of 1.7 million shares. Average daily volume is 2.7 million shares. The stock hit a 52-week high of $29.20 on March 4 and a 52-week low of $3.01 on Oct. 10. [BR][BR]-Susan Willetts; Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5400 [BR][BR][A href="http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030110/1753000575_1.html"]http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030110/1753000575_1.html[/A][/DIV]
Lets shut down all the other hubs and make STL our HQ. Forget AA lets rename the Company TWAA.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 1:05:50 PM MiAAmi wrote: [BR][BR]Lets shut down all the other hubs and make STL our HQ. Forget AA lets rename the Company TWAA. [BR]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]Your responses are so predictable, it's laughable. Tell me, when a bell rings, do you salivate? LOL!! [BR]
No one questions the fact that our STL hub is staffed mostly by former TWA employees. But after 2 years it would be nice if the STL employees would start considering themselves AA employees. I admit that my earlier post stated that this thread was slanted to begin with. I was wrong. The second post is what I was responding to. "thank you TWA". I agree that the numbers for STL are great. I just think it would be nice to thank all the employees of STL not just the former TWA'ers.