What Are You Really Worth?


Aug 26, 2004
With all of this Complaining and Whining - what will it take to make the people here happy? The complicated Union Contracts are IMPOSSIBLE to understand. How much should you make? What will it take to make you happy to show up for work when you are scheduled with a smile on your face?

Just put down a number (how much a year???), I understand most of you have topped out your seniority. What is the price to toss a bag? Serve a drink? Drive a bus? Pick up a phone? or Turn a wrench? How can you look your customers straight in the face when some of you lean on fake doctors notes?? This is not HighSchool.

After reading this for years, Is a pilot really worth $85-$160 an hour (at 1,000 hours a year that is at least 85k-160k plus all of the addons, overtime and retirement)? Why are people paid to be on break?

As a customer - please let me know what is reasonable....from one of your distinguished posters Full Pay til the Last Day or Chick-Fil-A? What is your number?

Watching this Airline Crumble with this us against them attitude is complete BS.

I believe in unions - but after reading that you once had something like 13 healthcare programs, mechs to pushback planes - what is reasonable?

A Concerned Customer
DCFlyer said:
With all of this Complaining and Whining - what will it take to make the people here happy? The complicated Union Contracts are IMPOSSIBLE to understand. How much should you make? What will it take to make you happy to show up for work when you are scheduled with a smile on your face?

Just put down a number (how much a year???), I understand most of you have topped out your seniority. What is the price to toss a bag? Serve a drink? Drive a bus? Pick up a phone? or Turn a wrench? How can you look your customers straight in the face when some of you lean on fake doctors notes?? This is not HighSchool.

After reading this for years, Is a pilot really worth $85-$160 an hour (at 1,000 hours a year that is at least 85k-160k plus all of the addons, overtime and retirement)? Why are people paid to be on break?

As a customer - please let me know what is reasonable....from one of your distinguished posters Full Pay til the Last Day or Chick-Fil-A? What is your number?

Watching this Airline Crumble with this us against them attitude is complete BS.

I believe in unions - but after reading that you once had something like 13 healthcare programs, mechs to pushback planes - what is reasonable?

A Concerned Customer

What are you worth DC FLyer? I bet you wouldn't like millions of people telling you what THEY think YOU should make. How pompous! And, pension, what pension! US Airways management STOLE MY PENSION!!
DCFlyer said:
With all of this Complaining and Whining - what will it take to make the people here happy? The complicated Union Contracts are IMPOSSIBLE to understand. How much should you make? What will it take to make you happy to show up for work when you are scheduled with a smile on your face?

Just put down a number (how much a year???), I understand most of you have topped out your seniority. What is the price to toss a bag? Serve a drink? Drive a bus? Pick up a phone? or Turn a wrench? How can you look your customers straight in the face when some of you lean on fake doctors notes?? This is not HighSchool.

After reading this for years, Is a pilot really worth $85-$160 an hour (at 1,000 hours a year that is at least 85k-160k plus all of the addons, overtime and retirement)? Why are people paid to be on break?

As a customer - please let me know what is reasonable....from one of your distinguished posters Full Pay til the Last Day or Chick-Fil-A? What is your number?

Watching this Airline Crumble with this us against them attitude is complete BS.

I believe in unions - but after reading that you once had something like 13 healthcare programs, mechs to pushback planes - what is reasonable?

A Concerned Customer

Lay down son and tell me your real problem.
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What Pension - I have to save most of my retirement (out of my pocket). I only wish I had a pension.

What is my real problem?
My problem is trying to get from point a to point b for under a 2200 unrestricted fare.
DCFlyer said:
What Pension - I have to save most of my retirement (out of my pocket). I only wish I had a pension.

What is my real problem?
My problem is trying to get from point a to point b for under a 2200 unrestricted fare.
D_R_I_V_E...problem solved
deano said:
D_R_I_V_E...problem solved

If we all drove, then they would be crying that management forced us to drive and the customers would be blamed for not paying outrageous fares.

I particularly enjoy the posts that blame the customer for last week's fiasco. If we didn't want fair fares, it wouldn't have happened.....what a crock.
DCFlyer said:
With all of this Complaining and Whining - what will it take to make the people here happy? The complicated Union Contracts are IMPOSSIBLE to understand. How much should you make? What will it take to make you happy to show up for work when you are scheduled with a smile on your face?

Just put down a number (how much a year???), I understand most of you have topped out your seniority. What is the price to toss a bag? Serve a drink? Drive a bus? Pick up a phone? or Turn a wrench? How can you look your customers straight in the face when some of you lean on fake doctors notes?? This is not HighSchool.

After reading this for years, Is a pilot really worth $85-$160 an hour (at 1,000 hours a year that is at least 85k-160k plus all of the addons, overtime and retirement)? Why are people paid to be on break?

As a customer - please let me know what is reasonable....from one of your distinguished posters Full Pay til the Last Day or Chick-Fil-A? What is your number?

Watching this Airline Crumble with this us against them attitude is complete BS.

I believe in unions - but after reading that you once had something like 13 healthcare programs, mechs to pushback planes - what is reasonable?

A Concerned Customer

WN is highly unionized, extremely profitable, and pays their employees a fair wage for a fair day's work. The WN top-of-scale wages are now the "benchmark" that all Legacy Airlines would be delighted to earn.

Example: A WN B737 Captain at top-of-scale earns $182/hour. A USAirways Captain at the same longevity: $125/hr. You can apply the same comparisons throughout every craft except Senior Management. USAirways Senior Management is extraordinarily well compensated. The employees are dying on the vine, the airline continues to lose 2M/day after pay, work rules, pensions, health insurance etc. is the LOWEST of the Legacy carriers.

A few years ago, USAirways negotiators said if they had WN's contracts they couldn't miss making a bundle. Now they've got the lowest LABOR costs on the map and guess what? A sea of red-ink.

Give the USAirways employees the WN contracts today and I think you would find a happy, highly motivated work force.
DCFlyer said:
PS - I am still waiting - Somebody give me a number!

What do you think a trained pilot,mechanic,or F/A is worth?

The most employee friendly airline flying,SWA, thinks their employees are worth top money in the airline business. A senior mechanic at SWA earns approx $38.00/hour.
And by the way,SWA is one of the few profitable airlines flying.
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N924PS said:
WN is highly unionized, extremely profitable, and pays their employees a fair wage for a fair day's work. The WN top-of-scale wages are now the "benchmark" that all Legacy Airlines would be delighted to earn.

Example: A WN B737 Captain at top-of-scale earns $182/hour. A USAirways Captain at the same longevity: $125/hr. You can apply the same comparisons throughout every craft except Senior Management. USAirways Senior Management is extraordinarily well compensated. The employees are dying on the vine, the airline continues to lose 2M/day after pay, work rules, pensions, health insurance etc. is the LOWEST of the Legacy carriers.

A few years ago, USAirways negotiators said if they had WN's contracts they couldn't miss making a bundle. Now they've got the lowest LABOR costs on the map and guess what? A sea of red-ink.

Give the USAirways employees the WN contracts today and I think you would find a happy, highly motivated work force.

Excellent so a SWA Pilot will never be able to fly an A330 at $160 an hour. Please elaborate on how much they work (and have worked historically) per month with comparison to you? What about days per month worked? Apparently you still have a pension and they do not. Also I have heard that SWA pilots have helped clean a plane. These numbers are fine and dandy...but give me your number....what are you willing to work for with pay and benefits per year? Why are comparisons so important?

PS - Why does this always go back to senior management....aren't you guys on the board to help appoint these people (with pay packages?). Heck I am still looking for an airline with pilots running the show.
Why don't you ask yourself what a pilot, f/a or mechanic is worth when you take your wife and kids to the airport and put them on an airplane to fly from point A to point B.

Go ask the United Airlines Sioux City Iowa survivors what Al Haynes and two other pilots are worth.

Go ask the families of the Valujet tragedy what cheap workers did to their lives.

Go ask the passengers of the UAL flight from HNL what pilots are worth.

Do I need to continue?
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goingboeing said:
What do you think a trained pilot,mechanic,or F/A is worth?

The most employee friendly airline flying,SWA, thinks their employees are worth top money in the airline business. A senior mechanic at SWA earns approx $38.00/hour.
And by the way,SWA is one of the few profitable airlines flying.

I do not know, that is why I am asking?
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700UW said:
Why don't you ask yourself what a pilot, f/a or mechanic is worth when you take your wife and kids to the airport and put them on an airplane to fly from point A to point B.

Go ask the United Airlines Sioux City Iowa survivors what Al Haynes and two other pilots are worth.

Go ask the families of the Valujet tragedy what cheap workers did to their lives.

Go ask the passengers of the UAL flight from HNL what pilots are worth.

Do I need to continue?

Everyone I know seems to fly just fine on Comair, American Eagle, Mesa and the rest just fine. Why are you worth so much more?

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