Why Would You Not Support The New Plan?


May 18, 2003
In my opinion, this message board has deteriorated in substance with less constructive debate and decorum, to one that's centered on comments that indicate emotion, bitterness, venting, and anger. That’s too bad because this could be a great vehicle to constructively discuss our collective issues.

Nonetheless, I would like to know specific answers to the specific questions listed below from those who do not support labors participation in the “Transformation Planâ€￾. Please only answer the five questions with short, specific, to the point answers. Specifically:

1. Why are low cost competitors making money and every legacy airline losing billions of dollars?

2. If US Airways continues to lose money and violates the terms of the loan guarantee, what is the likely outcome for the company?

3. If US Airways enters bankruptcy and elects to execute a formal reorganization, what’s the likely outcome for each labor group?

4. If US Airways enters bankruptcy and liquidates, what benefits do employees receive?

5. If US Airways fails, what are your specific job options?



1. Why are low cost competitors making money and every legacy airline losing billions of dollars?

I am a mechanic, not a MBA

2. If US Airways continues to lose money and violates the terms of the loan guarantee, what is the likely outcome for the company?


3. If US Airways enters bankruptcy and elects to execute a formal reorganization, what’s the likely outcome for each labor group?


4. If US Airways enters bankruptcy and liquidates, what benefits do employees receive?

Nothing, wait.... welfare

5. If US Airways fails, what are your specific job options?

None of your business


Respectively Cavy baby
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There have been two posts since I started this topic and none of the responses answered all five questions nor did the responses provide what I consider constructive debate. I will ask again that respondents please provide specific, mature answers to each question and not “smart-aleckâ€￾ comments.


1. USA320Pilot,

2. You

3. are

4. truly

5. pathetic.

There. I think I've covered all five.

Now... go spend some time with the beloved family or something. F'r instance, start coming to terms with the fact that your future does NOT include flying Airbii for USAirways until retirement.
Everyone has already supported 2 failed plans, and most can't afford to give again.
Maybe your group can, but the Fleet and C/S can't. Let us not forget the Expressed folks that are down to $13 an hour at this point. If it goes any lower in pay, most don't care what happens as the MART and Mickey Dee's will pay the same or more. When you are willing and able to work for 25k or less a year, let us know and we will pitch in as well. That should answer your questions for you in a nutshell.
And most of the LCC's have higher hourly wages than US does. Maybe some of us will be fortunate enough to get a job with them in the future.
;) Howdy: Just wanted to let you know that I understand your way of thinking, and enjoy reading your posts. After spending 27 years with this company, I am able to look at both sides of the current problem. If and when the vote for consessions ever happens, I will be torn on how to vote. The goodie goodie part of me agrees with you, and says "Do what ever it takes to save the Company". But another part of me looks back on the last 3 years, and reflects on everything negative that has happened to me. I can only hope when the time comes, I can vote wisely.
1. Why are low cost competitors making money and every legacy airline losing billions of dollars?

I don't know why. I'm just an unskilled, uneducated, lowly agent. (As I have been called) I don't profess to have answers to all questions like some do. (I won't call any names)

2. If US Airways continues to lose money and violates the terms of the loan guarantee, what is the likely outcome for the company?

Bye, bye, bye.
But on the other hand....should the company honestly expect employees to be willing to give each time the company says we need this or we need that, when the company violates the contracts they signed with the employees?

3. If US Airways enters bankruptcy and elects to execute a formal reorganization, what’s the likely outcome for each labor group?

Not a pretty picture.
The company will do it's best to get as much from each employee group as they can. (Is'nt that what they are trying to do now?)

4. If US Airways enters bankruptcy and liquidates, what benefits do employees receive?

None. Except might have to take less medication because of stress...high-blood pressure, etc

5. If US Airways fails, what are your specific job options?

Unemployeement till it runs out (I've paid into the system for years) then I will find another job which will pay me somewhere around$13 an hour (maybe more, heck, I haven't been concerned enough to look)....which is about what I will make at US if they have their way.

Now let me ask you a question. I can find a job close to what I will make. What are your fears? That the company will fail and that you wont be able to find a job making anwhere close to what you are now making?

Lemme make you a promise DELETED. If I get the chance to vote... I will vote MY convictions. Your posting/badgering will not change my convictions.

Good luck to us all....in this career or in whatever lies ahead.

....Is that honest enough for ya?
wings396 said:
Everyone has already supported 2 failed plans, and most can't afford to give again.
Maybe your group can, but the Fleet and C/S can't. Let us not forget the Expressed folks that are down to $13 an hour at this point. If it goes any lower in pay, most don't care what happens as the MART and Mickey Dee's will pay the same or more. When you are willing and able to work for 25k or less a year, let us know and we will pitch in as well. That should answer your questions for you in a nutshell.
And most of the LCC's have higher hourly wages than US does. Maybe some of us will be fortunate enough to get a job with them in the future.
The Mart and Mcdees pay less my friend than 13/hr.

The word on the street is no one wants to hire any former employees with the "USAIR STINK".

Every one is well aware of our attitude, work ethic,etc....

That runs the entire group, not singling out just pilots, f/a, mtc. or anyone else

I believe we either make this into a LCC, or we will be changing industries.

If your job gets dumped for technology, or just outsourced i,m sorry.....

I don't remember any tears when my engineer seat left.!!!

Move up, or move out its your choice.
cavalier said:
1. Why are low cost competitors making money and every legacy airline losing billions of dollars?
I am a mechanic, not a MBA
That's funny! But it turns out that the question isn't even correct.

F9 is having profitability problems right now, too.
WN is making money because they had enough to begin with that they were able to hedge; otherwise, they'd be losing right now, too.
B6 has extremely high aircraft utilization; many of their A320s spend the night in the air instead of RON.
B6 and FL both have junior workforces and new airplanes.
HP has a lot of redeyes as well as a very low-paid workforce.

I agree wholeheartedly with the rest of cav's responses. Wonders never cease! :shock: ;)
Bear96 said:
1. USA320Pilot,

2. You

3. are

4. truly

5. pathetic.

There. I think I've covered all five.

Now... go spend some time with the beloved family or something. F'r instance, start coming to terms with the fact that your future does NOT include flying Airbii for USAirways until retirement.
Awesome reply. I'll buy you a drink for that one. :up: :up: :up:
Bear96 said:
1. USA320Pilot,

2. You

3. are

4. truly

5. pathetic.

There. I think I've covered all five.

Now... go spend some time with the beloved family or something. F'r instance, start coming to terms with the fact that your future does NOT include flying Airbii for USAirways until retirement.
LOL...... :lol:
USA320Pilot said:
In my opinion, this message board has deteriorated in substance with less constructive debate and decorum, to one that's centered on comments that indicate emotion, bitterness, venting, and anger. That’s too bad because this could be a great vehicle to constructively discuss our collective issues.

Nonetheless, I would like to know specific answers to the specific questions listed below from those who do not support labors participation in the “Transformation Planâ€￾. Please only answer the five questions with short, specific, to the point answers. Specifically:



1. Why are low cost competitors making money and every legacy airline losing billions of dollars?

Because the "low cost" airlines are sweatshops that should be shut down. Our unions are too wimpy to intimidate them.

2. If US Airways continues to lose money and violates the terms of the loan guarantee, what is the likely outcome for the company?

It'll go out of business :D

3. If US Airways enters bankruptcy and elects to execute a formal reorganization, what’s the likely outcome for each labor group?

They'll still get screwed :D Just like they were on the last "give back" go round. Davey Siegel did pretty well though. Made more in his brief tenure then I did with my entire freakin' US Airways career. :angry:

4. If US Airways enters bankruptcy and liquidates, what benefits do employees receive?

Unemployment! Section 8 Housing. Food stamps. :lol:

5. If US Airways fails, what are your specific job options?

Burger King.
Chick Fil A.
Drug Dealer.
Disgruntled homeless man, shuffling behind his grocery cart stroking his Moses beard and mumbling incoherent thoughts.
CEO of A Certain Airline Food Company.