WN Mechanics seek mediation


Feb 5, 2012

Despite enjoying record profits last year of $1.1 billion, Southwest Airlines refuses to have meaningful negotiations with its Aircraft Maintenance Technician and Related union ‑ the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) ‑ prompting the union to request federal mediation from the National Mediation Board (NMB).
We're the dispatchers in mediation? The thread indicates they were and they received a big boost as a result, which to me is a win. You content no one wins in mediation?
Here's the contract, and pay attention to the base rate on 3.3 of the contract.  Dispatchers rates are per month;   AGREEMENT between SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. and the ....
And don't forget to add in all the premiums and added pay for extras.
Now let's go to the time frame I posted and it was done during mediation (NMB)...
Southwest Airlines dispatchers ratify new ...
All this was done thru mediation and the dispatchers were successful in comparing themselves to the UPS dispatchers.  Nothing I posted was false, at all.  The signing bonuses they received were for some above 50K as it depended on years of tenure.
If you don't want to accept what I post as true then so be it.  IF I ever post misinformation I will be the first to admit it and own up to it.  And gee, why are you here in the SWA forum posting to ignore me? Are you not in other airline forums doing the same?  That's what I thought...
Birdman, to answer your question yes it was done with the help of federal mediation (NMB)...
swamt said:
Here's the contract, and pay attention to the base rate on 3.3 of the contract.  Dispatchers rates are per month;   AGREEMENT between SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. and the ....
And don't forget to add in all the premiums and added pay for extras.
Now let's go to the time frame I posted and it was done during mediation (NMB)...
Southwest Airlines dispatchers ratify new ...
All this was done thru mediation and the dispatchers were successful in comparing themselves to the UPS dispatchers.  Nothing I posted was false, at all.  The signing bonuses they received were for some above 50K as it depended on years of tenure.
If you don't want to accept what I post as true then so be it.  IF I ever post misinformation I will be the first to admit it and own up to it.  And gee, why are you here in the SWA forum posting to ignore me? Are you not in other airline forums doing the same?  That's what I thought...
Birdman, to answer your question yes it was done with the help of federal mediation (NMB)...
Birdman I forgot to add this.  Our dispatchers were also able to extend the contract from 2014 thru 2019 recently.  I do not have the numbers to show but I do remember I think 2% raises for the extension on certain years and bonuses on in between years.  The last 3 groups at SWA is the Pilots, Mechanics and Rampers...
WNMECH said:

Despite enjoying record profits last year of $1.1 billion, Southwest Airlines refuses to have meaningful negotiations with its Aircraft Maintenance Technician and Related union ‑ the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) ‑ prompting the union to request federal mediation from the National Mediation Board (NMB).
Well it's about time.  Most I have talked to have asked why haven't we done this a year ago.  Maybe now we will get some movement forward towards a new contract...
swamt said:
 Our dispatchers were also able to extend the contract from 2014 thru 2019 recently. 
So the dispatchers have had 2 contracts ratified since 2012. Well paint me green with envy!
Hopefully it gets some movement, and hopefully this membership won't settle for anything less than full retro. The longer they drag this on, the bigger that retro check will be.
Retro was the number one item on the contract proposals voted by the majority of the membership.  Not sure exactly how mediation will go but most all mediators want to see movement by both sides.  The company will do anything possible to get out of full retro as they try to do each and every time contracts talks has surpassed the amendment date.  Retro is the only tool that can be used to hold the company to nego in good faith for future contract talks instead of dragging things out for years upon years.  But we will all see when the time comes. At any rate, we are still a ways off from seeing a contract anytime soon IMO.  Just hoping the mediator can get movement towards a completed contract...
WN mechs,
do you read anything into the request for mediation from what the FAs got? It is true or false that AMFA knew what the FAs got in their TA before seeking mediation and if not, why didn't they wait and find out?
WorldTraveler said:
WN mechs,do you read anything into the request for mediation from what the FAs got? It is true or false that AMFA knew what the FAs got in their TA before seeking mediation and if not, why didn't they wait and find out?
The flight attendant I talked to Monday morning didn't know what was in the TA and you can be assured the TWU would never share info with AMFA, whom they despise. Our negotiators were getting no where so in my opinion delaying mediation for any reason would be a waste of time.
Correct Birdman, we could care less what the F/A's could or would receive as a contract offer.  Why would anyone ask us if we would wait to see what someone else was going to get before we filed for mediation?  Who cares?  We should have filed over a year ago. I blame the nego team for not doing so earlier.  We should have filed prior to the pilots filing.  BTW we really don't need this non affected individual involved in these kinds of talks if you know what I mean.  To keep this thread on a positive note let's all just ignore any post he might bring into it please...
There were many different items listed.  The cmte took it down to a list of top ten I believe.  Some highlights that I remember were Retro, % raise, Added wk vac, 401K match increase  ect...   There was more but just throwing a few off the top of my head of what I remember seeing on the final list from 3 1/2 years ago.  And yes scope changes were another big one.  Matter fact company wants to completely rip scope up and start from scratch and this is part of the reasons what is taking so long.  Our nego team knows that the membership will not go for the scope changes that the company wants or at least is saying they want.  Alot has to do with new international down line language as well since international flying is new to us now.