American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I appreciate that, I like pointing out the hypocrisy of the so-called conservative states You know the ones that are the takers and love the socialist aspect of unions. If AA went bankrupt again and closed TULE and AAR took over the OH facility, I’m betting y’all wouldn’t be making $45 an hour and going to hooters. TULE should really just thank the line mechs in CA and NY for the forced socialism so you can make what you make.

That being said, the smartest thing this executive team is doing for the long term viability of this airline is bringing the 787 work to TULE, should do that with the 777, AA should really invest in the long term care of their biggest assets ( including employees)

All you have to do is look at the condition of the 727s when they were retired compared to the 767s being retired now.
Hey Groucho, you ever thought about moving on with your life instead of blaming someone else for your mistakes? I can assure you that before I would work for AAR I would take my capitalist ass somewhere else. The iam mechanics for US Air we’re making less than us prior to the merger and I don’t remember them blaming Tulsa for their plight. Look in the mirror if you can stand the view and you will see who to blame for your short comings and unhappiness. Been to hooters once and that’s because the high dollar hooker I was with wanted to say hi to her friends that worked there.
I appreciate that, I like pointing out the hypocrisy of the so-called conservative states You know the ones that are the takers and love the socialist aspect of unions. If AA went bankrupt again and closed TULE and AAR took over the OH facility, I’m betting y’all wouldn’t be making $45 an hour and going to hooters. TULE should really just thank the line mechs in CA and NY for the forced socialism so you can make what you make.

That being said, the smartest thing this executive team is doing for the long term viability of this airline is bringing the 787 work to TULE, should do that with the 777, AA should really invest in the long term care of their biggest assets ( including employees)

All you have to do is look at the condition of the 727s when they were retired compared to the 767s being retired now.
Im a little confused you slam tulsa then praise their overhaul. There are times you bring up good points and then other times you times you ask ignorant questions. Questions that if you had time with the twu and tried to educate yourself in the process should be familiar with. As far as liberal versus conservative would you actually vote for liberals like the "squad" .
No doubt A&P Mechanics as a profession would be much better off, have better career opportunities and advancement and be happier if they had never had unions, You guys are a highly skilled trained professional much like Engineers or Doctors and you don't need a union to divide, set up silos, protect the weak and kill almost all career and lifestyle related movement options.
The International ownes all contractual agreements. No vote by the membership is needed. If the International wants a contract to pass all they do is sign off on it.
It's about money and always will be.
If anyone doesn't like it then quit.
We tried several card drives and that has failed. So suck it up boys. What the International wants, the International gets.

Another good point. With the asso's rules the membership can still be by-passed by a vote and the international can sign off on an agreement EVEN IF the membership already voted it down (ie: TWU did to the AA'ers).
Just pointing out a fact here that our AMFA National can not do this. It is in the by-laws and the constitution that "ANY" and "ALL" changes to the CBA will be voted on by the entire membership in good standings, period. None of this go around BS like these industrial unions do, none of the back door deals done in private hotel rooms (that was for the teamsters and maybe the TWU at AA prior to Asso.) If you change one sentence in our contract, or even one word, after a new contract is completed and printed (as ours just was printed and passed out) the membership will vote rather to accept or decline such changes.

In other words guys, the union cannot just do what they want to do to benefit themselves. I know the drives are starting to pick up some more chatter so something to think about with AMP or AMFA as a choice...
No doubt A&P Mechanics as a profession would be much better off, have better career opportunities and advancement and be happier if they had never had unions, You guys are a highly skilled trained professional much like Engineers or Doctors and you don't need a union to divide, set up silos, protect the weak and kill almost all career and lifestyle related movement options.

So are you saying the same for the Pilots and F/A's? And all others who are represented by unions?? C'mon man...
Hey Groucho, you ever thought about moving on with your life instead of blaming someone else for your mistakes? I can assure you that before I would work for AAR I would take my capitalist ass somewhere else. The iam mechanics for US Air we’re making less than us prior to the merger and I don’t remember them blaming Tulsa for their plight. Look in the mirror if you can stand the view and you will see who to blame for your short comings and unhappiness. Been to hooters once and that’s because the high dollar hooker I was with wanted to say hi to her friends that worked there.

This particular argument is not blaming Tulsa for our plight, but Buck should appreciate NY and CA mechs for him making as much as he is.

I’ll bkame the OH and vote NO know nothings for turning down the 2010 TA which has cost us $70k and 45 extra sick days not to mention holidays vacation personal days. Etc And that was 9 years ago, AA took what concessions they wanted anyway.
Im a little confused you slam tulsa then praise their overhaul. There are times you bring up good points and then other times you times you ask ignorant questions. Questions that if you had time with the twu and tried to educate yourself in the process should be familiar with. As far as liberal versus conservative would you actually vote for liberals like the "squad" .

You really don’t need to replay, I’ll watch Sean Hannity and find out what he told you to think.
American has been at Tulsa for a long time, longer than probably either of us has been employed at American.
Why does the TWU require a closed shop? I do not dislike unionism and perhaps the unionism of old won some very important items. Today however and even in our tenure Industrial Unionism has been only a political money machine. Surely you meant "closed TULE and AAR took over the OH facility" OK? By the way, I do not recall ever going to Hooters but perhaps once to try their Hot Wings. How about Tulsa thanking the entire group of Line Mechanics? That is the problem with your version or vision of Socialism if someone doesn't see it your way they are wrong. Force Socialism would be more define as Communism. It is perfectly alright even in our Republic to have an anti-American position. As for the mechanic wages at the airlines, you should thank those at Southwest for raising your wages so you can stay in your states where your taxes are extremely high. Tulsa will always be open. It may not be American but when the city, county, and the state "insist" that American stay then it more than likely it will be. All of the historic aircraft you listed were Overhauled and or repaired at many places but mainly Tulsa. I know they have been overhauled in Tulsa for the last 35 years and the "executive team" did not bring the 787 to Tulsa alone.

I don’t agree with the 787 comment, if AA didn’t want the 787 done in house, it wouldn’t be done in house.
Its too bad, the thread begins to lean into folks political views vs negotiations. And I'm not pointing the finger at you BJ, seems a few are getting into it.

Here..... Chew on this one a bit..

Read this yesterday and it makes some great points, especially how long this has taken and we are tired of hearing some progress has been made.
We need to hear next Friday that we have a TA.
Almost 4 years into this abortion it’s time to get something out of this merger and stop all the BS grandstanding and I say that to both sides
No doubt A&P Mechanics as a profession would be much better off, have better career opportunities and advancement and be happier if they had never had unions, You guys are a highly skilled trained professional much like Engineers or Doctors and you don't need a union to divide, set up silos, protect the weak and kill almost all career and lifestyle related movement options.

I've always wondered wtf I pay union dues for.
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