stop the outsourcing?

If you think that 12-15% more compensation doesn't matter, you truly are out of touch with the way the vast majority of people think about work.
This runs counter to your earlier message in another thread about money not being a distraction.
you are the one that tried to assert that profit sharing is a distraction that would keep DL people from seeing these apparent QOL issues that you think are so troublesome.

I assert and will continue to do so that 10-15% difference in pray is enough to cause a lot of people to refocus priorities, esp. since a lot of people simply don't see the QOL issues as problematic like you do.
I would love to see WT reaction when the day comes that the IAM announces that they have secured membership of the FAs and the ACS    He may be very ANTI UNION but I can only imagine his reaction when the union comes in  
Kev  I wish you and all the ACTIVE DL folks all the best of luck and hope and wish to see you all join the union
except it hasn't happened, robbed.

when it does, it will likely be only because DL decided it no longer wanted to treat its employees the way they have for decades.

DL doesn't have the unions that other airlines have because DL runs its business on different principles.

Other airlines have the unions they have because they, quite frankly, don't value their employees the way DL values its employees.
700UW said:
You dont get it, Parker negotiated RAISES that equal to the $61 million in profit sharing, how many times does it have to be posted till you get it?
And DL's PS is only a month's worth of pay, not seven to eight weeks.
And you truly need to move on about PS, an extra month of pay wont keep the unions away.
Please tell us, Great Obi-One-Kanobi of the IAM, just why did Parker agree to the raise?
WorldTraveler said:
but AA employees aren't getting anything that comes remotely close to the 7-8 weeks worth of pay that DL employees will get compared to DL profit sharing.

the simple reason why I am harping on it is because it is such an enormous part of DL's compensation.

to pretend it doesn't matter is sheer ignorance.

AA and the APFA severely underestimated the value of DL profit sharing and because of it will come nowhere close to DL employees in total compensation.

that's not fear - those are the cold, hard economic facts that DL employees will take to the bank and use to pay for winter vacations, remodel houses, increase their 401Ks etc.
but again, You don't know what the TA says compared to what Delta's FA's get. You can't say who has the better deal. You keep trying because "Profit sharing" but that makes up a small part of the QOL of an employee. 
AA's FAs are getting the same pay the DL FAs are getting. AA's FAs got that not a year after being out of BK. DL's FAs are how many years out of BK? 
WorldTraveler said:
well of course Parker and the APFA agreed to those terms.

AA wanted more language speakers and won anyway.

Doesn't change that there will be foreign language speakers slotted into slots that senior AA FAs used to hold and that AA and the APFA undervalued DL profit sharing.

The fact that AA and APFA agreed to it doesn't change a thing.

If you think that 12-15% more compensation doesn't matter, you truly are out of touch with the way the vast majority of people think about work.

DL isn't a charity operation and I don't want or expect DL employees to accept charity levels of compensation which is exactly what it would be to give up profit sharing.
Hey genus 
do you know where Parker got the idea for that from. 
wait for it
wait for it
Delta has been doing it for YEARS with the LOD program. Yet another area where Delta did something years ago that is hurting others at OALs.  