2015 Pilot Discussion.

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Bean said:
Still a little confused how those found guilty could be rewarded.
"found guilty" is a nonsensical observation on your part there, but let's indulge that for a moment, and purely for instructional purposes: "OJay" was found "not guilty" and hillary's not only not even properly in prison, but actually running for "president"....Whatever your notions on the nic/"righteousness"/etc; I'd gently suggest quickly garnering at least a bit better and more accurate notion of the world you really and actually live in.
Hint: It ain't "Sparta"/Fantasyland.
cactusboy53 said:
Oh, I know it will be OK Hawk.  Your private message saved for posterity.  What a magnanimous winner you are.
Sheesh! Arrogant kids these days. A truly "impressive" umm..."airplane" avatar though cactus"boy"...such a truly mighty machine must necessarily impress.  Hmm...I wonder what the actually capable and worthwhile kids these days are doing who want to become real Pilots? I'd think not-so-much AWA/"cap'n aux"/cactus"boy"-look-at-my-avatar-"airplane" (however pitiful it is) Fantasyland bs, but more along these lines:
cactusboy53 said:
Thanks for the name calling. .....
He stopped far short of "whining, worthless, total pussy" so what's "you'se" problem? ;)
"Turns out that earlier youth experiences provided a better template for the whole "Pilot" thing than I'd imagined through athletic endeavors: At most 5-8% of whomever shows up for any tournament are actually worth a damn at any level. I'd long fantasized much better within the aviation community, but no longer can."
Per your current avatar, well, if you ever want to dress to better "impress", you could at least consider the following, instead of perversely and "proudly" sporting some "Old Maid" dress, only laughably supposed "pilot":  http://www.barnstormers.com/Aerobatic,%20Pitts%20Classifieds.htm
"Funniest" thing about the previously, "magically" elevated, solely via an arbitrator's capricious whim, self-styled "spartans"....As individuals, they don't seem to have much to say for themselves.

Nothing at all new to see there. Have a good day all.
And here I'd thought you said you were just waiting 'till the SLI was over before indulging the recreational flying challenge? ;) Seriously though; "But, I'm still breathing" fully works for me as evidence of a rational perspective. NONE of this past decade's internecine insanity reflects at all well on even our species in general, much less supposedly "intelligent pilots". I've sometimes wondered just exactly WHAT sorts of supposed "Pilots" could be so incredibly childish as to EVER, by actual intention, place their "fates"/seniority/whatever in the hands of others, instead of sanely working things out within their own community....No matter now, I suppose. Oh well. Turns out that earlier youth experiences provided a better template for the whole "Pilot" thing than I'd imagined through athletic endeavors: At most 5-8% of whomever shows up for any tournament are actually worth a damn at any level. I'd long fantasized much better within the aviation community, but no longer can.

"Miles will fly by as we discuss all this bullshiit."...? Not-so-much and no worries there. The cockpit's no place for rancorous nonsense of any kind. It's not mathematically likely that we'll ever share a cockpit, but should that happen; you would be greeted with a proper handshake and well...I say we fly safe and just have as much fun as a given trip allows. Recreation/beverages/etc on me.

I agree.

Just don't let that handshake be like your buddy Parker.

I had the privilege to shake his hand as he exited an airplane I had crewed almost a decade ago which ironically was from Phx to Dfw.

He did his usual at the time, a seat in coach, which I found very impressive.

He had me, seated in coach, if you will...

Loved it. He was different.

I stood at the doorway of that cockpit with such enthusiasm, eagerly anticipating my leaders acknowledgement as he passed by to the jetway.

I saw him and immediately said, Hey Doug! Thanks for flying with us! Simultaneously extending my hand to shake his.

He smiled and extended what I would describe as a limp fish, no, not that, more like a sardine, a weak, tragically under exceptional, big handful of flesh with nothing but squishiness and a hint of, just let me go and speak nothing of this interaction.

Total confusion for a guy like me, that just shook the hand of our duly appointed leader.

I had grown up with the guidance to know that a mans handshake was his life signature, a sign of his soul. A sign of his character.

Funny stuff.

So here we are.

The guilty thing I was referencing was simply the DFR, that little something a very familiar appellate court found wrong with the east Union behavior.
I agree.

Just don't let that handshake be like your buddy Parker"

Bean: No worries there. Parker's hardly any "buddy" of mine, and that handshake would be both honest and legitimately given to anyone I ever shared, or even might share a cockpit with. There's simply NO/zip/zero room for any capricious "fighting"/arguments or purely personal, distracting bs when flying. I've been very fortunate within commercial airline flying at least, to have experienced just a small hand full of "drama" with just 2 blew-themselves-to-bits engine "failures" and the usually expected diverts due to medical/weather/whatever...one passenger deciding he absolutely needed to try to open the door and exit the aircraft at 7,000' and climbing, one "lady" in first class who opted to widely open up her companion's face to the bone with a thus-broken glass, an FAA's "Inspector" literally grounding "my" aircraft for the dire reason of a single seat not retracting fully upright/etc, ad nauseam, and would like to finish with nothing more in the way of needless drama...So believe me; you're perfectly safe in the hand shake without the slightest concerns over any conversational bs. "Nice sunset/rise/etc....Engines healthy? Systems good? Fuel balanced (and not leaking)? We ain't lost? No rioting in the back? Weather still good at destination? Well then: What's fun to do once we arrive?"/etc. At the cockpit level I take no sort of childish squabbles as at all significant.

Bottom Line Bean: There's always SO much more going on in life worth attending to than merely airline bs that the last simply isn't much worth considering when beautiful clouds are to be considered instead.
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CLT Rat stood by east pilots from day one. I hope to meet and shake his hand. A true friend.

He's a good man and fully worth that handshake from any of us. Petulant disclaimer though; I once observed a flight attendant literally hanging all over him, instead of even then TWO of us pathetically prehistoric and fully wrinkled pilots in the immediate vicinity, so there's that to be held to be held against him, I suppose....Just kidding on the held against him part. ;)

In a "perfect world"; all employee groups would stand together and support each other against the common enemy, which, given the current situation is indeed "management"....
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He stopped far short of "whining, worthless, total pussy" so what's "you'se" problem? ;)

"Turns out that earlier youth experiences provided a better template for the whole "Pilot" thing than I'd imagined through athletic endeavors: At most 5-8% of whomever shows up for any tournament are actually worth a damn at any level. I'd long fantasized much better within the aviation community, but no longer can."

Per your current avatar, well, if you ever want to dress to better "impress", you could at least consider the following, instead of perversely and "proudly" sporting some "Old Maid" dress, only laughably supposed "pilot": http://www.barnstormers.com/Aerobatic, Pitts Classifieds.htm

Sorry Gramps....I don't play with known cheaters.
Hey Dorothy, when you boys going file another lawsuit, sorry to hear your 5 mil is quite held up, although 3 is actually your money anyway, kind of funny I think........"denied at the border" rant was kind of "desperate" don't you think.:)
Sorry Gramps....I don't play with known cheaters.

No worries then, since your obvious reluctance to some wagered fun aloft stems purely from personal "principles"....umm, presumably the same level of "principles" that strangely permitted "you'se" to try to usurp a whole decade or more of actually worked years of EARNED seniority from your "fellow pilots"...Whew! For just a moment there I'd thought it "might" be an issue of your not wanting to once more have your arse handed to you on a platter (on permanent video) in such a public manner that you could neither talk/squirm/bs your way out of, or ever afterwards live down. Thanks for clearing that up for us all.

Would it help if I said you could wear your previously bragged about "Letterman Jacket"?..Even worn over an "Integrity Matters" T shirt with all the proud cactus18 "bling" they could hold? ;)

cactusboy53 from long ago: "This is Sparta!" Again I must thank all of "you'se" mighty "spartans/knights/dire wolves"/etc for the decade of good laughs.
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