Alpa In Trouble


Nov 3, 2003
Our MEC Strikes Again!

Duane Woerth has not and cannot sign LOA 91 because of potential Duty of Fair Representation liability with Allegheny and Piedmont who have contractual rights to Group financed RJs. ALPA and Group are currently leaning hard on the ALG and PDT MEC leadership to sign a LOA that will further erode those rights... but they are not giving in. If ALG and PDT don't sign their lives away (again) then Woerth won't sign it... otherwise he would have already.

If our MEC had included ALG and PDT in negotiating 91, then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. IF our MEC really cared about the APL pilots, then they would have required that all of the MDA instructors be on the seniority list and not obligated to MDA management who have them their jobs (we have 2 year APL pilots as check airmen and instructors). Not one instructor or check airman is on the MDA seniority list.

Hope GE doesn't get more nervous than it already is.
In this case I don't think the fact that ALPA is a national union is the issue. The mish-mash of companies/divisions/etc that U is today is the problem. The issue is the WOs-are-part-and-parcel-of-U (but not really) combined with the WOs-pilots-are-equal-to-mainliners (but not really) is the problem.

Sounds like the mainline MEC decided to decide for the WOs without reading its own contracts. The fact that ALPA also represents pilots at other airlines is of no consequence here.
Woerth is looking out for AL and PI finally, those employees gave concessions too, and US is not giving them any RJs they would rather give them to Mesa and pay them $232,000,000 like US paid them last year for RJ flying.
Answer this if there is no national union how would a group of employees be able to generate enough money to have a union and all the services it offers?

Currently ALL of ALPA helps ALL of its members even if it means another company going on strike, ALL of ALPA donates money to help those employees affected.

You would not have enough money to run a union if there was no national.
700UW said:
You would not have enough money to run a union if there was no national.
Not quite true. You would, because you increase the exposure at the same time that you increase the base, by definition.

What you gain by having a national is sort of like an insurance policy. You spread the risk over a greater number of people.
PineyBob said:
Just like I've been saying National Unions SUCK!
Speaking of national unions: Here is a letter from a famous Republican President who some claim was the greatest president who ever lived. Trouble is I lived back then too and remember what this greatest president did for unions, and social security recipients, for example: old people died because of lack of benefits, that is FACT. Yet we send billions over seas to Iraq and all over the world while people at home come last, at least to that republican president they sure did.

Then I come on here and read that unions are not necessary. Belonging to a union with the wrong political party in the White House sure makes it look that way, doesn’t it.

A Reagan Letter to Robert Poli, PATCO (Oct. 20, 1980)

Dear Mr. Poli:

I have been briefed by members of my staff as to the deplorable state of our nation's air traffic control system. They have told me that too few people working unreasonable hours with obsolete equipment has placed the nation's air travellers in unwarranted danger. In an area so clearly related to public safety the Carter administration has failed to act responsibly.

You can rest assured that if I am elected President, I will take whatever steps are necessary to provide our air traffic controllers with the most modern equipment available and to adjust staff levels and work days so that they are commensurate with achieving a maximum degree of public safety....

I pledge to you that my administration will work very closely with you to bring about a spirit of cooperation between the President and the air traffic controllers.


Ronald Reagan
All the former guys of CCair are currently laughing their collective asses off.

If Duane-O does not sign this, it's proof positive that negative karma will eventually come back to haunt those who would toss their junior bretheren under the bus.
700UW said:
Woerth is looking out for AL and PI finally, those employees gave concessions too, and US is not giving them any RJs they would rather give them to Mesa and pay them $232,000,000 like US paid them last year for RJ flying.
The RJ's went to PSA not Mesa, but you knew that. -Cape
Wrong LOA does not specify what airline gets what RJs and Mesa is getting CRJ700s to fly as US Airways Express, would you like to see the US Airways Press release?
cavalier said:
Speaking of national unions: Here is a letter from a famous Republican President who some claim was the greatest president who ever lived. Trouble is I lived back then too and remember what this greatest president did for unions, and social security recipients, for example: old people died because of lack of benefits, that is FACT. Yet we send billions over seas to Iraq and all over the world while people at home come last, at least to that republican president they sure did.

Then I come on here and read that unions are not necessary. Belonging to a union with the wrong political party in the White House sure makes it look that way, doesn’t it.

A Reagan Letter to Robert Poli, PATCO (Oct. 20, 1980)

Dear Mr. Poli:

I have been briefed by members of my staff as to the deplorable state of our nation's air traffic control system. They have told me that too few people working unreasonable hours with obsolete equipment has placed the nation's air travellers in unwarranted danger. In an area so clearly related to public safety the Carter administration has failed to act responsibly.

You can rest assured that if I am elected President, I will take whatever steps are necessary to provide our air traffic controllers with the most modern equipment available and to adjust staff levels and work days so that they are commensurate with achieving a maximum degree of public safety....

I pledge to you that my administration will work very closely with you to bring about a spirit of cooperation between the President and the air traffic controllers.


Ronald Reagan
Still can't get over how President Reagan dealt with an ILLEGAL strike huh? Why am I not surprised?
ITRADE said:
Who did that song "Breakin' the law"? Judas Priest or ??
Another song comes to mind also: I fought the law and the law won. Not sure who sang it and it may be a verse in a song but it's still appropriate.
That's Sonny Curtis (who wrote it)

I Fought the Law

I'm breakin' rocks in the hot sun
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

I needed money 'cause I had none
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

I left my baby and I feel so sad
I guess my race is run
But she's the best girl I've ever had
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

Robbin' people with a six-gun
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

I miss my baby and the good fun
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

I left my baby and I feel so sad
I guess my race is run
But she's the best girl I've ever had
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won
BlackOps said:
Our MEC Strikes Again!

Duane Woerth has not and cannot sign LOA 91 because of potential Duty of Fair Representation liability with Allegheny and Piedmont who have contractual rights to Group financed RJs. ALPA and Group are currently leaning hard on the ALG and PDT MEC leadership to sign a LOA that will further erode those rights... but they are not giving in. If ALG and PDT don't sign their lives away (again) then Woerth won't sign it... otherwise he would have already.

If our MEC had included ALG and PDT in negotiating 91, then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. IF our MEC really cared about the APL pilots, then they would have required that all of the MDA instructors be on the seniority list and not obligated to MDA management who have them their jobs (we have 2 year APL pilots as check airmen and instructors). Not one instructor or check airman is on the MDA seniority list.

Hope GE doesn't get more nervous than it already is.
It appears that the old "it's all about me" senior pilot attitude, of some, may have hit a snag here. :shock: