An OPEN LETTER to Jim Little !

tom barry

Aug 20, 2011
Jim Little,

I write this correspondence to you as a Passenger Railroad worker, And a 20 year former employee of American Airlines. Then, as now I'm a member of the Transport Workers Union.
(the individual local(s) (then and now) are Not Important) !

I watched in 2003, as you "sold us out" at American Airlines, And I watch as you've SOLD OUT 5 out of 7 of the contracts in the current AA "struggle".

It is with ENORMOUS pride that I watch the majority of AA AMT's and Stock Clerks, from ALL OVER the AA system RESIST YOUR... " SELL-OUT ". In all fairness I should say.." The SELL-OUT " that YOU, AND American Airlines crafted together.

It appears for the First Time that the tried and true " Divide and Conquer " tactics between the Line AMT's vs the Overhaul Base AMT's (in Oklahoma and Texas), that YOU and American Airlines have become so " USE TO " , is Valid NO MORE !

I can not predict the Final outcome between the AMT's and TWU/AA, But I DO know THIS,
The AA AMT's hold the power in thier hands to STOP YOU Again,..... and Again,... and Again.

Word throughout the TWU Rail Division is, That you have "Seriously" Damaged your position within the Union because of YOUR Failure to get a " 7 for 7 (AA) Yes vote ", AND should You LOSE the AA/AMT's you will NOT survive as President of this Union. When it happens, And It WILL Happen, You only have yourself to Blame.

I will leave you with one closing thought.

Imagine how long you would have survived as president, had you " SOLD-OUT " Local 100( New York City Subway), as many years as you've " SOLD-OUT " the TWU-ATD. Specifically American Airlines TWU workers ?

NOT Long I feel !

In Solidarity,

Tom Barry