Anti-Union Incentive Rumor

I just heard a rumor that in the past, DL employees have been offered various rewards such as cash bonuses and tangible gifts for voting "no" in union organization drives. I find it hard to believe that it would be ethical to buy votes like that. Can anyone shed any light on this rumor?
It's true, I asked a Delta ramp employee in FLL, he told me they had a choice between a desktop or a laptop, with a two year contract to People PC.

Delta went out and gave away PC's with internet connections so the ramp would'nt vote during the TWU organizing drive.
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It's true, I asked a Delta ramp employee in FLL, he told me they had a choice between a desktop or a laptop, with a two year contract to People PC.

Delta went out and gave away PC's with internet connections so the ramp would'nt vote during the TWU organizing drive.
Thank you for validating what I heard. Perhaps I just didn't phrase my original question to Tech2101's liking.
Thank you for validating what I heard.

You are validating a fact using the statement of someone on the internet who you do not know that is relating a statement of an annonymous ramper in FLL made to him/her?

That strikes me as a tad bit unreliable. The law is pretty settled that giving incentives to buy votes in an election is considered interference and is not permitted.

Go to NMB Determinations and search (click on carrier) Delta as your carrier. You can find a reliable source of information to validate your premise there.
You are validating a fact using the statement of someone on the internet who you do not know that is relating a statement of an annonymous ramper in FLL made to him/her?

That strikes me as a tad bit unreliable. The law is pretty settled that giving incentives to buy votes in an election is considered interference and is not permitted.

Go to NMB Determinations and search (click on carrier) Delta as your carrier. You can find a reliable source of information to validate your premise there.
The ramper I talked to gave me this information when I asked him about the last union drive. I'm just relaying the information. He told me this about two months ago, not after this thread was started. This thread just confirmed his information.
It's true, I asked a Delta ramp employee in FLL, he told me they had a choice between a desktop or a laptop, with a two year contract to People PC.

Delta went out and gave away PC's with internet connections so the ramp would'nt vote during the TWU organizing drive.

Thank you for validating what I heard. Perhaps I just didn't phrase my original question to Tech2101's liking.
So, it is of your opinion and this ramp guy from FLL, that DL did the PeoplePC deal for every DL employee so the ramp wouldn't vote in a union? At the time of the deal DL had over 70,000 employees. Do you really thing they gave away free internet and computers to that many people just so ramp wouldn't vote in a union. Come on, even I know it only took a few thousand chicken sandwiches to get a no vote.

Let's be realistic here. Yes the managers may get more money to spend on cookouts when there is a union drive. Most of us can not be bought for a free lunch. I'll eat the food though. Even when there isn't a union drive I see some kind of food come out once every quarter when we do the manager Q&A thing.
I am on the fence about a it having an open mind. Imagine that. But for someone to call Delta on anti union campaigning? Come on. This is from the corruption free UNION side? Talk about living in a glass house! SHEESH! The unions wrote the book on corruption. Maybe you should worry about cleaning your own house before you criticize someone else's housekeeping.
The unions wrote the book on corruption.
Unions did not exist until after corrupt corporations exploited their employees. That is fact.

Corruption exists in some form in many large organizations. You know, bad apples anywhere in life.

Are unions guilty of campaigning? Yes.

They are not able to do it as freely as a company that hands you a paycheck and has you captive at least 40 hours a week.
No one is holding you captive. You are free to leave at anytime and leave that paycheck they're "handing" you. Unlike when I was "required" to maintain union membership to be held captive for 40 hours.
No one is holding you captive. You are free to leave at anytime and leave that paycheck they're "handing" you. Unlike when I was "required" to maintain union membership to be held captive for 40 hours.
What are you talking about???

When a company has you there 40 hours a week and talks to you about how bad unions are, you are going to quit?

Go ahead and say it...

You are lucky to have a job... :lol:

BTW. You do not know me very well. I do not work for an airline any longer.

I am stating facts about union campaigns and how companies deal with them.
Here is some facts that happen here in LAX in 1999 just before the TWU vote took place. I was a TPT if you were with Delta at that time you know what it means. All of us that were part-time at the time had to watch a anti union video. The supervisor made us watch it in groups. I didn't know much back then about union campaigns or what a company can or can't do. I'm assuming that's why NMB made us vote twice that year with the second vote getting less yes votes then the first. I think this time it's going to be very close for the ramp dept 120.
No matter the propaganda I'm sure you're intelligent enough not to be swayed by a video or a cookout....did they pay you for your time? Then consider it free money. No one is making you listen. The bad rap the unions get today are all self generated. I'll say it again...clean up your own house. When workers feel that a union places it's memberships needs FIRST then maybe the pendulem will swing back. Unions are about promoting themselves not you. You're just the cash cow they need to do it. Do I think there is need for a workers union? You bet. Just not any of the current ones available now. I know the executives will only pay you what they can get away with. They all steal from the workers who ARE the company. We're just their minions. Until the WORKERS of America can say no to the current political system and bring about real change, it's all the same no matter what side you're on.
Already happening in Ground Ops... Improvements to trade policies and medical plans have been made on the DL side to better match what we have at NW.

As for management, see below...

No thanks. If the sanctimonious A-holes that have slithered through my station the last couple of weeks are any indicator of the group at large, I'll stick with what we have at NW now.

Sage advice, man...

Unfortunately, too many people take the lazy way out, and swallow what they're spoon fed whole hog...

I am continuously amazed at how many people use the closed loop of DLnet as their sole source of info for, well, everything.

I don't see what's wrong with what I post. Guys at Delta don't take responsibility and research on things that come their way. I am about contracts and if these guys took the time to research they will see no argument in getting something in writing. Sorry if you misunderstood me.
I am on the fence about a it having an open mind.

Really? That ruuns quite counter to what you typed next...

The unions wrote the book on corruption. Maybe you should worry about cleaning your own house before you criticize someone else's housekeeping.

Sounds like your mind is quite made up.

I don't see what's wrong with what I post.

There isn't.

Guys at Delta don't take responsibility and research on things that come their way.

I know. This is what I'm talking about.

I am about contracts and if these guys took the time to research they will see no argument in getting something in writing. Sorry if you misunderstood me.

I didn't misunderstand you at all; in fact I was agreeing with you.
Really? That ruuns quite counter to what you typed next...
Sounds like your mind is quite made up.

And the next post after that one...

Delta has a long history of anti union rhetoric within the hallowed hangar doors.

How about buying an airplane for the company? (The Spirit of Delta comes to mind...yes, I was there)

In a union environment, we called that a paycut. :shock:

Back on topic:

Rumors of DAL paying cash for votes are far-fetched.