Attn: DAVE


Aug 20, 2002
I think it's time for someone to reassure the travelling public that we are a safe carrier for passenger to spend their money with; Passengers are becoming alarmed with everything they are reading. Someone from our Corporate Communications Office needs to address this reservations we are beginnning to have to address questions again reference liquidation, striking, etc..., we are reassuring passengers although someone needs to make a statement from our corporate offices...please don't make it Ben, no matter what he says he always seems to upset everyone.
Res[BR][BR]Yes Dave need to do this.[BR] [BR]UAL did this along with dropping the stupid $100 standby fee. I for one am holding off buying tickets for travel in January until something is resolved.[BR][BR]Phillyguy
As a US1 I would welcome a statement from the US management in CCY.

However, please remember that all of the latest "we are going to shut the doors before Christmas" comments are coming from the unions and not management. It's a "this is what they said" proposition. I would be surprised if management were to comment in any great detail about ongoing negiotiations (details of which the union has foolishly and probably in-accurately leaked to the public).

As a passenger I'm honestly pissed at the way this is all being handled. There is a REAL misunderstanding of just how dire the situation really is. US Airways as we know it today can simply not exist in today's economy. There is very little anyone can do about the revenue side of things right now with business and liesure travel off so much. And honestly, anyone who thinks the revenue stream is going to return to the pre-9/11 and late 1990's levels is insane - it is not going to happen. There is overcapacity in the system (all airlines) and this over-capacity is manned with union contracts that prohibit any airline from reacting to current market situations. It's really quite sad...
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/18/2002 9:06:15 AM geo1004 wrote:
[P][BR]I would be surprised if management were to comment in any great detail about ongoing negiotiations (details of which the union has foolishly and probably in-accurately leaked to the public).[BR][BR][/P]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][BR] [FONT face="Comic Sans MS"]Did you happen to see last Saturdays New York Times?[BR] The good doctor himself saying "What choice do they have, if they don't, we'll chapter [BR] 7 it".Not the unions, the DIP financier himself saying chapter 7.[BR][/FONT][/P]
And it would be stupid of Dave not to...
We must be loosing business left and right over this
Then again I don't think Dave is calling the shots anymore..
On 12/18/2002 9:10:57 AM Sidelined_03 wrote:

On 12/18/2002 9:06:15 AM geo1004 wrote:

I would be surprised if management were to comment in any great detail about ongoing negiotiations (details of which the union has foolishly and probably in-accurately leaked to the public).


[FONT face="Comic Sans MS"]Did you happen to see last Saturdays New York Times?
The good doctor himself saying "What choice do they have, if they don't, we'll chapter
7 it".Not the unions, the DIP financier himself saying chapter 7.

But Sidelined 03,

You forget your place. When management uses the (corporate owned) press to further it's interests, that's capitalism.

When labor gives it a whirl, they're godless communists
After the release of the union info yesturday, the company put out a statement to res stating that they are still in ernest negotiation with unions and any info to the contrary was false. It was the fastest I have ever seen the company reply to anything. And it was the only 'rumor' the company has responded to. Makes you wonder...

Seems to me like someone had a temper tantrum or came out with the 'or else' statements at the wrong time and now they are backpeddling fast.
On 12/18/2002 2:04:12 PM res4us wrote:

After the release of the union info yesturday, the company put out a statement to res stating that they are still in ernest negotiation with unions and any info to the contrary was false. It was the fastest I have ever seen the company reply to anything. And it was the only 'rumor' the company has responded to. Makes you wonder...


Thanks for that little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Let us hope it that it is a realistic future and not another train coming our way.
On 12/18/2002 1:10:28 PM diogenes wrote:



On 12/18/2002 9:10:57 AM Sidelined_03 wrote:



On 12/18/2002 9:06:15 AM geo1004 wrote:

I would be surprised if management were to comment in any great detail about ongoing negiotiations (details of which the union has foolishly and probably in-accurately leaked to the public).



[FONT face="Comic Sans MS"]Did you happen to see last Saturdays New York Times?

The good doctor himself saying "What choice do they have, if they don't, we'll chapter

7 it".Not the unions, the DIP financier himself saying chapter 7.





But Sidelined 03,

You forget your place. When management uses the (corporate owned) press to further it's interests, that's capitalism.

When labor gives it a whirl, they're godless communists !
Or...heh heh...the litanic ( is that a word? ) "disgruntled employees".[img src='']
If unhappy campers are disgruntled, would happy ones be 'gruntled'?

Oh, that's right, the happy campers don't work for or invest in airlines!

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